Unity vs. Unreal - Which has the Best ECS in 2022?

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⌚ Time stamps for key topics ⌚

- 0:00 - Unity vs. Unreal
- 1:22 - Game Dev Guild
- 2:15 - Intro to Mass Entity
- 6:08 - Creating Entities in Unreal Mass Entity
- 7:13 - Systems in Unreal Mass Entity
- 9:26 - Mass Entity Builder Demo
- 11:46 - Turbo’s Thoughts on Mass Entity
- 13:12 - Should You Choose Unity or Unreal?

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The different naming is in my opinion to avoid equivocity, because Unreal already has a "component" class and also a "system" or "subsystem" class. In that regard it is more convenient to use the name "fragment" which to me at least seems more correct because those are in fact fragments of a bigger chunk. As for "processors" it would be mainly do avoid collision with the existing classes with the word "system" in their name. I'm using Unity in work but always more frequently I use Unreal for my own projects, but mainly for a certain type of them, for example if I need some really good animation tools I would always use Unreal. But if I play with 2d or want to play with computer shaders and such then I would always go to Unity.


Switched over to Unreal after 4 years of using Unity daily. After 5 months on I'm back to using Unity, UE is great but the community is full of blueprints solutions. Visual scripting is not my cup of tea by no means, having to learn it to convert everything over to c++ just felt like more work than what it was worth.


MassEntity does support standard animations via skeletal mesh. It’s used in the City Sample demo project. The animations converted to static mesh textures are just used for far LOD there.


i feel like i'm missing half of the fun if I don't know UE5


Wow, your video making skills have really improved a lot! Really like this style of video and the way you presented it!


I've tried both. I always like using and programming in Unity over Unreal, and I am one of those people that actually likes programming in C++. ;)


There is a UE game called Outpost by Team ranger that has many thousands of enemy swarms. I'm betting they used Mass. I really like the fact that UE has a lot of optional built in systems like pathfinding and vertex animation. I've never done UE multithreading but I suspect it's not as user friendly as with Unity Jobs. But there's no need for burst and IL2CPP since it's already C++. Coding with Burst is like abandoning C# for C anyways because it prohibits anything managed like anything in the System libraries or even simple class instances.


I feel like you missed some of the underpinning points of Unreals evolution process .. the first pass is to focus around c++ implementation.. get that right then second pass is to box it up for BP or simplified approach .. so when you keep stating the multi threading point .. I just have to say “are you aware how to do multi threading in c++”

As .. it would appear the answer is no.

As to which to use .. I use both engines equally constantly having to switch between both .. so the bias is obviously for you to keep the Unity3d pitch going .. however they both have pitfalls with ECS implementation.. they both just aren’t ready for prime time UNLESS you are tenacious and are comfortable with going to the metal as opposed to the typical low hanging fruit approach to development ..

For example .. generating a scene with nanite, lumen, world partition mixed with mass ecs .. is way more superior to attempting the same thing in Unity3d.. not to mention network code / replication in Unreal is far easier as it’s built in upfront ..

However if all you need is ecs and basic pipeline Unity3d works .. VRising is an example of this done brilliantly without the aforementioned extras..

This is a stupid Pepsi vs Coke argument to begin with .. but if you want to be taken more serious in the videos .. remain agnostic .. don’t push as aggressive with the “I can’t believe they are copying Unity3d” attitude .. as both are working with a design pattern so there will be overlaps


I am wondering how this has aged. I am financing a project to build a large scale game and considering the first engine. To be honest I would rather go Bevy but it just doesn't seem to be ready for prime time. That leaves Godot, Unreal and Unity. At this point with the pricing changes I am not sure which to pick. I would love to bring Bevvy to primetime but the budget just doesnt allow this. Thoughts?


I recently learned about the mass Ai system but to benefit from it to the fullest I had to switch from blueprint to C++, was challenging but worth it, I managed to spawn 20k AI all visible on screen simultaneously... That was literally what I needed


After thoroughly testing Unreal and Unity, and spending my free time for a year testing them, I recommend Bevyengine, the project is in its infancy, but already showing solid forms. It is also getting financing. It is a real pleasure to program in Rust, everything is fast, all the ECS is well programmed and without difficulty, access to all the source code, you can modify what you want, the whole product is the same code. Folks, Rust is finally going strong in the gaming industry. With Unity and with Unreal I didn't enjoy programming, Unreal because of the pain of C++, Unity because of its complete inconsistency. Bevyengine feels different, a stable project, ECS, will undoubtedly be a benchmark in the coming years. In my first tests with Bevyengine I get much more power than with Unity ECS, because you control aspects with Rust that you cannot control with Unity, the result is incredible.


Multithreading will be supported automatically in an upcoming update. You don't even have to do much for it.


hi, i just started working profesionally with UE, first off, components are aleady a thing in unreal, and they usually contain logic (movement components, percepcion components, etc), so it would be confusing to use ECS, the other reason is that unity patented the namr it seems.

Mass is still in the experimental phase, so basically almost non-usable for games with the intent of release


I fell like the only ones who really care about this question so much are the ones who will never release anything. Try one, fry both, at the end it will not really matter, you gonna like one and go with it


UNREAL5: Nanite+Lumen+Double Precision+ECS vs Unity: DOTS + ?. But Unity's job system and Burst compile are great, at least for me who write physics simulation.


I'm curious if Unreal ECS can interoperate with normal Actors, especially its physics and net code etc. I still really don't get why Unity is splitting physics and especially netcode between GOs and ECS.


Hi Bro, would you please kindly provide the URL of Mass Entity Builder Demo or simply share where to get it? Many thanks.


Is Unity proprietary and Unreal is not? at 14:24 ish you make it sound like that is the case?


This was new to me, so thanks for reporting on it. I'll stick with Unity, but it's mostly because that is what I started with. It sounds like Unreal will have to integrate their ECS (EFP?) with multithreading and a new renderer. Since Unreal's focus is on high end graphics, I also wonder if some aspects of this will conflict with what their user base is inclined to do. It'll be interesting to see the overal rate of development.


anyone happen to know about how it is now a year later? unity hasnt really updated much and doesnt seem unreal has either so video mosty accurate?
