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Regardless of which special operations career path you aspire to join - whether it’s Navy SEALs, Green Berets, Army Rangers, or Air Force PJs, the process will be long and grueling. To be successful, candidates must be in peak physical shape across the full spectrum of fitness - a big base of strength for carrying heavy loads, muscle mass for injury prevention to enable that strength, muscular endurance to perform repeated bouts of exercise, and endurance to run and ruck for miles.

1 on 1 Coaching:

Video Chapters:
0:00 - Introduction
0:34 - The WEAK candidate
1:44 - The STRONG candidate
2:15 - The benefits of strength
2:53 - Strength standards for SOF
4:40 - Foundational exercises
5:40 - Strength training program for SOF
5:47 - Day 1 (Lower)
6:13 - Day 2 (Upper)
6:41 - Day 3 (Lower)
7:13 - Day 4 (Upper)
7:51 - Conclusion

Whether a candidate is training for BUD/S to become a Navy SEAL, or Air Force Special Warfare Candidate Course to become a Pararescueman (PJ), Combat Controller (CCT), Special Reconnaissance Operator (SR), Special Tactics Officer (STO), Combat Rescue Officer (CRO), or going to selection to become a Marine MARSOC Recon/Raider, or even preparing for the long walk to join CAG/DELTA, they will be surprised to learn these statistics.

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As someone who ran and rucked a lot in the army, please take care of your body. I'm 31 years old and struggle with physical pain all the time. Remember, you still have to be a civilian when you transition out.


Diet: MEAT BASED. Benched 285 in high school for football strength test (at 200 lbs body weight) and back squatted 300lbs for 3 sets of 8-10 reps. I made sure to eat at least a lb of steak or meat each day plus eggs/milk fruit carbs.


I love how you guys actually use statistics and science to set people up for success. Keep this up and I know you guys will blow up without a doubt


Working back up to those marks at 67+ years old


Deadlifts are your friend. Done correctly and sensibly they will make your lower back bullet proof


I agree with this, go IN prepared! Bulk up without too much mass. By the end of the program- they’ll end up loosing a lot of weight anyway.
There’s a whole chart out there to rely on for BUD/S etc… just keep in mind there’s a new emphasis on mobility this will prevent injuries and keeps you in the program longer then gives one highest chance of full completion


DL: 485 x2
Max hold farmer: 510@ 10 secs
Back squat: 465x1
OHP: 185
Bench: 315 x4
Run time: 12:30 2 mile 37:45 5-mile
These are my personal PR’s for the last cycle of training I completed. Still feeling underprepared.


I plan on going into 18x after college, I'm a couple months from my first year. Just today, I decided to start preparing by walking 1 hour with 40 pounds on my back. I won't lie it was challenging, but I'm happy I did it. And I look forward to improving myself even more during the next four years. Thanks for the awesome tips, helps put stuff like this in perspective and makes goal setting easier.


Actually aiming to be part of SOF in 3 years in my country, this helps a lot in knowing what are some good goals to reach to pass selection and further. Really appreciate the fact the video is clear and precise, not diverging in 1000 sections. Great work and thanks again


Your initial assessment of 150 lb / 5'10'' guys being able to smoke the standard PT tests but not perform under weight is completely accurate. I was one of those people. My sweet spot is right around 175 lbs, 11% body fat.

The workout routine seems appropriate, but the # of sets seems low for building muscle on someone lacking. I would just add another set or some accessory exercises that support your performance with the big lifts (bench/squat/dead lift). Love the weighted dips and pullups - I wish I saw more people doing these. Every man should be able to bench at least 225.


Just discovered this channel yesterday. This channel is an incredible resource.


dang, 150# @ 5'10(ish) almost perfectly describes me lol (recently hit 160#). Maybe i've focused calisthenics too much; I do 95 pushups in 2:00 min, 70 sit ups, 25 pullups, and 10 min 1.5 mi. Thanks for the info and routine


This seems to be a very succinct program, with great emphasis on the core compound movements and odd object carries that in my experience and from my view of literature around training is the best to prepare for general fitness. The total amount of sets is 49 working sets per week for the full body, which on a volume perspective is very manageable for recovering and for session fatigue. I've been programming for myself in a similar manner just for general physical fitness in functional movements and found a total set number of between 70-100 to be manageable and productive of good results, of course not all movements compound, approx 2/3 compound movements. Ensure adequate to additional calories if this is your approach, these sets and volumes are enormous consumers of energy so I'd recommend remaining in a positive caloric surplus for the duration of a program like this, most likely you'll gain muscle mass and possibly lose fat for only a small net gain, and you should be able to shed some extra fat through increasing your general energy consumption levels in the time after this program in order to get to a slightly lower body weight but the advantage of the strength gained should be emphasised over the minor increase in fat during a strength and conditioning cycle such as this. Cool video, hope it goes to serve servicemen and women well.


I used to be a mega meat head, then I realized my weaknesses. I might be able to bench a lot and run fast, but my legs and back weren’t very strong. I’m also understanding how to avoid injury and optimize performance because of things like this. Thank you. Also, went from 150, to about 170 during this time. 5’8


Don't forget about your 1RM curl. You don't get the girls without the curls. Nah, but seriously. If you focus on the lifts that they stated you will be fine. With all lifts, runs, rucks, etc, make sure you learn good form to prevent injury. If you already have good form with decent weight throw in some volume with a little less weight and work on mobility for those movements. Turkish get ups are awesome. It simulates when you have to get up after falling down a hill with a ruck on. Listen to your entire body. Do your feet/ankles hurt? Find out why. Are your shoulders tightening up during your run? Find out why. There are hundreds of professional runners, lifters, etc. who do free youtube videos on all of the problems. It's great to be learning now a days. Not even 15yrs ago these resources were not nearly as accessible. Good luck to those who wish to enlist. Rah.


using this to train for my fire fighter CPAT, can crush minimum requirements but moving hard for reccomended+


Day 1 carido 2. Cardio 3. Full body lift 4. Rest 5. Impulse 6. Cardio 7. Cardio


If you're going to SFAS then get as big and strong as possible while being able to pass the pt test and gates.


Weighted lunges and long runs with weight on your bag. If you want it that bad you will pass, it’s all in your head.


Too old for special forces but I do want to get into that type of shape though. Gained 6 pounds since I broke my collarbone.
