Autophagy Fasting: How Long Do You Need To Fast To Reach Autophagy?

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In this video "Autophagy Fasting: How Long Do You Need To Fast To Reach Autophagy?" I will discuss about autophagy during fasting. I will talk about the following topics:

What is autophagy?
Autophagy (“self-eating”) is a detox process your body undergoes to clean out damaged cells and………..

What Does autophagy do for the body?
Helps recycle nutrients, removes old protein cells or cellular waist, get rid of………….

What triggers autophagy?
Fasting and………….

What Stops autophagy?
Anything that increases insulin levels will shut off autophagy such as carbs also mTOR a protein that will sense for nutrients in the body and if detected it will…………..

How long do you need to fast to start autophagy?
This depends on the person where there diet was to begin with. The more glycogen storage you have in the body the longer it will…………

CAVEAT: This content is strictly the opinion of Dr. LeGrand and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. LeGrand nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

#Autophagy #AutophagyFasting #FastingTips
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I'm fasting to reduce the swelling of my joints. Autophagy is amazing for my arthritis.


14 days of IF and 40 hours into my first 48 hour fast. I follow a keto diet when I do eat. I have'nt had this much energy in years. I have lost 22pounds and my muscles recover a lot faster after training. This is my lifestyle now and I will never go back to any other. Thank you very much for the videos it has helped me a lot.


My fasting journey has evolved to 44/4 Alternate Day Fasting (ADF).
44 hours straight fasting, 4 hours feeding.
Treadmill cardio on fast days.
Resistance training on feeding days.
(A few hours before ending the fast.)
You won’t crave bad food or alcohol.
Mental focus too!
And the pounds MELT off incrementally on a daily basis.
I’m only 9 lbs. away from my target weight & waist numbers.
You don’t hear much about fasting, because nobody makes any money off of you eating less!
Truly a FREE, DIY weight-control lifestyle!


Ancient Eastern philosophies teach how fasting can make someone live incredibly long since it slows down the aging process.


I’m on my 5th day of my soft dry fast. Have found it easier this time as my longest has been 3 days, do feel weak now! Will break it tomorrow morning. The autophagy is the thing that has got me going this long.


Was planning to water fast for 7 days.

Energy levels were going down from day 1 till day 5 and then suddenly on day 6 felt like a superhuman. On day 7 felt full of energy, super excited, light and fast. Cognitive function boost. Mood boost. Smoker's dry cough, sneezing and morning sinusitis were gone by day 7.

So I decided to extend my fasting to 2 weeks. I did a 24-hour fast quite a few times before, 3-4 times a 72-hour one. And mostly I'm on IF 20/4 (OMAD/2MAD). So I was sorta well prepared and had a very light vegetarian diet for a week before I decided to go for an extended one.

So far feeling great (today is Day 10). Regenerating my body, drinking only water and when I feel hungry, sometimes I have a cup of green tea. Also I have my regular cardio walks - 9-10km/ 2-3.5 hours a day. Wouldn't dare to consume ANYTHING that might interrupt this amazing transformation : ) Once I tried adding lemon and ginger to my water. The next day I felt an unpleasant bitter taste on my tongue. Decided I can go on without it XD


I am suffering from brain tumour..hope autofredgy gona help me ..will go for m.r.i after 30 days ..will share here my results..


Because Dr LeGrand respond and interact with his subscribers and those in comment section, I will subscribe to his channel, keep it up Dr


I've been fasting 6 weeks I've loss 16 pounds but most of all I feel amazing I usually fast 20 hours a day 4 hour eating window I'm fasting 26 hours know 4 days a week I look so different then when I started


Get your blood glucose under 70 mg / dl. That's when you're hypoglycemic. Insulin is shut off and glucagon is activated. After that, the longer you stretch your prolonged fast, then the stonger autophagy is. Good luck.


What I want to know is how long do you have to STAY in autophagy once you get there to do any good? 1 hour? 12 hours? I've never heard the answer to this.


I do 24-48+hr. Fast.
A great way to quickly enter Atophagy, is to do a Baking Soda or Sea Salt Flush at the beginning of your Fast, to clear out any fecal matter that would be utilized by your body as a fuel source.
I do a minimum 64iz hot water w/ 2 tablespoons Baking Soda ratio.
If my colon hasn't completely cleared out all 'Brown stuff', I do another Flush until the fluid excreted is light yellow in color.
Therefore I know my colon has completely cleared of all fecal matter, and atophagy can begin.
I drink lemon water and geen tea throughout the Fast to remain hydrated.
Pinch of Sea Salt for energy.
Dry Fast if you need deeper healing.


I have been on a 20 and 4 intermittent fasting Carnivore diet for 6 months and have lost 87lbs. Just recently have been researching autophagy and I am quite amazed at this natural process. I started a 3 day fast today which will be my longest fast so far. So do you think autophagy was what helped mankind survive over so many thousands of years? Probably was quite normal for humans to go several days without food then feast on a fresh kill. I hope autophagy can help solve so many illnesses and disease. Every physician needs to be preaching this to their patients to help them reverse illness. Thank you for this video, very helpful.


Best YouTube channel about fasting. Thank you!!


So basically most people never reach autophagy because they are always eating


I did OMAD for one month and lost 23lbs, then weight loss became slower, so I started ADF, fasting for 40 hours, Eating for max of 8 hours. I have a target of loosing 100lbs in 6months with this plan, fingers crossed


I have to be honest and this guy is a legit cool operator and humble beyond words unlike myself !


Autophagy begins when liver glycogen is depleted, around 12-16 hours into a fast. YOU’RE WELCOME!!! Smh


So, in essence, fast for about 48 hours to reach autophagy. And stay away from carbs because carbs trigger insulin release, and insulin shuts off autophagy. Thanks!


Answer : Optimal levels reached around the 18th hour. Not eating or drinking anything that could raise Insulin levels for 12 hours opens up the doors of cells to start letting things go. At around hour 14 the benefits start to happen but only if this is done DAILY. Fasting for 16 hours is even better, the cells are wide open but around hour 18 is when the benefits are maximized. The cell doors are wide open flushing everything from viral infection to inflammation and toxic substances out of the body. Doing this daily has a lot more benefits than just doing it once a week, because not letting your body heal for 6 days a week and then trying to cure something within 18 hours just isn't possible. This is why OMAD is so powerful ( One Meal A Day ). Once your brain adjusts to the new eating habit (3 months or 8 months into it) it will be easier to skip an entire day of eating and fast for 24 hours or longer. Make sure to consume lots of raw cruciferous vegetables during your eating window so the liver has a way of cleansing the body of toxic hormones such as estradiol (breast-and prostate cancer hormone)
