Why Did Pontius Pilate Have Jesus Executed? | The Man Who Killed Christ | Timeline

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Throughout history, Pontius Pilate has been portrayed as a weak ruler-the man who allowed Jesus Christ to be crucified at the demand of the Jews. But this documentary portrays a very different Pilate, one who had his own motives for allowing Jesus' fate.

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Pilate did what was politically expedient for Pilate. As a judge, he found no guilt, as a politician he didn’t want to rock the boat. The same is today.


"Weak Pilate of the Gospels" is stated over and over by the experts in this doc. Reading the texts of the Gospels for years, never left me with that impression or interpretation that Pilate was "weak, " rather conflicted, perplexed, and worried about maintaining public order.


No one has ever seen Pilate as weak. As a christian I even felt sorry for Pilate at some point


Very bizarre that the "experts" names and credentials aren't made available throughout the "program"


Lets hear what Jesus had to say about this.."No man takes My life from me, but, i lay it down of Myself. I have the authority to lay it down and the authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father"- John 10:18


From my reading of the gospels I never thought Pilate was portrayed as weak.


The jews actually rejected jesus christ as the messiah TWICE. The first, when he was living. The second, when he came out of his tomb and the pharisees paid the Roman soldier off to forget what he saw.


*Killing is not automatically a sign of strength. Unless strictly done in a moment of self defense. When Jesus Christ had hurt no one. Killing can also indicate the contrary of strength. By revealing; weakness, vulnerability, envy, jealousy, fear, paranoia, low self-esteem, and insecurity.*


Pilate's wife actually told him to not be involved in the trail of Jesus. She told Pilate that Jesus was actually holy because of a dream she had. She evidently sought help due to migraines and someone close to Jesus helped her.


His name was Marcus Pontius Pilatus. It's strange that they never say it.


Sadly there has been abuse of Jews by Christians. But to say that Christians do not consider Pilate primarily culpable should be negated by the Apostle's Creed. It is universally said week by week. Who does it mention? Pontius Pilate.


No one ever partrayed Pontius Pilate better or even as well as Rod Steiger in the 1977 classic Jesus of Nazareth, the way he expressed incredulity:
"This Man is no king! He's a dreamer! Take Him away, take Him away! Have Him flogged as a token of Roman justice! That shoud wake Him up!"
"Oh please please, don't talk to me about the people. As long as they obey and pay their taxes, you pharisees care as much for your... children of Israel as we do about the mob in Rome!".
Sanhedrin leaders: "He has been called Messiah, which means ruler."
Rod Steiger's Pilate, laughing: "Thank you... I too know how to speak some Greek!"
"Do You realize that I have the power to have You released or to have You crucified?!"
Is it any wonder that when I picture Pontius Pilate in my mind, I see Rod Steiger in that role


Reading the scriptures, I don’t see Pilate as weak. I see him pretty much how he’s depicted in the video, except the Bible says that he found no fault in Jesus and washed his hands of the affair. I will say that if he feared anything, it would be a Jewish revolt that might get the unwanted attention of Caesar, so he’s definitely motivated to give the mob what they wanted.


I was raised Christian. I don't blame Pilate too much. He actually tried to be fairly reasonable for these brutal times .


It’s interesting that when you think about it all the people that wanted Jesus executed, wanted him executed under someone else’s authority. They didn’t want to take the burden or be vilified for it. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter who authorized Christ’s death or who did the actual execution. We are all responsible for his death so he could take carry all our sins and burdened so we too can live in paradise!


There is absolutely no evidence beyond the first four books of the New Testament that Jesus ever existed. There is no record of any trial of Jesus. The Romans were excellent record keepers. If Jesus had really existed, there would be a record of it.


Pontius Pilate washed his hands of the situation... literally. His wife even told him to leave Jesus alone because of her dream she had of Him. He offered to set him free but the Jewish leaders refused that offer.


I do not believe the gospels portrayed him as weak. As many have stated, Pilate ruled over the Jews with strict and sometimes brutal measures, it would not be a stretch to think that he may look on at Jesus as a "thorn" in the side of the Jewish leaders and therefore show a certain hesitancy in having Jesus crucified. This is exactly what the gospels portray.


No matter who the ruler was at the time, Jesus who was God in the flesh, came here for one reason, to take upon himself the sins of all mankind in order so we could have salvation through accepting Him and so he was crucified for our transgressions. He who knew no sin became sin for us, suffered on the cross, was buried and on the 3rd day was resurrected and now sits at the right hand of the Father. Jesus was a man in all ways but did not commit any sin. He was blameless. John 3:16 says how God loves you and how to be saved and have eternal life. There is only one way to God and it's Jesus alone.


Every Evangelical Church i have ever attended teaches that everyone is guilty of crucifying Christ. The Common Jews, the Levites, the noble line of David, and the gentiles. Seems to me the point of this documentary is to get Christians to Blame the Romans. True Christians blame themselves and realize, if we were there, we would have probably condemned him too. The real point, in my opinion, is that when we are faced with doing Gods will we most often chose our own interests in the end. Which is why we needed a savior to intercede and sanctify us. Everyone is this story knew that Jesus was innocent and divine. They all hardened there hearts and killed him anyway.
