What Is The Starting Strength Novice Progression ?

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Starting Strength Coach Grant Broggi breaks down the book Starting Strength's Novice Linear Progression.

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This is the best summation of Starting Strength I've ever seen.


This was how I got into powerlifting. After I hit a plateau I found working some accessory lifts got me through them and you keep building.


When something so effective can be explained so simply in three minutes, the backstory is that it’s been refined like hell for a very long time.

Kudos to these guys for sticking to it.


If you can't do Power Cleans, do Deadlifts at 60-80% of the weight. This is what Rip recommends for people who can't power clean. I found out about this three months into my program, and using a light deadlift on light pull day makes heavy deadlift day easier! It really is better than rows for light pull day.


1:50 If the weight is going up, I now have proof that I’m getting stronger, and it’s adding stress each session to make me stronger for the next session. Each workout is applying a stress for the next one.
2:00 You don’t get stronger from working out in the gym, you get stronger from _recovering_ from what you did in the gym.
3:25 The stronger you get, the more variation that’s required. But variation is *not* what you want. If every time you set foot into the gym you put more weight on the bar, you’re getting stronger each session. You want facts and proof that you’ve lifted more weight.


I just came back from the gym. On 1st of June 2022. I went to the gym for the first time and measured my 1RM for:
Squat 90kg, Bench 60kg, Row 62.5kg, Dead 90kg conv. OH 40kg, Curl 30kg.
About 3 weeks later (skipped one week of training, so 2.) today, on June 24th, I measured again and: Squat 100 (+10), Bench 70 (+10), Row 75 (+12.5), Dead 125 !trapbar! (+35), OH 52.5 (+12.5), Curl 45 (+15)
Bodyweight from 69kg to 72kg.


Is there a video on warm up sets? Thanks!


Don't lose sight of the *novice* part of this. I see so many lamebrain Youtubers and commentors saying "well this stopped working after I did it for a year so I gave up on SS and started this-or-that;" and then they start trashing Starting Strength as if the novice progression is the only thing they do.
Dude, it's a NOVICE PROGRAM. If you've been doing it for a year+ and are no longer making progress, you need to pick up a *dictionary* before you pick up another workout program. No joke, this particular program will only get you so far before you have to get into more advanced stuff. I'm not a SS or Rippetoe fanatic or whatever, but I call a spade a spade and I see a lot of morons who are unfairly trashing SS without actually thinking before they speak. SS has more than just the novice workouts ya smack tards.


If you cant do power cleans because you have trouble racking the bar on your shoulders, rip recommends the power snatch. Again to be clear, Rip clearly states do not replace power cleans with rows.


I need trt.. lol 37yr 6’ 200lb almost failed last rep on squat 135x3x5 and I did 135 last workout too. Eating enough gained 30lbs in last 6 months


Not to bash SS or the people that have used it effectively, but for me personally, doing squats and deadlifts on the same day was a killer. Used GreySkull LP and led with the heaviest lifts first. Squats & deadlifts, THEN the upper body lifts. Added an accessory to each session about 3 months in and ran it for about 9 months before having to cycle.


Wanted to ask about the light DL variant, as I'd rather get it from the source instead of forums. For light DL day, it's just 1 set of 5 with 70-80% of your preious dl? The point is to recoup enough while getting a CNS/technique hit on the dl right?


Romanian Deadlifts ok instead of cleans and Rows for a supplemental lift day. Hate cleans and rows.


So you're listing the reps first, from left to right, then the sets? isn't everyone else doing it the other way round?


I’m gonna do weighted chin ups three sets of of five adding 2.5 pounds see how strong I can get not doing the power
Cleans don’t care about them So I’m doing chin ups, Monday and Friday and deadlifts on Wednesdays i’m also doing five sets of five on the bench and the press and only add 2.5 pounds per workout .


I currently have access to dumbbells. Is the NLP not worth as a starting point?


I was doing "StrongLifts" for several months, but I always felt bothered by how I had skipped "Starting Strength";
I am a very progressive person, and I like to start from the beginning without skipping anything, so I will probably start doing this program next week.


usually from the start of the program, what percentage did you use? like 3x5 @60%?


Coming off of years of calisthenics would you recommend that I get some muscle endurance with weights before starting in with strength, or start with this program but less weight?


SS had me start at weights significantly below what I was capable of. If they started me at 225 on a squat for 3 sets of 5, and I hit 3 sets of 5 at 235 on my next session, but was really capable of 3 sets @ 275... did I really get stronger by doing the 3 sets at 235#? Note - I had 20+ years of weight training experience, but several years of inactivity prior to enrolling at a SS gym. My squat and deadlift form was improved by SS coaching, but I already had a decent base from which to begin
