Liberal vs. Conservative Brain Explained [100 Seconds]

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The big debate...Liberal vs. Conservative. Republican vs. Democrat... In this quick video I explain some differences between conservative and liberal brains. Are republicans smarter than democrats? Are democrats more creative? Are Republicans more fearful?

Conservatives are more sensitive to fear and anxiety.
A March 2011 MRI study at University College London found larger Amygdalae (the fear and anxiety portion of the brain) in self-identified conservative students.
Same study found liberals had more gray matter in the left posterior insula, the section of the brain dealing with complexity and emotional cues.
A team at the University of Nebraska showed liberals and conservatives “repellent images”, auto accidents, blood, feces, and measures how long their eyes lingered. Conservatives unconsciously stared an average of 15% longer.
Liberals are less cleanly than conservatives.
An NYU study in 2008 had participants take a look at photographs of 94 different offices from around the country and then describe what they saw. Offices of conservatives were more conventional, but also more cleanly, organized, and brightly lit.
Switch to party affiliation for a second.
4) Democrats tend to have completed higher levels of education.
Pew Research in 2014 show a 22% lead for democrats among voters with post-graduate degrees, a 7 point lead among college graduates, and an 8 point lead among lower-educated citizens. Leaving the Republicans with an advantage among americans with only a high school diploma.

Please watch: "Why Didn't Germans Just Go Around the Berlin Wall?"
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To pay more attention to a negative stimulus is to process at a deeper level the stimulus. Further analysis leads to more accurate conclusions and predictions. Avoidance of negative information is the characteristic of an immature mind.


>less educated

Nice way to get more kids into the trades


Boi I ain't afraid of NOTHING. Not with my Glock on my hip


I would love to know who funded this research


How do people who are “soooo orderly” not attend or graduate college then?


All this smart science but still can’t figure out democrats are not liberals 😂


what defines liberal or conservative here? was it self reported?


That video actually proves that the Republic is the way to go because Obama.was in the presidency 8 years and while our country was in recession he was sending millions and millions of dollars to other countries while he could have been investing those millions of dollars into our country to help create Jobs and he was a man who had a high formal education but look at how stuck our country has been for 8 years and just because you graduated from College does not make you smarter than someone who has a a high school diploma there are people that have dropped out of high school or made it to 12th grade but never got their diploma that are smarter than alot of the dems that have a higher (formal) education there are people who self educate themselves and manage to be more succesful than those have a formal education


okay so i've always wondered this; are liberals liberal because they are more educated, or are they liberals because they're educated? if that doesn't make sense let me try to break it down: do people shift toward the left because they have more life experience and are more intelligent, or could they possibly attend institutions which are notably more left leaning? I'm college educated and have never met one conservative professor, and if i did, they didn't let their affiliation show. On the other hand I've met several left leaning professors and agnostics in classes, and while it didn't shift my world view, i can see how its inciting to people who have never had real world experience.


All of these actually go really well with my own observations.


Politics is just biology played out on a national scale. Political leaning and hemispheric dominance in the brain are one and the same. Given the lateralized roots of the autonomic nervous system, it is fair to say that conservatism is characterized by the sympathetic branch and liberalism by the parasympathetic. In both biology and politics, cross-talk and regular cycling between wings based on immediate organismic/national needs is essential for homeostasis. America has somehow become a split brain patient with no corpus callosum. Through the bicameral veil, each appears alien to the other, and the two hands work against each other rather than in the interest of the body to which they are attached.


This is pretty easy to explain with one fact. A much higher percentage of women are liberal than men. The vast majority of the "facts" in this video explained right there. As to the education I'd love to see that broken down by degree because I'm pretty sure that everyone with a degree in Social Justice Basket Weaving is probably a liberal while the majority of people graduating with STEM degrees are conservative.


Triggered conservatives in the comment section :D


Conservatives are cautious and liberals are reckless.

Does that not seem logical given the two labels?

I did not think that needed explaining. lol


The comment section is so full of salt, I could sell it at a profit and open up a successful buisness.


Wow, I was expecting this to be biased, but I was proven wrong.


Show me a doctor of brain science making the argument that a larger more active amygdala along with a smaller less active anterior cingulate cortex section of the brain is some kind of advantage enyone would benefit from.

I'm waiting ;


Liberals value peace even if someone has to be silenced.
Conservatives value freedom even if it creates chaos.
Libertarians value privacy even if the government doesn't have all the information they want or need.
(Democratic?) Socialists value happiness even if it prevents effectiveness


radicalism I suppose is always shallow that's why both sides sound like sectarians, very annoying sometimes i'd say.


Those degree statistics are probably accurate. But you should've talked about them more specifically. From my experience, >85% of people with practically useless degrees such as psychology are liberals. The degrees you can actually get good jobs with are usually evenly split or more conservative: STEM, business, econ, etc... I mean, think about the Bernie supporters who want their student debt magically gone: Most of them probably chose to pursuit an absolutely useless degree just for the fun. I've never seen a conservative complain about not being able to pay off college debt: They either don't waste money for college, or get an ACTUAL degree.
