I Quit Coffee and Got My Energy Back - Life Changing!!

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I Quit Coffee and Got My Energy Back - Isn't that insane??!
Welcome to Part 1 of my mini-coffee series. Earlier this year, I made the decision to quit having my morning coffee. There are a number of reasons why I decided to ditch the bean juice, but one of the main reasons was to get my energy back (spoiler alert!)

00:00 Introduction
01:02 Why did I quit coffee?
05:19 What was it like to quit coffee?
09:41 What helped me stay on track
11:22 Changes I noticed after I quit coffee
14:21 Negatives to quitting coffee


A little about me:
Hi, I’m Mags!
I’m just your average human with a passion for living a positive & healthy lifestyle – oh and we can’t forget my obsession with self-care!

I originally began sharing my life on social media to share my story about my health struggles, but it has since evolved into me sharing about my ever-growing passion for a positive and healthy lifestyle.

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The book "Caffeine Blues" is a real eye opener. I quit because of sleep issues. It takes awhile to turn that around especially because that is ultimately connected to adrenaline overload and things other than caffeine cause that, but it definitely helps! Excess adrenaline and cortisol from caffeine, sugar and stress are the big issues for all health problems. Quitting caffeine, sugar and other foods that over stimulate the adrenals and blood sugar spikes, which also stimulate adrenaline release, is so important along with addressing unresolved emotional trauma, learning to regulate our emotional responses, etc. Also eating soluble fiber super important for helping excess hormones come out of our GI tract-soluble fiber is the only thing that binds the hormones that the liver secretes for disposal. If we aren't eating soluble fiber at regular intervals throughout the day, every day, those hormones will be recycled and are still physiologically active, which causes overload. The best sources of soluble fiber are legumes-beans, peas, lentils-and psyllium husk. Thanks for sharing this topic, really under acknowledged, especially in the U.S.! Blessings!


Very good summary, I'm on Week 10, I quickly realized that I wasn't addicted (no headaches/withdrawal), but the ritual was the biggest part. I quit coffee before but the headaches and withdrawals were bad and I read and believed more that it was good for you, so I returned. Then I quit again with no affects and figured, 'I'm not addicted anyway, so I'll just moderate it.' Finally I looked again after keeping it moderate and found more support like this to just quit it (nice to hear a 25 year old was also crashing at 1 and 5, and it wasn't age). I saw it as a challenge in early Oct and said by Nov. I'll have broken the habit, let's see what happens. I sleep deeper, when I do wake (still early, but not ridiculously early), I'm ready to go. I don't need afternoon nap and am active well into night like now. My teeth are whiter, my pee is clearer and my energy is more consistent. It's a drug we've been sold for years, just say no.


I was never much of a coffee drinker throughout my life until I ended up at this manufacturing plant and I started morning nights. Worked nights for 7yrs and coffee became a crutch and a go to and it became habitual. Even after I got off night work I was already under caffeines boot a decade later I can't go a single day without at least 1 cup. So that's 1 cup at least for 10yrs. Over this time I developed panic attacks and anxiety, heart palpitations on and off. Tried to kick it and was net with a violent series of withdrawal symptoms. So right at that moment I knew that anything which has that kind of effect on me if I were to leave it probably is very very bad.. so here I am, on my journey to kick coffee and caffeine all together. I've had 1 cup in the last 4 days... I'm making headway and I heard quitting helps sleep and you begin to dream again which means REM sleep. I sure would like to sleep better! So here's to a cleaner and more stimulant free life


To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.


I’m on day 4 and definitely feel the increase in hunger. But I also feel way more calm and my road rage has completely disappeared. The lack of stress and anxiety has me sold on it. Also it’s good that if I really need a pick me up, coffee will have a bigger effect if I don’t regularly drink it.


I consider health a state of balance. A lot of people are resilient enough to handle coffee, but I think we’ll see that as our environment continues to degrade we will become less able to manage the stress that caffeine imposes on our physiology, and more and more of us will become increasingly sensitive to the deleterious effects of coffee.


Caffeine has always made me really hungry!!!! I find it bizarre when ppl say it supresses appetite!


I have seen MANY other videos and comments about people that have quit. I did it myself and agree with what people are saying. I have more energy throughout the day, I think better, and have less stress. I used green tea at first and then phased it out later. The main reason I quit was because of the headaches.


One of the biggest eye openers for me was when I cut out coffee for a week and then I said I'd microdose coffee on this first day. I basically poured 1/10th of a single shot and then some hot water. That tiny bit of caffeine sent me crazy. So can only imagine how those 2/3/4 shots in a single cup affects our brain


I recently quit alcohol and never thought that I would actually be able to do it. A friend introduced me to non alcoholic beer, and it changed my life. Coffee seems much harder. I love love coffee, but it completely ruins my digestion. I ignored it for so long, but I can't keep sacrificing for my coffee addiction. I want to try caffeine powder to help me at the start. I halfed my coffee consumption so far and started to drink grain coffee with a tea spoon black strap molasses. I am taking it slow. Hopefully, I can fight this battle.


I wonder if you are still going strong!! Would love an update. Trying to quit coffee at the moment and I am binging videos like these for motivation


There should be a caffeine addicts anonymous and instead of serving coffee you can have a beer. As far as sleeping an hour of vigorous exercise during the day and cutting screens at night will help! Also I've found women are typically more energetic at night opposed to men, might just be the way of the world


Great video! I've stopped drinking caffeine for many of the same reasons you just mentioned. Going on four months now, and I don't plan on going back!


I have had the exact same experience as you! 🥺 (abstaining from caffeine three weeks now). Also cold turkey, and was sooo so hungry 😳😅 the best incorporation I've found for morning routine is fresh juice and a small soup 🥺🙏 so filling in the early hours and will perk you up for a good start at work 😍😍😍


I have switched to decafe. Day 4 and I feel so much better. Less anxious which i am loving.


I was never a coffee drinker but I started drinking coffee during chemo to keep functioning throughout the day. I really want to quit for some of the same reasons you have, like I yawn allll the time in the afternoon! I have tried to quit once, but I hated feeling like I am missing that part of the morning routine. You’re motivating me to try again


That is great to hear it has helped your energy. I am on day 5 of no caffeine and added sugar, and I feel so exhausted. Ugh. It’s good to hear that will hopefully be gone within the month!


I just came across your video. I went 4 days without coffee (Just really busy and it's been hot out so was drinking more water). Today I had a cup and I can feel my anxiety and depression so much more. I right away knew the coffee most likely triggered these feelings. I'm definitely going to stop drinking coffee. I've also been on a smoothie kick lately so hoping that'll be in my morning routine rather than coffee. 😊


if you still experience difficulty to fall asleep after eliminating coffee altogether then probably you are doing some of these things.
1. still having caffeine from black or green tea. caffeine derivative of teas remains for a long period of time in blood than the one found in coffee.
2. eating sugary foods, or refined carbohydrates. caffeine alters metabolism of carbohydrates through cortisol and insulin. after quitting caffeine, care must be taken for eating foods that have high glycemic index because they also have stimulating effect on the brain. limit them for once or twice a week.
3. you are probably eating too close to the bed time. you should not eat anything atleast 3 hours before bed. again, eating releases certain harmones in your blood that disrupts your sleep.
. if you are doing any one of these i hope this will help you.
. caffeine has an alternative effect on different people. it makes some people fall asleep faster, while harder for other people to sleep. but it definitely doesn't let both types of people to experience good amount of deep sleep.


I decided to quit coffee and i ended up watching this AMAZING video.. thank you so much it really helps me
