3 easy self-love exercises (highly effective)

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Thanks to some much-appreciated viewer feedback, here are 3 easy self-love exercises for you to try out today. Enjoy!

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XO, Andrea
Law of Attraction Education

Self love exercises | Self-love techniques | how to develop self love
| How to improve self image | building self esteem activities | How to boost self esteem and confidence | How to practice self love and acceptance | self-love exercise | self love tips
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Thanks for watching!

XOXO, Andrea


I always ask myself this question: HALT: am I H=hungry, A=angry, L=lonely &/or T=tired. Someone shared this with me years ago. I hope this helps someone. Cheers 😉❤️


1. Treat your ego like a child
2. Having choices choose the one which is most close to self love
3. Ask yourself why am i lovable


Made a few mistakes at work. Now I'm on my 15min break trying to change my vibration. Positive vibes needed.


I am worthy of love, because God loves me.


"What's the healthiest and most self loving choice?"


Ego : I need you papa
Spirit : Here I'm. My child
Going for healthiest choice
I'm worthy of love beacuse I am love 😍


Please do more self love tips videos. I really need that. Also on how to attract love and secure relationships. Thank you.


I am worthy of loving myself😊😊❤Thank you Dear...🎉😂


This is helpful because other videos just tell us that we need self love but they never offer techniques as to how to apply it on a daily basis.


The critical voice inside went from a 9.5 to a 5. Still a work in progress. Thank you. Wonderful video ❣️ Cheers 😉


the first answer that comes to my mind while answering the question "why am I lovable"? is just

"because I am a creation of God and I have a divine guru soul inside of me"
then second comes, my wordly mortal acquired attributes: a good person etc...
but the first answer truly creates a shift, that even "bad people" are inherently also worthy of love, when we operate from an activated heart portal


I really enjoy this video. Thank you Andrea!
1. treat ego like a baby 2. which option is healthiest and most self loving for me 3 how/why am i worthy of love.


Maybe a 2. Also I love that- of the options available what is the most self loving choice to make! So simple yet profound


that first tip sounds a lot like inner child work which i resonate with a lot. love this video, even if i struggle to answer the third question at all. thank you <3


Love this video! Helpful tips. Thanks! Rating 4-5


I exercised, prayed, meditated and stay in a positive solution. And I ended up here. I do love myself. I'm kind, caring and thoughtful. Love to you all here. Hope you find that bliss n peace too. 🌹
I'd rate my baby ego a 8 in the morning, upon Awakening.


Thank you I found this helpful. I'm hoping you can do a video on forgiving self, forgiving past actions. For myself as well as a young black gentleman in the heart of Baltimore City Maryland. Yes where the wire was filmed. I see him on my commute some days really struggling, working hard. He is working hard to go straight and not repeat his past and I see the negative self talk feeding on them from time to time. And it reminds me of when I do it to myself. He's got a lot of guts and I have thanked him for that cuz it is a reminder to me to just don't give up. Thank you


13/10. I hate myself with a passion. I feel like I’m a burden because I exist. I’ve been like this since I was 12. I’m trying to learn to self love but I have never thought I was worthy of love. I don’t know where or how to start… 😢


Ok so i know this is from a year ago but i just found it a few days ago & I've been on the conscious LOA journey for a year+). I just had to comment about the 3rd tip. Oh wow. This has been amazing. I started simple with the "why am I worthy of love?" and found myself showered in hugs from my four year old on the following days and encouraged, I expanded my asking to what's now turned into an inspired nightly rampage of "Why am I...so loved, so cherished, so appreciated, so valued, etc." And the answers are practically being tossed at my head every day. My whole family (3 kids and husband) crushed me in a group hug today (1st time in a long time). I've expanded my rampage even more to include my husband and kids ("Why is my husband so and "How is it that we live in such luxury"...etc)

I'm going crazy with it! It's getting out of control! ...It's great fun. 😊 We'll see if the answers keep bouncing back. It's like a game. And I feel so alive in these rampages. I feel the truth in the questions and sometimes find myself in tears of gratitude, just thanking. ...what the!
