Pastor Tommy McMurtry Loves False Prophets

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McMurtry just wants to be comfortable in his sin of protecting and defending false prophets that preach a clear false gospel, which is why he makes that idiotic comment above about “reprobating” people. He doesn’t want to be called out. Well, you deserve those people you defend, McMurtry. If you’re not willing to accept correction and help from others who don’t wish for you to sin by fellowshipping with the ungodly false prophets, then good riddance!

This pastor, Tommy McMurtry, like Manly Perry, believes that an unsaved “soul winner” can get someone saved, despite clear Scripture teaching otherwise. He preaches: “what if the person that leads you to the Lord turns out later to be a reprobate, you know? What if that person that led you the Lord later preached modalism or something like that, you know? Well, I mean what in the world are you going to do? Listen, if you're saved, the word of God got to you, a soul-winner got to you, and thankfully, whenever that you know reprobate that didn't know they were reprobate was showing you the Bible, you know what it was? The words of Matthew that were speaking. It was the words of Matthew. It was the words of Paul that you heard and that's what got you saved.” (from video titled “Identifying Foolish and Unlearned Questions”). McMurtry also believes that you can be saved without the word of God, the King James Bible if you speak English (from video titled "Can Someone Be Saved Without the KJV?"), calling the words of the KJV an “incantation”.

An unsaved person without the Spirit of God living within them has no gospel to give. If they understood the gospel enough to give it to someone else, they had first believed it to be able to give it out to someone else. That doesn’t seem to cross the mind of Tommy McMurtry however, who also sees no problem defending other false prophets who add works of the Law to the plan of salvation, such as the devils Dr. Keith Gomez and pastors Stacey Shiflett and Tom Gibson, or subtract from the plan of salvation like Norm Diamante. When you enable and support heretics, attract and welcome the ungodly, and shun and decry those that preach against that nonsense, then you’re just as wicked as they are. You deserve their company! Birds of a feather flock together, and if the question of whether or not a person who hates the sinner’s prayer and denies ever calling upon the name of the Lord to save them is even saved, then that spells nothing but trouble for you, pal. Your understanding of the Bible way to heaven must be as shallow as the kiddie pool. We have no tolerance for such complacency and compromise coming from this individual who only used other pastors for ungodly gain and to amass his own online following. What a joke. It’s cowardly to pretend to be friends with people only to curb them at the drop of the hat as soon as you’ve had your fill and are satisfied with using them for your benefit. We have a name for people like that; a slimy snake.

If you consider earnestly contending for the faith as “embarrassing” then that only shows what sorry condition you’re in. But it should come as no surprise since you actively defend known marked devils like Keith Gomez and Stacey Shiflet and now Norm Diamante. What’s next? How much more compromise and wiggle room will be given on the clear plan of salvation? It doesn’t matter to me. You’ll have God to deal with, and not just for this, but for every idle word you’ve spoken. The New IFB tried supporting your ministry even after you used the pastors you pretended to be friends with to artificially gain a following, but I can’t say you don’t deserve to be in the situation you’re in. You’re in “good” company with the sort of people you attract, like Andrew Loza, whose behavior online doesn’t strike you as “embarrassing”, I’m guessing.
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