Tommy McMurtry of the New IFB Tears up Limited Atonement Part 2

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Part two answering Tommy McMurtry's attack on the Reformed doctrine of Limited Atonement. Tommy defines the Calvinistic doctrine of Limited Atonement by quoting Wikipedia, and Reprobation by quoting an unnamed Calvinist, rather than going to a Calvinistic source. His accusation that Calvinists place the teachings of men above the Word of God is confronted and an apology demanded for false accusation.

We begin to answer the doctrinal issues from Tommy McMurtry's video on Limited Atonement, focusing on proof texts - do they really disprove Limited Atonement?


Entire Series Tearing Up the Tulip Response:

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Although Mr. McMurtry ought to apologize for making false accusations, I would be very surprised if he did. I cannot think of a single instance where any New IFB leader has ever apologized for anything wrong they have done, and that includes apologizing for teaching false doctrines such as modalism which they taught and later condemned those who teach it. They just simply pretend any wrong they did never happened and wait for people to forget about it. I believe this is keeping with their doctrine of no repentance for sin. Scripture teaches us that we are to respect our elders. Not just the office of elder, but those older than ourselves. I don't believe that respect should end when a person dies. Scripture also teaches that those who are older in the faith are to teach those who are younger, both physically younger, and also younger in the faith. Listening to the teaching of our spiritual elders, even those from centuries ago is not only prudent and beneficial, but also biblical. However, as with many biblical practices and beliefs, the New IFB, including Mr. McMurtry, condemns them.


Nah, I think that the New IFB does in fact have a history; I mean, was it not the founder of the movement who first asked "Indeed, has God said..."


still waiting for your answer to my question,
did Jesus come for the lost
did Jesus come for the ungodly
did Jesus come for the unjust ?
very easy questions .
