Why you need to STOP Googling your symptoms

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Very helpful. I feel like google is my ocd.


Been googling so much, I had to google why I shouldn’t be googling 🤦‍♀️ but thank god I found this video I needed to hear this. I didn’t even realize I had HA until recently. I’ve had it since being a child too 😭 so much of life wasted on worrying but still can’t stop it even though I know I put myself through hell at times


I hate having HA. It's ruined large parts of my life when I should have been happy. It's such an awful, awful cycle to get stuck in.


Thanks Cherelle.I agree I was also googling and making myself worse.. I'm slowly worrying less, it comes and goes.
Another thing I find reading about other people's illnesses made me symptomatic.
So I don't read the stories ..
It's normally the cancer ones that seem the worst...


Just found you today and my god did I need it
Google gave me another terminal diagnoses today
A complete wasted day in bed unable to do anything but go down a Google cancer rabbit hole


I love Cherelle because of her transparency, she keeps it real, all while helping us at the same time. I got 2 of my friends subscribed to her. Because she’s GREAT!!!!


It's 3.00 am and I have woken up again with tingling in hands and feet and I have just googled these symptoms and for once I'm glad I did as the first suggestion that came up on utube was your videos about anxiety 😀!
I'm still going through with a health check for guys my age but I honestly feel much less anxious now I have listened to what you have to say. I've experienced anxiety in its different incarnations for longer than I care to remember but never these symptoms before and immediately I jumped to the worst conclusions so thanks again for taking the time to create these videos as I am sure you have benefited many people in similar circumstances.👍


I love your videos man, they’ve helped me out a lot in the past and I’m back here again! I remember watching your videos when I thought I had ALS and now I’m back here when I fear that I got PPA (Primary Progressive Aphasia) at the age of 19! Slurring my words sometimes, trouble comprehending what people say sometimes, and more stuff that just scares me stiff! I know you may not be able to help me with this but all I gotta say is, please continue calming people down who have Health Anxiety!


Thank you for creating video/content like this. As a person with healthy anxiety, it really helps me to calm myself. Thank yoh again and please keep doing videos you really help many people 🙏


I can't resist it I hardly stop myself for a day and then I lose control


You have helped me a lot ma’am. Thank you very much!


Thank you, your videos have really helped my health anxiety


After watching an advert on a treatment on ringing in the ear then I remembered I used to have years back and it went away without even noticing it, and all of sudden it came back from nowhere and skyrocket my anxiety and also has not go away cause I find it difficult not to think about it,


It’s so hard not to google. But I’m going to change thank you so much


Google makes me so nervous and shaky when I look things up . I’m putting more faith in God❤🙏🏽


Most people with severe anxiety also have hypomobility I think is around 70 percent I have myofacial pain which is classed as sycosomatic and metabolic changes very hard good video


my nervousness fades away while im watching this... It helps me with my problem having symptoms of anxiety for almost 3-4x a week 😢


Found ur channel a few weeks ago and it was a god send ..thanks for your knowledge with anxiety


For real love your videos, but something I'm realizing is that i have been spending like 70% of my day watching videos on how to fix myself over the last 5 months instead of just letting my body heal and for God's sake just living. At this point I know everything I need to/can do. I actually have to stop watching and just do. I think you have a wonderful video talking about just committing and slowly that will let us crawl out of the hole and I know you're right.


I am so glad i found your channel, i am totally debilitated by health anxiety i have been like this for over a year and its running my lufe i am not doing anything , going anywhere or seeing anyone just sitting worrying about my health and any symptoms i get ..
Can you help me x
