Catholic Church and Sexual Abuse (The REAL truth about Catholic Scandals)

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Video description: Many people unfortunately talk about the catholic priest sexual abuse issue without knowing anything about it. They think the catholic priest sexual abuse scandal happens a lot, is a huge problem, and was covered up by the pope, but as we will see, nothing could be further from the truth....
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Want to open up my comment by saying I am Catholic. I really do not appreciate your minimization of the gravity and scope of this systemic abuse problem, as Catholics all that denying the real facts of the situation does is make us look like we are complicit or in denial about the situation. So first of all, idk where you got the 1%, the number is closer to 4% of all priests molested children (that we know of) and anyway 1% of 44, 000 is STILL a whopping 440 actively pedophilic priests with direct access to young children. Just ONE actively pedophilic priest is already too many. There is also the fact that most of these priests did not offend only once. Many of these priests offended in the tens of times across multiple parishes as they were shuffled around. Which brings us to the real issue of the matter. Pope Francis himself has publicly stated multiple times that the issue is a systemic one present in the highest levels of the Vatican. Pope Francis wants to actively change things for the better but the group of old cardinals who have been allowing and covering up this systemic abuse for decades will not let him and say he is being too radical. This IS a MASSIVE issue and the truth of the matter is that it is possible that abuse could still be occurring to this day without our knowledge. The Catholic church has been molesting young children for CENTURIES (there is documentation within the church itself dating back centuries calling for cardinals and bishops to stop fooling around with young boys so much) and so acting like this problem is over because these atrocities were finally brought to light and the church got a slap on the wrist is naive at best. We need to hold our church accountable if we ever want to be able to be properly proud of it. Minimizing the amount of lives that have been directly ruined by the Catholic church only continues to hurt survivors by making them feel invalid or like they are being irrational for “complaining” that their lives and faiths were obliterated by men that they though represented holiness and it truly sickens me to see people doing this. We need to practice REAL love and compassion which means holding the church accountable and making serious changes, NOT excusing this scandal as “over blown” or “not as serious as you think”


Yeah, but there's a lot of low-balling of figures and those are only the reported cases. There are still many that are covered up. It's not a good response to just cast aside the entire church and all its people as evil, but we HAVE to do better.


I believe it still happening . The children are ashamed and embarrassed to speak up . Some priest gain trust from the parents and then take advantage of the children


Celibacy has no effect on sexual abuse. For one, you don’t turn into a gay pedophile when you don’t have sex. A lot people don’t have sex for a long time because they are unable to find viable sexual partners. They don’t turn into molesters, pedophiles and rapists.
And what’s more, those priests can have sex with grown women/people if they desire, and a lot of them do. Some priests go to prostitutes. Sure, it’s not what they halve signed for, but it’s not like the church will stop or punish them from/for what they are doing in their free time with consenting adults. And if the word goes out, it is still much less of an issue than molesting underaged boys (or girls).


To leave the Catholic Church because of the scandals is like saying “ I’m not a follower of Christ anymore because Judas was part of the Disciples”


Pennsylvania. Over 300 priest. Over 1000 sexual abuse victims. This is just a drop in the bucket.


Finally someone that talks about it. We as catholics can't ignore this issue and should be informed


I do agree that the situation is very different today and the Church has done a lot to improve. Yet I'm uncomfortable with minimizing the scale of the crisis or saying it's all in the past. New revelations and accusations about past abuse continue to come out, so I don't know that we've uncovered the full scope yet. Even if so, a 1 out of 100 chance that I any priest was an abuser is nothing to brag about! As for the present, I recently saw some stats that showed abuse reports increasing in recent years after many years of decline. (I don't remember the source at the moment so hopefully I'm remembering correctly). Hopefully this was an anomaly and they'll go back down again, but we can't get complacent!


In the memorable words of particular sex abuse victims…..”The Roman Church only admits what they can no longer deny.” ….Thank God for the Spotlight team


Hey, as a protestant, I love what you are doing, because the hate to the catholic church reflects onto protestants oftentimes. I love what you are doing it means a lot. However, I do have one disagreement, I think pedophilia can be cured, now what I mean by that, is even someone with pedophilic desires can suppress them and purge them from their thoughts. Now this doesn't happen often, but I have seen it happen, and what it requires is one devoting oneself to Christ and his teaching, studying the scriptures, and talking with others. I think it can be stopped, its just very difficult/impossible without true christian discipleship and obedience.


I cannot believe you’re trying to minimize and deflect the sins of many of the priests in the Catholic Church. It’s disgusting to hear you try to defend and point the finger at others. It doesn’t make it any better, and in fact, I guarantee the number of disgusting pedo priests is much higher because not everybody comes forward. It happened to me. My parents decided not to say anything, God knows why, I wish they would have because I’m sure that priest went on and abused more children. Shame on him and shame on my parents. I will not step foot in a Catholic Church ever again, especially after watching this video. It’s disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself.


Not to mention the Catholic Church isn’t even the religious group with the most sexual abuse scandals.


Please, don't yell so much. It's so hard to listen to someone yelling all the time.


Again . . . yelling. Your points would be made much better without the yelling.


Sex abuse cases also happen in protestant churches. Read Hillsong Church William Francis "Frank" Houston.


So they stopped 20 years ago, but more than likely have donde that for hundreds, if not thousands of year...


This is good to hear, but there are so many documentaries and movies about this which perpetuate the reputation of the Catholic Church sadly. This message gets lost


When Jesus comes back your church is in trouble. 1% percent my butt. This video isn't aging well.


Yelling isnt helping your cause nor is deflecting the percentages of abuse somewhere else. There is no room for pedophiles anywhere in this world (zero tolerance) and that includes any church or faith.


So you're giving the Catholic church a free pass?
