What's More Real Than Pain?

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That which dispels pain is more real than pain. But what's capable of dispelling pain?

Ralston College presents the inaugural lecture of its Chancellor, Dr Jordan B Peterson, delivered at one of the most iconic sites of the ancient world, the Library of Celsus in Ephesus. This ancient city was the birthplace of Heraclitus, the philosopher who first articulated the idea of the Logos, and the final resting place of St. John, who uses that same Greek word to name the Divine Word. In his lecture, Dr Peterson argues that the intelligibility of the world depends on the patterned regularities that are superordinate to our immediate perception; this underlying order - which, from the Greeks onward, we have called Logos - is both the horizon that enables human perception and the basis for the possibilities that we realize in the world. Such an account of our intrinsic, rational, and self-determining capacity constitutes a challenge to the assumptions of many prevailing schools of thought - such as behaviorism, rigid empiricism, and postmodernism - and lays the burden of personal ethics, and the formation of a good society, squarely on the shoulders of the individual.



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The bloody Canadian psychological association should watch this lecture and than think at least one month about how this relate to all his other ideas. If they then dare to try to take his licence again, they are corrupt beyond even the tiniest bit of comprehension


One of the best books on observing another's pain I think is CS Lewis A Grief Observed about the passing of his wife. It is so deep and Spiritual especially for those of us that are true lovers in the sense of loving another no matter the relationship.


My experience with pain actually left me feeling relieved. I had postpartum depression after my 2 nd child. I knew something was wrong but I didn’t know what it was. I went out one afternoon by myself to a local Mall. I decided to get my ears pierced. Afterwards my ears were throbbing. I realized that feeling pain was a step up from feeling nothing. I didn’t feel depressed, I just felt nothing until that moment of pain. Then I knew what was wrong and was able to address it. Later, I developed chronic autoimmune disorders and am in a great deal of pain. I saw someone below wrote that pain always leaves people bitter. My doctor just commented to me recently that most of his other patients are so bitter, but he’s known me for 12 years, and despite everything I’ve been through, not once have I ever become bitter.


As a retired Bering Sea fisherman I can attest that pain really does separate the men from the boys.


Powerful words and a powerful setting. Ephesus is absolutely amazing. For anyone that has the opportunity to see it in person I would highly recommend a visit!


What a gorgeous venue for this talk...JP beteeen the giant pilars reminded me of the image of Samson. One day I would come to one of JP's talk🙏.


I think that, regarding pain, Peterson's point is that pain is not sure to destroy us, because there are some forces that are even more fundamental or powerful than pain, that, if you are equipped with, you can "defeat" pain, in some sense. Jordan doesn't list those forces here but he does in other lectures and podcasts, for example his podcast with Lex Fridman. There he mentions that love is more powerful than pain. If you are filled with love, you can manage the pain of existence. That's his hypothesis. I presume that it could be love for people or for an activity or thing such as art, engineering, walking on the beach, music, anything. What is love, you ask? Well, good question. But what is pain? These are fundamental realities that you can only be understood when you are experiencing them. Yes, there are correlations with chemical reactions in the physical body when these experiences happen, but if you are thinking on the same level as JP is here you would know that it would be shallow thinking to suggest that scientific facts like those makes any difference whatsoever when it comes to these discussions about the very fundamental building blocks of reality. Science is a model that simplifies reality for pragmatic purposes. Reality is simply Reality.


At 4:11 he looks like he is a philosopher of the ancient times giving a speech to his handful of students


Is it strange to be 16 and loving this!!! and also understanding some of it?


I sincerely appreciate this talk. Having walked the walk.


Omg I just posted something about this. In the other poll vid about what stands in my way illness and pain. Just.. ty doctor. License or not. Who knows what the evil decide. To me, Doctor. Forever.


As does Joy. When we experience joy, when it ends we crave it's repetition. That also leads down dark paths of addiction and blind attachment such that we ignore everything else in its pursuit.

Pain yields rejection, Joy yields pursuit. Both are attachments, and both are the same problem, insofar as the attachment IS the problem.


The Logos speech is JP's Magnum Opus, and I hope he will learn more from the Greeks and share it with the commoners.


Pain can teach you the deepest lessons


I'm in immeasurable amounts of pain, right now. The sad is thing is no one is willing to acknowledge it, because it's true. I can't even be sure the pain I feel is real, because I have suffered so long without mercy. I can't rationalize anymore, can't even think straight. It's too much but I cannot die, God has an alternate plan for me. I just wish I could escape this prison that is my bedroom and move freely again.

Alas, it's not meant to be.
All glory to God, because I remain and continue to draw breath, unwilling but loyal to God. God help me.


This background really represents you and your core values insofar you're old school in your teachings, strong and defiant to be able to stand up for and by your authentic core values and beliefs.
Does it take a toll on you? Yes, just like the weather takes a toll on the building, however, neither of yousway from the foundations and you have the courage of your convictions to stand tall, even in the face of adversity.
You, Dr. Peterson, WILL go down in history for your stance and viewpoints, and younger scholars will be referring back to "Dr Peterson" just as you refer to Carl Jung.
Thank you for being true to yourself but also being so willing to share your wisdom, gently, and when required more firmly, but always humble, virtuous, and authentic. 🙏


I am suffering with an undiagnosed condition that may be Rheumatoid Arthiritis with a lot of other things thrown in, or some kind of auto-immune disease, and pain becomes more and more frequent, sometimes during episodes, for every second of every day. I want to see purpose in this, but I'm afraid I don't. I can't sleep at night, my circulation is destroyed, my joints, my back, all hurt so much and that is just the start of it. My partner of several years recently told me she wants to not see me for 3 months to "reset" as my constant complaining and my inability to enjoy things when I'm in pain has wore her down. I went from working, to studying Psychology inspired by Jordan, because I wanted to help people, to dropping out, to living back at my parents house on my own for a year. The past few years have been a catastrophe for me. I have tried to figure out what is wrong with me, and to seek treatment and to take responsibility for all of that, but ultimately, I have been unable to bring myself to find a job or improve my situation at all, for the past year. I no longer have any idea what I am doing. I don't know what purpose is in any of this, I don't understand how things could get better, I don't know what to do to improve things. I am trapped in this hell. Thoughts of self destruction are calming to me, and I can't help but feel resentful. I don't know what to do.


JP'S mind isn't jumbled, he has so much knowledge he cannot get it all out there -- he does a good job of it --
Brilliant Man !!!


pain is reality....in every angle of your life....pain can take your life


That's a beautiful building. Almost looks like it could be an entrance to a final boss fight in a video game.
