Why You Shouldn’t Eat Too Fast

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A recent study shows that people who eat too fast are missing a big part of eating a good meal.

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Risks of Eating Too Quickly
“The risks of simple indigestion and gastroesophageal reflux disease are frequently cited as reasons to follow your mother’s advice and enjoy a leisurely meal.”

Optimal directional volatile transport in retronasal olfaction
“We have analyzed adaptations of the human airway to enhance transport of food volatiles underlying retronasal smell during expiration as well as limit transport in the opposite orthonasal direction toward the lung during inspiration.”


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The advantage of eating fast is that you can get back to watching YouTube faster.


Taste the food? Ain't nobody got time for dat!


Some people just don't chew, I literally hear them gulping down chunks of food.
Its kinda scary.


I eat so fast I sometimes can't even remember what the thing I just ate tasted like


I eat slow because my mum always said to chew every mouthful properly, and don't prepare your next mouthful (as in gather it with your spoon/fork/knife/hand) until you've finished chewing. Works pretty well unless I'm super hungry


I was actually eating fast when this video popped up and watched it then slowed down. But I really don't know why I eat fast maybe because I'm hungry and when I get food I eat fast because maybe I think eat quick to stop the hunger


In our busy world, sometimes you're forced to eat fast. Or you're just eager to get back to your show or video game.


I've been yelled at for reading too quickly my entire life. I don't do it intentionally. Even when I consciously try to eat slowly I will finish my meal long before anyone else. When I went to boot camp, others were throwing food away because they were rushed and couldn't finish their food in time, but I would finish and then sit there and wait.

I just don't enjoy my food as much when I eat slowly. There's a particular point in mastication that the food has just the right flavor. After a second or two, the food is just chewed up mush and not appetizing. So I swallow and quickly take another bite to enjoy that sweet spot of flavor again (texture of food is a big deal to me). I've learned to wait awhile before getting seconds to let the food settle, and often times I end up feeling satisfied and skip the extra portions.


Eating fast -> time savings -> success
Worth 10/10


I eat fast, taste the food that i'm eating, and also i am fit. What of it?


I hate the fact that I have to waste millions of hours of my time just to earn money for food, buy food, (wash my hands), cook food, eat food, clean up after food (in the form of dishes and brushing your teeth), and excrete food (pee and poop). Once I'm around food, my body might trick me into eating it, but I do not understand people who head into meals needing satisfaction. I need a meal to stop hunger, not to be satisfied. If the day came that I never again could feel hunger or starve, I would stop eating and spend my time doing things I enjoy more and that aren't so repetitive.


I definitely eat fast. I've thought about this many times before, and this might also be why i like a lot of strong foods like vinegar, sharp cheeses, and garlic. The fact that before high school the most time I had for lunch was 20 min, including getting to the cafeteria (I typically brought lunch and it was uncommon to get school lunch where I was), and in high school it increased to 25, but with a lunch line that the principal was proud lasted *only* 15 min on average, has had a significant impact on how I eat. If I ate too slow during grade school, I wouldn't finish and wouldn't have another chance to eat for hours.


I eat really fast and im able to taste my food and stay skinny.


i lost weight when i learned to eat slow. like 20 minutes a lil meal slow


Being stuck with a toxic household during a Pandemic, made me eat too fast that it resulted to obesity, bloating, heart burn, and acid reflux to me. I would always eat alone inside my room, eating my emotions and stress away, no one to talk to.


I eat too fast because I can't take the time to focus on my meal without it feeling like a waste of time that I could use to be productive instead, which isn't only unhealthy but also very stressful. I come home from university and I already have the next 10 tasks that HAVE to be done right away on my mind. If I manage not to forget to eat all together, I make myself something that's usually neither very nutritious, nor very filling in the long run, and I sit in front of the computer while eating so I can still get work done.

I kind of have to decide between sleeping enough ( i.e. going to bed at 10-12pm, getting up at 6-8am ) and eating enough, because those are the only variables in my life right now. :l I seriously can't wait for the holidays, I need a break reaaallly bad.


Literally I only eat fast because my hunger is insatisble and I love the taste.


I eat fast because Goku from DBZ and I must be as strong as him, methinks


i have always eaten fast, if i didn't i didn't eat enough or at all as a child. Now that i am an adult i wish i didn't eat as fast or as much. I plan to work towards changing this habit.


I am an incredibly slow eater. Drives everyone in my life crazy that cereal takes me 45 minutes.
