IB Math IA: Graph Theory

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In this video we use graph theory to try to minimize the cost of a trip around Europe. A nice idea for your IB Math IA.
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Hi Mr. Flynn, please do more Math IA videos !! These are super helpful and I appreciate that you are providing these free resources for students that are trying to make through the IB:) You are amazing


Another banger of a video Mr. Flynn, keep on with the amazing ideas!


This idea is very good Mr. Flynn, might consider this for my IA!


Honestly I love this concept, though I’m an SL student. But the vacation idea hits home, but since you explained it so thoroughly I’m not sure if it’d count as plagiarism? My aim would be not to waste time because my mom gets carsick quick, and to save money. FYI it hits home because my mom is Brazilian and we always vacation in her city


Hi Mr. Flynn, well explained and a great video!! I had 1 question - which other math concept can i use in addition to graph theory?


Hi Mr Flynn. First of all, thank you so so much for these maths IA ideas - they have been extremely helpful in drafting my IA topic.
Referring to the school bus idea in this video, you mentioned to consider the traffic lights. Would I need to factor this into my equation/model for the time taken or mention it in the limitations? If I need to factor this into my equation, how exactly could I go about doing that?
Also, since I take HL AA Maths, what further extensions would you recommend to take this topic idea further? (since my teacher strongly recommends out-of-syllabus content in our IA)
I thought the Butterfly Effect in Chaos Theory might be applicable in this situation, would you recommend it? If so, what might be some specific relevant calculations I could carry out considering road quality, traffic lights, traffic flows etc (involving derivatives, geometry etc)
I know these are a lot of specific questions, but I'd be extremely grateful if you could help address these as they would be a great help in picking my IA topic as I am struggling a lot with this.
Many thanks:)


Hi Mr. Flynn,

Found this really inspiring. As I am on the search for my IA topics, i wanted to ask if this can be applied to for example finding the cheapest way to go from country to another and come back? In graph theory, I would have to look into the different routes via flights, the distance between each, the different stops i can make to reduce the cost, and the time it would take considering its with different airlines.

Is there anything else I would have to consider.


Hey Mr. Flynn! I would like to do something similar for my maths IA. Could you share what software or app you are using in your video to draw the graph. Thank you for your inspiring videos, they are a big help.


Hey Mr. Flynn, the topic seems very interesting, I was wondering if you think it can be done for the Math AA HL and if it could achieve a 7?


Hey Mr. Flynn! I actually really love this topic idea and am strongly considering it for my IA. However, I’m currently in Maths AA SL. Even though this is an HL topic, can this still be a viable option?


hi mr flynn, i’m thinking of doing my maths ia on modelling the population growth of my home country from 2012-2023 using exponential and and logistic models, i’m an SL maths analysis and approaches student, do you think this topic is appropriate? and would you be able to guide me on how should i go about with this since i saw an iA where someone used the separable differential equation for the exponential growth model but we don’t cover that in SL maths AA, so what should i do?
