She's Got A DISCONNECT- DIY Electrical

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In today's video we are pulling from the solar panels to the Power House, mounting the disconnect at the Power House and wiring up the charge controller.
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I love watching professionals work. Josh's attention to detail is refreshing. You can tell he's done this before lol! And both of you are indeed a breath of fresh air.


Just wanted to let You and Your Family know there are still those of us who are looking/researching your older videos!! They are still Much Appreciated!! Blessings to You and Your Family in 2024!


I'm a retired engineer (electrical) that has spent a lot of time working on industrial systems. It is a joy watching you work, you are obviously a skilled electrician that knows what you are doing. I just started watching your channel, so I'm viewing things out of order, but I'll eventually watch it all, I'm sure. I can't wait, keep up the good work.


Really liking the longer videos. Josh does a great job of explaining what he's doing and especially WHY he's doing it. It's great for us solar newbs to learn - he would probably be a good teacher. Good camera work too Erin - y'all are such a high quality team working together.


This is the kind of stuff that should be taught in regular schools growing up so kids know more than the basic reading, writing etc. This kind of knowledge is priceless as can be seen by this couple who work amazing together! Such a great family unit too! I love the vids I have seen so far !


Josh, I have to give you credit. You did a better job covering and explaining what you were doing, and why, than anything I've ever seen on "This Old House", "Hometime", etc.

And your lovely lady-wife did just as good a job in getting it on camera. Kudos to both of you!

Also, give your queen (cat) a good scruffle from me. I just lost my old black & white girl, who loved to climb my ladders, whenever I put one up. I miss her "help"!

Thanks for a great channel.


I just love the way you two laugh at each other & laugh with each other. Healthy bond . 💖👍👍😊


Ciao ragazzi vi scrivo dall'Italia ho guardato tutti i vostri video e sono rimasto veramente stupito di cosa avete realizzato, siete straordinari complimenti.. tantissimi auguri e godetevi la meravigliosa casa che avete costruito.


You both were made for one another. True soul mates if I ever saw one. Excellent video Josh. Thanks for all the info. God's Greatest Blessings to you and your family.


You two are the luckiest people to have eachother. Thank you for sharing a portion of your lives together. Truely inspiring.


every thing ya'll do is done with a pride for good workman / workwomanship, even the video. I am impressed with how you take the time to cut to the close up shots. You two are hard workers.


Josh works with an amount of care not often seen in homesteading videos. Good job, guys.


Extremely interesting to watch a master wire this controller up. Love all the detail. I love this video. This is a truly talented man.


Super clean work. Awesome to see Josh in his element.


Awesome video - once again - and your professional buggy driver will be able to tell all his mates, with pride, how he hauled that wire through there. Again, including the kids gives them skills and a sense of pride. You are great role models. Thanks for sharing.


You are an animal lover Josh. I love how gently handle all the animals. Truly special.


Excellent just excellent, you both could put a full construction squad to shame . A true example of total efficiency . Informative, well prepared and hilarious to boot . Just how it should be . Carter is construction operator now designated plant operator . Top job little fella . Well done . Keep up the excellent work . Amazing .


You and your wife really work like a well-oiled machine. I am in awe watching you wire-up your solar power set-up. I am retired now but my wife and I worked together as subs for Home Depot. We also worked as you and your wife do. Fewer mistakes and a faster job.


That was awesome! Josh thanks for explaining everything as you went. I know that slows you down. It’s appreciated.


What makes this channel so good is that these 2 work great together. It makes it easy to see a beautiful women with such heart for her family and a husband that wants his family to live free. 👍🏻👍🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸. Keep up the great work!!!
