Amanda the Adventurer 2 - The Story Explained

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Amanda the Adventurer 2 The Story Explained. Amanda the Adventurer 2 continues on from the sinister yet mysterious story found in the previous game. In this video we continue Riley's adventure as we join a mysterious masked woman and make our way to the Kensdale library where Riley's late Aunt Kate worked. Here we find more haunted Amanda tapes and unravel the further mystery of the shady Hameln Company. This is the story of Amanda the Adventurer 2 explained.

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From going to a very tiny indie game for a competition to a full on game with a sequel and major youtubers playing it. Hats off to you developer.


I’m sorry but the “look at this employees mysterious appearance… he has a bald head” sent me into a fit of laughter


Amanda's voice actress is amazing. "No, they're trying!" during the picture books is so heart-breaking to hear. It reminds you that she's still just a sad little girl.


I like how it's more obvious Wooly is supposed to act as Amanda's jailer. This game does a good job of raising enough questions and intrigue to make the story compelling without feeling like it's just theory baiting like many other mascot horror games


“A wolf in sheep’s clothing.” Never the prisoner but a jailer.


Your "Wooly is one of the kids trapped" theory is pretty good, but I have another one. I think (and Ryetoast pointed out) that Wooly is probably an employee at Hameln. In the "We can fix it" tape, Wooly looks up, sits on the bench and says "I can't handle this anymore!", which implies someone can put him inside the tapes and pull him out of them. That would also explain why Amanda/Rebecca doesn't like him. She knows he's a Hameln employee


47:15 I refuse to believe that Sam eventually caved and agreed to their request.
I believe that they went along with what they had already recorded and EDITED the tape to show Rebecca.
Here's what the Hameln's representative says:
"Mr. Colton isn't exactly... cooperative... today, but I got something. I'll bring over the tape for *EDITING* ."


Wolly was held at gunpoint by a chicken with a gun to say something during the sequel teaser, so while he probably does work for Hameln and probably isn’t completely innocent, I don’t think he is fully willing to do this as well. He is probably just as much of a pawn as Amanda is.


I find it interesting how when someone at Hameln is talking about how they believe every child has a creative light within, Amanda and the possum appear to be freaking out as they sink, but Wooly doesn't react at all. Anyways, great video! Keep up the hard work.


47:19 I don’t think Sam ever caved. The dialogue near the end sounds like they worked with what they had to trick Rebecca into thinking he gave his consent.
[Representative: “This is gonna take some time. Mr. Colton isn't exactly... cooperative... today, but I got something. I'll bring over the tape for editing."
Voice on Radio: "And you've recorded all proceedings?"
Representative: "Still running.”]
It sounds like they doctored a fake version of the message to trick her based on what they had, which of course would have fooled Rebecca considering she’s just a kid. His refusal to cooperate would also explain his disappearance from the public as he obviously would have spilled his guts about Hamlin


Nothing will be more scary than "Won't you help the lonely kitty?" But the nightmare scene comes to close.


I'm 100% definite that wooly is someone who was placed in the tapes to watch over Amanda to ensure her complacency.
If he wasn't there, Amanda would've let her episodes go into an irredeemable direction that could actually *scare* the children watching the show from sitting through the episodes.
Wooly is constantly doing whatever he can to guide Amanda to do whatever hameln wants them too
Personally I believe it's either Sam who did it to be with Rebecca or, most probably, a hameln employee there to keep Amanda fulfilling hamelns plans.
Wooly definitely is NOT a child.
An abducted child wouldn't be trying to stay in the tapes. Wooly is trying to KEEP Amanda in the tapes and STAY there himself.
That's a LOYALIST. It also explains WHY Amanda's demon is petrified of woolys
He's more powerful than Amanda. But if he behaved that way, no one would want to watch the show.
Wooly is definitely NOT an innocent victim. She hates him because he's really a monster behind the scenes.


4:30 I love how the VHS effect vanishes when she says "I'm out there. Somewhere."


Joanne Demise is so horrifying man. The lore just keeps getting better and better. Wonderful job of carrying the mystique. Can’t wait for the next chapter. You always body these 🔥


A HOUR LONG?! This might be the first hour long horror games explained video you have ever made.


There is two Woolys.

The cute character. Innocent.
And the Guard Wooly in the tv world and tapes.

Guard Wooly is no child. He is evil.
He is the Jailer. A Guard who is meant to keep Amanda on script.
He is not the cute librery mascot.

He has to keep the show on script to lure children in.
The more Amanda fights it the more it comes apart.


I think I remember seeing someone say something about the Butcher that made sense to me. He's a surgeon, the one who performed the operation that tied Rebecca to the tape(s) and became Amanda, and was one of the last hideous faces she saw before everything changed. One thing that bothers me though is Wooly's demon that emerged. If Amanda's emotions going out of control was the reason for the demon appearing (or to protect her and the tapes if what 'she' at the end said was to be believed), what happened exactly that caused Wooly's to appear, since they do have some influence over one another? Hopefully there will be some explanations in the next game.


Small detail I noticed: the company is called hameln, their mascot is a mouse/rat, and their slogan is “follow us to fun”

There is a German city called hameln where the fairy tale of the pied piper originated. He would mind control the rats of the town to follow him and save the residents from disease. If residents didn’t pay him for their services, he would send the rats back to them.

Here, the company uses Amanda the adventurer to mind control the children to follow the company to them to the studio (or wherever they need them to go)


amanda really stands out from other horror games, it just seems to be in its lane creating its story, and i love that about it. awesome video!


The foreshadowing of the name hamelin is phenomenonal, as its the same name as the town in the story of the pied piper, in which a man leads away the rats from the town of hamelin. But after the towns people refused to pay him, he lead the children away and drowned them, symbolizing what hamelin is doing to children who watch the show
