Your body doesn’t actually need carbs

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This isn’t to say everyone should eat zero carbs, the point is more to reassure people doing low carbohydrate diets that their brain function won’t suffer. (It’s often said we need carbs for the brain)
If you do feel brain fog on a keto diet, you’re probably lacking salt. The kidneys hold onto sodium when insulin is high and cutting out carbs will reduce your insulin and have you excreting more salt.


Ah yes, my favorite anime, Gluconeogenesis(evangelion)


Your vegetable oil video changed my life. Going to be a life time of better health. Thank you for all the videos you do!


As an asian who eat rice, three times a day, for every year in my life, I decide not to believe this.


Angus Barbieri was on a strict minimal diet and didn’t totally stopped eating and survived entirely on his body fat as you claim. The man consumed vitamins, electrolytes, an unspecified amount of yeast (a source of all essential amino acids) and beverages such as tea, coffee, and sparkling water, also he occasionally consumed small amounts of milk and/or sugar with the beverages.
Stop spreading nonsense, lots of people take this stuff as facts.


That guy survived 300+ days only on his body fat



“This is a lie” — my crippling chocolate addiction


Been virtually carb-free now for 2 years. I’m disabled and experience a lot of daily pain, but I’m no longer sick since cutting them out, which I cannot tell you how grateful I am. I feel healthier, stronger and clearer than ever before! :)


The body doesn’t require carbs to live, it prefers carbs to function. People forget that fruits and vegetables are mostly made of carbs. So keep eating those healthy carb rich foods for proper health and functioning. 🥝🍈🍌🍉🍇🥕🌽


This dude is correct. Ketones do alot more than fuel your body.


Gluconeogenesis is possible, but not energetically efficient, it's the backup pathway intended to "bridge the gap" when you can't eat carbs to provide the necessary glucose. It's possible, but certainly not recommended for your everyday diet.


Carbs is for people like me, I do manual labour at construction sites, around 5-6 hours of solid hard labour on a work day which I estimate to burn around 300-500 calories per hour. I wouldn't have strength to push my muscles and cardiovascular system if I don't eat carbs right before I start working and during lunch.

I try to keep my vitamins, minerals and nutrients balanced but it's really hard. All I can think about after work is to stuff my body and replenish my exhausted body. I try to avoid carbs afterworking during dinner, but I'm comtemplating whether I should carb load the night before so I have more energy to burn the next day at work.


Oh my gosh, I just discovered this myself. Cut out all carbs and felt and functioned just fine. Lost weight, and no more brain fog.


I want to see more research into the genetics of food metabolism. Different individuals and ethnicities have wildly different drug/toxin metabolism (look at genetic polymorphism of liver enzymes alone; it's wild), so why should we expect to have identical nutritional needs and tolerances? Anecdotal evidence tells us that some people thrive on a low fat, high carbohydrate diet and others thrive on a keto diet. Some people develop health problems following those diets. I'd like to see more research into the genetics behind our physiological responses to different diet compositions. I just really can't see nutrition being one size fits all.


Carbs are way more efficient way to get your energy. This is like saying you don’t need to drive you can walk anywhere you need to go. While true, the longer the distance the more unreasonable it becomes. And in extreme examples like athletes it’s required to reach max performance.


I wish people would‘ve told me about this when I was younger. I struggled with weight from the age of 10 up to 19. Steuggled to focus in school. I tried to restrict my kalories but I always ended up gaining more weight back. After I discovered Keto the weight and brain fog just disappeared. I wish I knew about keto earlier on, it would‘ve saved me so much time. The only downside I experience is that my sex urge disappears on keto. Low libido. But I eat carbs on weekends (cheat days) when I am out with friends to make sure "it" can function.


Yes but gluconeogenesis occurs from protein. Too much protein in the keto diet and you will be thrown out of ketosis. Too little protein and you will have muscle wastage. The 2nd case may not be a big deal for some people, but for those who are concerned about their physique/asthetic, this is very important.


It makes sense to not be required to eat carbs. Considering how before agriculture was common, people mainly hunted and foraged. Most of the food would be meat, fat, and whatever fruits and vegetables they were able to find. Carb is common because it is easy to store, cheap, and always available back then. Now that we have refrigeration, it is possible to have meat often.


I eat high carb diet and experience zero problems with energy levels. It’s also essential if you work out a lot, especially if you do a lot of high intensitet exercise as your body will not be able to keep up with the energy demand with fat since the energy converting process is a lot longer


I did keto for months and worked out too. But for some reason I didn't lose nearly as much as I have done lately by just making healthier choices.

If a diet isn't working for you then that's totally fine also. Everyone works differently! 💪
