Debunking Former Catholic Fred Turek (Cross Examined on Catholics)

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Debunking Former Catholic Fred Turek (Cross Examined on Catholics). In this video, we debunk some of Fred Turek's Cross exmanied videos on the Catholic Church and debunk their misunderstandings.

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Every time I hear “former Catholic, ” I think “poorly catechized.”


Hey! I'm the guy from the first video that was talking to Frank about biblical inspiration!

It was a very interesting conversation and I actually did a pretty long breakdown of it on my channel. Frank got a lot of pretty easy things wrong in that video, but since then he seems to have come around to some extent on at least some of the points. I know a lot of people here have mentioned how he spoke with Jimmy Akin recently and, to me, it was pretty clear in that video that Frank sees a bit more depth to the Catholic faith than he may have been aware of before.

Also, very exciting to see myself appearing on Catholic YouTube channels! Absolutely a bizarre feeling but I'm thankful for your kind words toward my performance in the conversation and for you featuring the clip in your video. God bless you and your ministry!


it's so tiring the amount of disingenuous straw men fallacies "apologists" make when they say something about the CC. That was the MAJOR thing that popped out when i researched the CC and ended up converting ... every single preacher and teacher was giving their own view of what the CC teaches, and not telling what the CC actually teaches from its own source material. It just drove me insane


He recently had a show including Jimmy Akin. I think he is open . Let’s pray for him.


I used to listen to Frank Turek and Sean McDowell. Well they seem to be a good guys, but in the end, but the way they're teaching are purely base on His-story, not facts..


Protestants who write about this will invariably mention St. Jerome and his opposition, ( which also Is False)and conveniently omit the support of St. Augustine. I must point out here that Church Father's writings are not infallible statements, and their arguments are merely reflections of their own private opinions. When some say St. Jerome was against the inclusion of the seven books, they are merely showing his personal opinion of them. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion. However, A PERSONS PRIVATE OPINION DOES NOT CHANGE THE TRUTH AT ALL. There are always three sides to every story, this side, that side, and the side of truth. Whether Jerome's position, or Augustine's position was the correct position, had to be settled by a third party, and that third party was the Catholic Church.😜😜


Most of them were not properly catechized so they didn’t understand it at all.

“I grew up Catholic” means nothing in apologetics.


Regarding intercession:
Whether we are alive on earth or alive in Christ in heaven we are all members of One Body.
The church is alive!!
So of course we can intercede as members of that one body, in Christ.


The formation of the canon truly illustrates the importance of church councils (in addition to the charism of infallibility they possess) in formulating correct doctrine and practice. Were this not the case, we would simply have no Bible.


Some people think that just because they had been Catholic for their whole life, they became church fathers and are qualified to interpret the Bible and Traditions correctly😂.


When I started questioning how the canon was compiled, that's when things got complicated for me. If I asked this question to a Protestant, they would say, "God said that they were inspired, so they were inspired." It felt like circular reasoning to me.

Protestantism is, at the end of the day, is built on truth relativism


"Volcanic" is a good term to use for former Catholics who are now very anti-Catholic. God bless you in your work.


Title says Fred, not Frank.
Sorry don't mean to be pedantic.


I saw this interview with Frank before.

I knew when I heard the well constructed question that he couldn't admit the books of the bible were authoritative.

He tried to bluff and made a cathostrophic blunder by declaring that the seven books were "old testament".

He lost any standing he may have had with this reply.


“Former catholic” translation “I like the do whatever you feel like nature of Protestantism”


Oh Mr Turek!!! I am astonished at your cheap (& just plain wrong) abuse of scripture to attack Catholics on "One Mediator".
ONE MEDIATOR? Firstly Mr Turek it's not "1 Peter" but "1 Timothy" (2:5). But only 4 verses before Paul tells us there is only ONE (Unique God/Man) Mediator he says (1 Timothy 2:1-4) _"First of all, then, _*_I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, _*_ for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way. This is good, and pleasing to God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth"._
"INTERCESSION" IS MEDIATION. Clearly, then, intercessory prayers offered by Christians on behalf of others is something _"good and pleasing to God, "_ *not* something infringing on Christ’s unique role as God/Man mediator.
Why would this surprise us? Christ is unique in many ways; but He asks us to IMITATE HIM IN ALL THINGS. So, in your denomination, people don't don't ask others to pray for them? If they do, they are acting in the same way we ask our mother Mary to act.
Now does Mr Turek not know scripture at all? I think he does; but how can he indulge in such blatant lifting of one verse (to exploit it against Catholics) when its preceding verse confirms Catholic doctrine & practice. Shame on you.


The example of the thief on the Cross is a VERY poor example which is quite shocking how poor it is.
The thief was on death's door therefore had no time to do any works of salvation. All he had was faith which came at the last moment of his life. The Mercy of Christ is demonstrated in this situation.


Thank you, Brother Bryan Mercier, and all the amazing souls at @Catholic_Truth for this very important and informative content.

God bless you and your ministry.

Greetings from the South Pacific - Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬📌


Turek is unfortunately a horrible apologist for Christianity.


If he takes Jerome infallible then he must accept the books which Jerome translated and are not part of protestant list of books.
