Hidden Secrets of Zion's Temple - Pastor Tommy McMurtry

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Pastor Adam Fannin & Pastor Tommy McMurtry of the Liberty Baptist Church in Rock Falls, IL
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You guys have really been a blessing, first time I've heard these things spoken by men since the Lord has worked them in my heart in the last 2 years!!!


All Israel shall be saved = all saved by Jesus Christ & written in the book of life = Israel !!
Not some counterfeit state in the middle east made by evil kabbalists !!


All one has to know that the Wailing wall is not a part of Solomon's temple is simply because it is still standing. This fact alone tells us it is not part of the temple. Why? Because Jesus said not one stone will be left upon another in that temple. So either you believe the lie you are being told about the wailing wall and therefore make Jesus into a liar, or you believe what Jesus said and know this is not part of the temple. I chose to believe what Jesus said.


I must compliment you two brothers about your presentation. So many times there is one talking over the other and injecting confusion during a discussion. Thank you both for being the godly men and examples you are.


Jesus is the third temple which the Jews rejected and destroyed. He's now the cornerstone of a heavenly temple made without hands.
Dispensationalism teaches God commissioned another stone temple in the state of Israel is completely erroneous.


Blessings to hear two non Zion Pastors who preach truth and exhibit common sense. Praying for peace, justice and humanitarian aid to the Holy Land. 🙏


Ron Wyatt showed us where the ark of the covenant is ! It's located directly below where Christ was crucified so his blood dripped down onto the mercy seat of the ark !


Church Fathers, such as Julian Africanus, Eusebius, Origen, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, and others wrote that Daniel's 70th Week was completed with either Christ or Destruction of Jerusalem.


I can't wait for your movie! I really think we should take Ron Wyatts testimony about the Ark of the covenant into consideration. As crazy as it sounds, if you haven't looked in to the matter yet. Maybe just look into it and keep it in mind as we watch history unfold.


I am a RasTafari Christian so my views differ in many areas from yours but on this topic I have a lot of agreement.
The True Israel of God is the body of Christ, all those in Him by Faith and Love.
Again, I agree that whoever or whatever the Anti-Christ is, it or he will stand as Savior for the State of Israel.


Satan may very well sit in a physical temple in these last days. But that could never be the abomination of desolation, as that temple would not be holy. So, even if the son of perdition were to urinate on all of the vessels inside the temple, he wouldn't be defiling or desecrating anything. The Lord's presence simply won't be there. God would only be there in the omnipresent sense, but the shekinah glory will not be in that temple. What are your thoughts on this?


Without understanding of this Dispensation of Grace, you can not fully understand the end times: Israel's 70th week of their prophecy, not ours.


True ignorance the people believe if they do not bless Israeli they are under a curse, putting Israeli before Jesus Christ is heresy .I believe Life begins with the Lord Jesus Christ and will end with him.


I really like that chart but cannot get that link to work. Can someone post a link or send it to me?


They already found the Ark of the Covenant.


My dad sends his money to Israel, he believes in a third temple. Not because it's in the bible but because it's passed down tradition. It's so hard to debate with people like this.
The temple was destroyed and Jesus is very articulate about the events that would take place before the temple would be destroyed when his disciples asked him about the timing of it. There's no mention of a third temple. People don't teach about 70ad at all, or the writings of the supernatural events written about it by Tacitus, Josephus and others. WILD!


Tucker Carlson interview with Pastor Issac of West Bank eye opening documentary


1:24:00 min in your discussion shows early signs how the left and right will eventually unite against Israel.


100% of Christian's that supports Israel, ie, Zionest israel, is because they have been told that damnation, a curse from God awaits them if they don't
" And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."
— Genesis 12:3


OT Verses showing Israel is the Mother of all Harlots: Remember these were God's greatest Prophets telling you this not me.

Isaiah 1:21
Jeremiah 3:6-10
Ezekiel 16: 15
Ezekiel 16:17-22
Ezekiel 16:28
Ezekiel 16:41-43
Nahum 2:3-5
Isaiah 47:9
Ezekiel 16:35-36
Hosea 2:4-5

Matt 23:34-38

Verses showing the destruction of Mystery Babylon (the Mother of all Harlots)

Revelation 18:8
