What Actually Needs To Be Taught In Public School | The Matt Walsh Show Ep. 2

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Our culture is hostile to Christianity yet ignorant of it. But there is no excuse to be ignorant of Christianity, which is the largest religion in the world and the driving force of western civilization.

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You can tell most of the folks in the comments didn't even watch his entire podcast... I thought it was terrific and am glad Mr. Walsh has joined the podcast team.


We need to teach major religions. The Constitution requires there to be no state religion and that people may freely associate. How is this complicated? Uninformed people are getting upset because Matt wants them to be informed.


I like matt walsh and agree with the idea that ppl need to learn about the Bible because it has influenced the fundamental shaping of the West. Don’t have to agree but Should be informed


It's not about teaching the Bible for religious reasons, it's about teaching it for the historical impact it had on building Western Civilization. Let's not let snowflakery get in the way of the facts.


No, Matt. It should be taught by parents and churches. If parents want to take their kid to a private Christian school, go ham.

We do it in public schools, we violate the first amendment. We do that, we inevitably create more atheists.

Also, still waiting on your response to legit criticism of your video game articles. Namely by me.


I think many of you are missing his central point. It's not like he's saying the Bible should be the sole piece of literature in our public schools today lol.

Regardless how you feel about it, the Bible is the most influential book in the history of mankind and its contents have played a huge role in shaping western civilization and morality as we know it today - moreso than the writings and literatures of any other religion, and any other book ever written. There's absolutely no question about that.

People are free to feel however they want about the Bible but to dismiss it as an unimportant book and deny its historical influence on the world would be absurd.

...but let's be honest, it's not like this is going to happen anyway. It's just an opinion piece lol so calm y'all selves


I think all religion should be taught in schools. The exposure to different ideologies is helpful for a developing person.


A voice in the wilderness. We're listening Matt. May I encourage you to keep on? Can't be easy to stand strong and speak the truth in these sad times of apathy. Thank you.


No. If you believe so you are as fringe as "remove 2nd amendment" crazies.


In retrospect, Matt Walsh is not as bad as people claim him to be. In fact, he's pretty much your average Catholic dad speaking his mind on politics. From this basic truth, perhaps we can understand why the comments are so polar on this video.

Coincidentally, Mr. Walsh's main message in his first segment is exactly what the negative commenters fail to recognize.


Honestly, I don't like Matt Walsh that much. His ideas are so deeply based on his religion whereas someone like Ben Shapiro always makes secular arguments when it comes to politics, which made me become a conservative in the first place. I don't feel like Matts arguments will convince many people, especially since those on the left are more often atheists/agnostics/not deeply religious.


Wow can't believe all the negative comments on this video. Makes no sense at all. Matt is absolutely right that the Bible is the bedrock to civilization (particularly Western Civilization). There you have the foundation for the origin of life, the basis of morality, and the reason for living. This is something that we used to understand, even those who were non-believers. I find it hard to believe that so many "conservatives" are so quick to dismiss this.


Of all the people on the daily wire that could have gotten their own show...


Congratulations Matt, you broke the like ratio barrier.

Great video man.


More Matt Walsh! Don't you think Ben has a second closet Matt can broadcast from?


I'm amazed at the negative opinions below and the shallow 'reasoning' behind them. Matt pointed out that the Bible has been the foundational document for our form of government, and, its been highly influential in the arts and sciences. Therefore, if you actually wish to understand those influences, an intellectual study of the Bible is necessary. Therefore, not examining the Bible in an educational framework, is crippling. No other religious text has had such an influence. Not one. The critical 'conservatives' have utterly missed the point. To give an example of why its important, consider John Adams who said "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Consider Isaac Newton, who is arguably one of the top 3 scientists who ever existed, actually wrote more commentary on the Bible than he did on science. His preface to his Principia Mathematica is an ode to the Creator. And in Shakespeare, there is hardly a play that does not contain several Biblical references. But sadly, the narrowly 'educated' PC conserva-barbarians of our day have not a clue.


Jeez, one little video title made all the atheists lose their minds. It unfortunate because they seem to be the militant type of atheist who are unwilling to listen to any sort of religious opinion regardless of whether or not they agree with it. Honestly, open your hearts and minds to God so he can remove the hate and darkness from you.


You definitely need to have knowledge of the Bible to understand philosophy, literature, art, history, etc. I definitely had an advantage in my Liberal Arts education because I had a solid foundation of Biblical knowledge (grew up Christian). You don't need to teach it religiously, but the metaphors, the references, the basic stories, etc. Knowing this really will help you study other subjects.


Just when I thought that the Daily Wire couldn't employ anyone worse than Mike Knowles.. This guy arrives.


Thank GOD for Matt Walsh and people like him. We need people like him running our schools. Very smart and intelligent strong christian men will turn this country around from it's path to hell. Matt, I'll be tuning in to see your show every time. Please keep up the good work. GOD bless you and the Daily Wire.
