Left or Liberal? | 5 Minute Video

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Tell the average American you’re a liberal and they’ll assume you’re on the political left. Yet, leftists and liberals hold very different positions on key issues. In this video, Dennis Prager explains how the tenets of liberalism like a belief in capitalism and free speech have more in common with conservatism than with the identity politics and racial resentment preached by the left.

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What’s the difference between a liberal and a leftist?

This question stumps most people because they think liberal and left are essentially the same.

But they’re not. In fact, liberalism and leftism have almost nothing in common. But the left has appropriated the word “liberal” so effectively almost everyone—liberals, leftists and conservatives—thinks they are synonymous. But they’re not.

Let me offer you six examples:

1. Race:

This is probably the most obvious difference between liberal and left. The liberal position on race has always been a) the color of a person’s skin is insignificant and b) those who believe race is significant are racists. Meanwhile, the left believes the very opposite. To the left, it’s the liberal attitude toward race—it’s unimportant—that is racist. That’s why the University of California officially lists the statement, “There is only one race, the human race” as racist.

And liberals have always been passionately committed to racial integration, while the left is increasingly committed to racial segregation—such as all-black dormitories and separate black graduations at universities.

2. Capitalism:

Liberals have always been pro-capitalism, because liberals are committed to free enterprise and because they know capitalism is the only way to lift great numbers of people out of poverty. It is true that liberals want government to play a bigger role in the economy than conservatives do, but liberals never opposed capitalism, and they were never for socialism. Opposition to capitalism and advocacy of socialism are left-wing values.

3. Nationalism:

Liberals believe in the nation-state, whether that nation is the United States, Brazil, or France. But because the left divides the world by class rather than by national identity, the left has always opposed nationalism. So, while liberals have always wanted to protect American sovereignty and borders, the left is for open borders.

When the writers of Superman were liberals, Superman was a proud American whose very motto was “Truth, justice, and the American way.” But that all changed a few years ago, when left-wing writers took over the comic strip and had Superman renounce his American citizenship to be a citizen of the world.

The left has contempt for nationalism, seeing it as the road to fascism. Better that we should all be “citizens of the world” in a world without borders.

4. View of America:

Liberals have always venerated America. Watch American films from the 1930s through the 1950s and you will be watching overtly patriotic, America-celebrating films—virtually all produced, directed and acted by liberals. Liberals were quite aware of America’s imperfections, but they agreed with Abraham Lincoln that America is “the last, best hope of earth.” The left, however, believes the left is the last, best hope of earth and regards America as racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, violent, and imperialistic.

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In Australia the Liberal Party is the right wing party.


" I wholly disapprove of what you say. But I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Love this.


*I've been saying for 10 years that we need to stop calling anyone who doesn't support Classical Liberalism and Libertarianism a "Liberal".*


1:12 Ah yes, the good old INTREAGORIAATLION


In Japan liberal party (Liberal Democratic Party) is a right wing party.


I'm a lifelong liberal. I agree with this completely.

I've marched for gays, marched for the poor, volunteered for the homeless, volunteered with kids, watched and supported a longtime family friend transition from female to male - not to mention my mother and I both currently have jobs teaching underprivileged minorities in major urban areas. I've called myself a feminist since I was twelve. I'm a racial mixed-bag - half Jewish, half everything else. In college, I worked in a lab studying ethnic disparities in healthcare for two years. I was President of both the Gay-Straight Alliance and the Thespian Society in high school. I'm pretty much the DEFINITION of an Uberlib.

And I am SO SICK of leftists coming in and mucking up my liberalism. Conservatives are my friends and countrymen - hearing them demonized as racist, sexist, and evil sickens my heart. But what truly disgusts me is hearing things like "ban hate speech" and "nationalism = white supremacy" presented as LIBERAL arguments. I've always thought liberalism is about freedom, and unlimited free speech (including hate speech), and nationalism, are two of the greatest tools for freedom ever to be developed by humanity.

I'm a lifelong Democratic voter, but I've started voting Republican the past few years, because I feel that, as a LIBERAL, Republicans are currently doing a better job of defending my values.

It honestly breaks my heart a little to have had faith in the left all my life, and to have had people I thought were friends tell me I'm racist and sexist - even though I'm a feminist activist who teaches inner-city blacks and Hispanics for a living, even though I'm part Hispanic, Arab, and North African myself - simply because I won't agree 100% with their statements. That has literally happened to me, multiple times, in the past 3-4 years - I agreed with someone I thought was a friend, but because I didn't agree with them ENOUGH, they attacked my character, and in several cases completely cut ties with me afterwards. One woman - my roommate and best friend at the time - not only cut off ties from me entirely (the same day she moved out, not kidding), but said I was 'dangerous, ' simply because I politely disagreed with her boyfriend when her boyfriend vehemently said, "ALL sexism boils down to male violence against women." I didn't disagree that that was probably the worst part of sexism - I just said that I happened to know women who'd been victimized in a sexist way by women, and men who'd been victimized by men, and it was more complicated than that, and I didn't agree with being so reductionist. But nope. That wasn't me having an honest discussion with friends about an interesting social issue. That was me being a hateful sexist. That was me being DANGEROUS. Literally 'too dangerous to stay friends with.'

I can't be the only liberal who feels this way, who is sick and tired of having to guard his lips all the time, sick of having to hide perfectly average opinions, sick of being afraid that coworkers, friends, bosses, etc. will attack me if I say the wrong thing. Sick of my country - which despite its imperfections, protects not only its own poor and downtrodden, but the world's poor and downtrodden, more than any other country in history - having its name and character dragged through the mud.

Thank you, Dennis Prager, and other conservatives like you, who've been warm and welcoming to me and other liberals like me in this crazy time. Thank you for making these arguments. Thank you for sticking up for us, and for having our backs.


This feels more like a left-bad, liberalism-okay video than educational video.


I always thought I wasn't a liberal because all the self proclaimed liberals I knew did not share any of my philosophical viewpoints.


"Everything the Left touches, it ruins" - DP


Only Americans call leftists "liberals". In France "liberal" means that you're right-wing economically speaking.

Edit : it comes from "libertarian" (right-wing economically speaking) different than "liberal". But we say "a liberal" or "he is liberal" to talk about libertarian.


Liberalism believes in free market capitalism more right wing

left is more socialist and non capitalist that is all you need to know


Thanks for this. I was one of many who thought liberal was the same as the left. Love Prager U


Iam a liberal. I want as much freedom as possible without harming other people. I also want a free market.


You can't say
I support freedom of speech *BUT*


Thank you for educating us ! Excellent.


Thank you for clearing it up because I'm a liberal


to make it even more confusing for you peeps, in australia our conservative party is called the "liberal" party and so we have to use either "leftist" for the left wing party or "labor" it just shows how the political association of words can totally reverse over time


"There's only one race, the human race" slap wHaT aBoUt NaScAr


I am a conservative nationalist by heart. And I have no issue with classical liberals. We need to progress in the right direction (politically), not be left to the demise of leftist politics and gloablist agendas.


Anyone who actually spends a prolonged period in far left (communist/anarchist) circles will soon learn that "liberal" is one of the most frequently used insults for each other, in addition to radlib, tankie, ultra, vaushite, trot, revisionist etc (depending on the flavour of leftist).
