Hyper Calvinism and Predestination | Pastor Allen Nolan Explains

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From Pastor Allen Nolan: Hyper Calvinism is a real thing. In this clip from The Attributes of God Episode 2, Pastor Allen explains what the Bible means when it talks about predestination, as well as an experience he had with a hyper-calvinist. What are your thoughts on hyper-calvinism? Share it with us in the comments below! #predestination #soteriology #calvinism
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Pastor Allen is a gift of God to the church in this season...I believe its by Grace of God that we all listen to him and for a purpose in Christ


God does it all, I have nothing to boast about.


Praise God for your teachings, Pastor Nolan! 🙏 Thank you! 💙


I sure love Pastor Allen’s message! All of them!


I'm so glad he is teaching. I was fighting with a calvinism pastor that is my friend.


Pastor Allen’s Dedication to teaching Gods Word Accurately is a Blessing!!!


Sending you and your family much love pastor Allen ♥️🙏


Thank you so much for this. I'm a new Christian and was worried about this subject.


Pastor, thank you so much for doing these sermons on Calvinism. I’m currently dealing with two Calvinist at work. We are friends and the conversations get heated but at the end we are both brothers in Christ, but it angers me so much when they preach this to others and they scare these people to death. If they are brand new to any faith it’s very damaging. So thank you for this knowledge. ….Steve G /FL


Thank you brother Allen, I was struggling to make sense of predestination.


Hi Ptr Allen. This is Sue from Spore. Been following your teaching and really appreciated it lots!! I have struggled with the teaching of Calvinism. Your message that I hear today clarifies a lot of my doubts. But there seem to be some contradictory passages and I would love to hear your explanations. Kindly share what these passages means with regards to "doctrine of predestination" - Exo 9:16; Rom 9:17, 22-23. Hope to hear from you.


I love predestination, and I'm not even a Calvinist...

And I'm glad God chose me, in my wickedness God chose to save me.

God knows that I was to be born in 1971 because He knitted me in my mother's womb, then at the right time in the course of my life when I was at my filthiest He saved me.

God by His devine timing the gospel message was preached to me and God made opened my heart to listen, just as He opened Lydia's heart in Acts. I heard the message of salvation and I then believed, only then I was born again.

God is the Potter and He does with the clay as He wills. He chose me for glory and others He made for others for destruction. God is sovereign and He can as He wills because all souls belong to men.


“All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out. For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me. And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day.”
‭‭John‬ ‭6:37-39‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Just to have a healthy conversation. Who came to Christ according to this passage? All that the Father gave the son. Wouldn’t you agree? The elect are a love offering from the father to the son. Those whom He “foreknew” just like in the passage you brought up. When it says “foreknew” it’s just like how “Adam knew his wife Eve” in Genesis 4:1, meaning an intimacy and love for them. He fore-loved them. That’s also why you see references in Matthew 7 saying depart from me I never “knew” you. The same goes for the parable of the 10 virgins when he told the 5 unprepared that He don’t “know” them. The fact is we’ve all fell short we all deserve to go to hell and God in His grace and mercy has chosen to give some grace and have mercy on them and leave others in their sin that they love and want and they get justly punished for their sin and rejecting Christ while others get pardoned through His mercy.

“this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men.”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭2:23‬ ‭ESV‬‬

What about this? It was the predetermined plan of God but these mean were still responsible for the sinful acts they committed.

“The Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16:4‬ ‭ESV‬‬

What do you do with these kinds of verses? I’m asking humbly? The thing is I believe the scriptures for what they teach not what I rationalize things to be or what others tell me. If you can honestly show me that the Bible doesn’t teach these things or anyone for that matter I would change my position because I want to serve the Lord in truth according to what He says. I just see so much consistency with the Sovereignty of God in salvation to be true but I also the consistency with human responsibility and the call to all people to accept the gospel and repent and trust in Jesus Christ and it’s their rejection of Him and their sin that ultimately condemns them. How that works together I don’t fully understand but I see it all throughout scripture.


Thank you for sharing! #thatsgoodteaching


Predestination, so true, because HE is sovereign, knowing the beginning to the end, of everyone’s life, once truly born again Saved, ,,Always Saved, ,


Our freewill is the only predestination there is. just because God knows our ending doesn't mean it's predestination but he is God and he knows everything. I was tempted to either go the way of my father or my mother and thanks to her I was given the tools to choose right. I know I messed up but I admit that. Thank you Mom, rest in peace. I was placed in my ex husbands life to help him as well as him in mine because I learned to put others first but my ex backslid. I did everything I could even after he lied, cheated, stole everything from the kids and I then left us for earthly sins. I am not boasting but I ask for everyone to pray for him and him getting right with God 🙏


I freely choose the Word of God over Calvin.


Great Preaching teaching Brother.

A big Amen.

# Predestination is a false teaching

Matthew 28 v 18-20 and Mark 16 v 15-18 are some of the verses which debunk predestination


God is not a dependent knower who learns (acquires, derives and obtains knowledge).

God the Father knows what He causes and causes what He knows.

As stated in Acts...

Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.
— Acts 15:18 King James Version

“Foreknowledge does not suggest that God merely knew ahead of time that we would believe, and therefore He chose us. This would raise the question, 'Who or what made us decide for Christ?' and would take our salvation completely out of God’s hands.”
— Warren Wiersbe


You have two options. A God who allows and uses the sins of man to bring Himself glory and good to the believer, or a God who is either too weak, or too indifferent to stop evil things.
