What Is Hyper-Calvinism?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1471
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When I hear a name more frequently than I do Jesus then I’ll turn a deaf ear. Calvin didn’t die for me so I respect the perspective but my faith is in Christ alone.


Wow! Just when I precisely needed this exact topic explained!!!


“This is a Calvinist.”
*powers up*
“This is an ascended Calvinist, or a five-point Calvinist, if you will”
*powers up again*
“AND THIS—“ *Manly grunting* “IS TO GO EVEN FURTHER

Awkward DragonBall reference aside, than you for this video! It helps me to realise that it’s certainly possible to take even the most helpful and true doctrines way too far.

As an aside, I think that a lot of the gripes that people who disagree with Calvinism have, can be traced down to an assumption that it looks like Hyper-Calvinism!


Now a video on “Hyper-Grace” is warranted….because the teaching here applies exactly the same to grace as it does calvanism in terms of the “hyper”. Pastor John is spot on….this is confirmation of truth.


7:47 "nothing can separate us"

Love the ways he says it 👌


Doesn't the Bible say that "God is not willing that ANY should Calvinism is not of God, hyper or otherwise.


Sorry i couldn’t help myself. I have to say it. Hyper piper


God knows who the sheep are, we don't. Preach in season and out of season. Look at the text in Ezekiel 3 and 33. Sound the trumpet, His elect will hear His voice. Proverbs 9:8 should also be applied. When the whole truth of the Bible is preached, His sheep will respond accordingly. Read the gospel of John.


Very true! Anything we focus too much other than Christ is never a good idea.


Why worry about being called a "Hyper-Calvinist" if God is responsible for it all? The person had no choice but to make that statement since God is directing everybody's will. Thus, the error. Calvinism, hyper or otherwise, makes God the author of confusion.


"I have a question. Can popular Calvinist pastors and pundits make arguments without calling every other Christian that disagrees with then a self-idolator? Are they capable of doing it?" - Eric Kemp


Almost a third of the Bible deals with prophecy, but I never hear any teaching about prophesy. You said you teach ALL the word. Thank you for explaining your position.


Sinners can't repent? Sinners can't believe? Sinners can't turn to Christ? Sinners can't accept Christ?
They can only repent and believe if God doing it for them?

I dont buy it.


Thanks to Jesus a lot for this, Amen !


Give me a Jesus, give me Jesus . Let me be rooted him and the word. God bless you all.


Piper is right to say that 'Calvinism raised to the nth degree' is a meaningless phrase. The question is whether certain beliefs fit with the Bible, not whether they fit with certain labels.

Piper suggests that we ask: 'Does Piper silence important biblical teachings by his Calvinism?' I think he probably does silence some passages. The difficulty I have with Calvinism is that there are too many passages that have to be given unnatural interpretations to fit the Calvinist system.

Piper also says that human beings have no self-determination about who is saved. But there are many passages which seem to imply that we do have some degree of self-determination.

For example, John 3:16 says:
'This is how God loved the world: He gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but have eternal life.'
Language works not just by stating things explicitly but also by giving impressions, and this verse seems to give the impression that we have a genuine choice whether or not to accept Christ.

Similarly, John 1:11-12 says:
'He came to his own, but his own people didn't accept him. But to all who did accept him, to them he gave the right to become children of God.'
Again, this seems to give the impression that we have a genuine choice over whether or not to accept Christ.

To say that God's sovereignty is destroyed if people have free will makes no sense. God can sovereignly choose to give people free will. In fact, ironically, those who say that human free will would have to mean that God is not sovereign seem to be denying God the sovereign right to allow human beings to have free will.


Preaching is good but it is not the means unto eternal salvation. Preaching is to make disciples of God's elect and to save themselves as Peter said, "from this untoward generation" The Gospel doesn't make a child of God, the Gospel tells the elect person that he is a child of God and that he is justified, sanctified and eventually will be glorified, that's the Good news of the Gospel.


Calvinism teaches that those elected will not and cannot ever lose their calling. Calvinists have a strange twist on "free will." They claim that man has no free will UNTIL he recognizes his "election, " and then he does have free will! A calvinist believe that God selects those who will spend eternity with God, and the rest of humanity to be tormented in an eternal fire for eternity. That is the "good" news of the gospel for a Calvinist!


1 Corinthians 7:37 (KJV)
Nevertheless he that standeth stedfast in his heart, having no necessity, but hath POWER OVER HIS OWN WILL, and hath so decreed in his heart that he will keep his virgin, doeth well.


Hyper calvinism is merely striving to be consistent with the claims of calvinism. Some try to argue fatalism is hyper calvinism, and yet when all things come to pass by decree that argument falls apart. The early church taught the responsibility of man and saving grace of God. Determinism of all things is eisegeted into isolated prooftexts. The early church actually fought this view when held by the gnostics, and they used the same verses to justify their interpritation. The reason calvinism leads to fatalism consistently in so many of your listeners, is because it's the logical and consistent end. While I love you, and used to listen until the Spirit convicted me to come out of the cult of calvinism, I do appriciate that you teach people to live as if their calvinism isnt True. This whole tension is only created by your esisgesis of deterministic presups. Augustine was the first in history to teach determinism under the guise of christianity. Also the first to create orginal sin, as equated to inability. If youd like to solve the problem of hypercalvinism, just discard the presups and see the actual balance in the bible. It really divides the church and perverts the gospel. You silence many important issues, with good intention I have no doubt brother. Col 2:8 is the reason I believe. It's how i got taken captive in it. Compatablism and determinism is literally a philosophy. It is contrary to the bible and early church. I love you, and you will give account. I hope you dont just dismiss this and that you take it in the spirit it's intended. What is at stake is the biblical picture of God and his character, I guess believing it's all determined it doesnt matter as much, if you really saw the damage calvinism does, I believe you would change your mind as I did. Anyway, I hope you all hear me
