What is a Hyper-Calvinist?

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Dr. Leighton Flowers welcomes our very own Eric Kemp to talk about his hunt for the elusive "hyper-Calvinist."

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Why shouldn't we call Calvinism heretical? Calvinism does not believe in the same God as we do. It makes God out to be the author of evil and sin and believes in a jesus who only died for a few lucky ones and in a bible where words like "all, whole, whosoever" are changed into "some, the elect" how isn't that heretical? I agree that we should be respectful and loving with the person, but I do not think we should be with their belief system. Just my two cents. God bless you for all you do!!


Quite a treasure. Very helpful and encouraging detailed discussion. Thanks, Leighton for bringing such fine-tuned nuances to the theological table, and even more thanks in helping hearts and minds wholeheartedly agree, "and the Truth will set you Free."


A hyper-Calvinist is simply a Calvinist who is consistent in his or her views, and is open and honest about it. That's really all there is to it.


There's a difference between being nice and kind, and not calling out heresy or saying uncomfortable truths.


John Calvin laughed at those who'd try to deny double-predestination, and try to give God an "out" when it comes to unconditionally damning people.
One cannot "out Calvin" John Calvin. He was quite Hyper-Calvinistic, needless to say!


A consistent Calvinist is a hypercalvinist. A Calvinist who rejects "hypercalvinism" is simply a confused Calvinist.


The *"General Calling"* of repentance found in Calvinism is one based on *pretense.* Here, God is commanding, via secondary causes, those He knows are unelect to *"repent & believe the Gospel"* when Jesus never made propitiation for them to begin with. God decreed their rejection of Him in eternity past, and His *general calling* of their repentance is indirectly a command that they *usurp His immutable decree* to deny Him.


Non-hyperCalvinist: "I see that my points are heading logically in this direction, but that end conclusion sounds so bad that I have to insist it's not there and tiptoe around it arbitrarily somehow and leave some gaps in logic"
HyperCalvinist: "My end conclusion makes God look like an absolute monster if I'm logical from my premises, and I'm okay with that even if it means I get zero converts from the way I present my idea of God to people"



Not only that, maturity and the fruit of the Spirit, call us to be and grow up into Christ. It's an immaturity issue that crosses all boarders. The majority of the church is that way, with lots of bad examples even in leadership.

The kindness of 3 different non calvinists, looking back, was what soften my heart to listen the the Spirit who was trying to convict me of my error already.

It makes all the difference. It's how the upside down kingdom works. Not only with believers in error, but unbelievers as well. People know if your in Christ by your love. If you dont have that you end up being a stumbling block. I pushed my believing friends away from me and unbelieving friends away from God, as a calvinist. I was carnal and immature. It really matters. I'm glad your a great example of the spirit we are called to have.



That's exactly Leighton. It's why I say the reformation just took the same spirit of Rome and repackaged it. It also teaches to suppress emotion. Which I believe is because out God given emotions cry out that calvinism is false. Like weeping when they first embrace it. I believe it's the conviction of the Spirit, and leaders teach infants to suppress it.


By definition there is no such thing as a Calvinist that is not a hyper-Calvinist.


5:51 I've appealed to Calvinists for 10 years, being respectful does not work. If they had their way the would execute the whole lot of us, thinking they are doing God's service. To them we are reprobate, and going to hell anyways so why is there a reason for them to be polite to us? In their view, Institutes 3:2:11 applies, to all of us who left Calvinism.


The way I see it, Calvinism supposedly is emphasising the depravity of humanity (T) but I think that the fact that you could not do otherwise under this systematic lessens the depravity of man. Whereas from the Provisionist viewpoint, the fact that you could do otherwise and refuse to because you love your sin, shows how depraved humanity truly is. Man is RESPONSE-ABLE, we are without excuse for refusing the Lord's offer of His forgiveness as Paul mentions in Romans 1. May God continue to use your awesome ministry Leighton to keep pushing back on the Calvinistic system. Blessings Brother. Love from the UK 🙏🏾🙏🏾♥️♥️


58:30 “Ideas have consequences.” Yaaaas! 👏🏻 👏🏻


Thank you Eric and Leighton for you insights and discussion on the use of appeal, by calvinists, to hypercalvinism as a tactic of avoidance, when confronted by uncomfortable facts and truths.


@1:06 Calvinists not only decrease the sincerity of the Gospel, they warp the Gospel by adding to it. Calvinist don't believe or accept this at face value ( for those who are true Christians within Calvinism, they at one point believe these verses before they were converted)

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in him should not perish, but have everlasting life
1 Corinthians 15:3-4
For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures...



Paul actually answers why it's not boasting. He says its excluded by the law of faith. Its because all you have to do is believe that boasting is excluded. Which is why it totally destroys this argument that faith is a work of the law. Action is not a work of the law. Though faith is an intention action it is not considered by Paul to be a work, but opposed to works. This whole thing is answered when you rightly understand Paul and follow his train of thought. Which peter says is hard sometimes, and people twist his ideas to their own harm.


Hyper-Calvinism is Purest Calvinism which is the only one true religion. Its amusing to watch "Calvinists" do verbal gymnastics to explain why they are not Hyper-Calvinists but still calling themselves Calvinist. You are either a true Calvinist or you are the condemned, one or the other. Its self delusion to claim you believe a systematic dogma while in the same breath, denying its true tenants.
Is it any wonder there are so many messed up minds among the Purest Calvinists? Trying to reconcile Calvinism with the Bible while claiming to adhere to both is like trying to serve two masters, it does not work and you're left with a messed up view of God, the Bible, Creation and Salvation.


Keep the jingle!!! It's terrific!!


Does he ever do videos that do not have a long format? I'm not blessed with the stamina to listen and understand all this theology for two hours
