How Morals Influence If You're Liberal Or Conservative

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Are your political views based on facts or your morals? What makes a libertarian tick? Peter Ditto explains how #morals shape our worldview.

UC Irvine Professor Peter Ditto studies human judgment and decision-making. Ditto is fascinated by biases and "motivated reasoning," where people's beliefs and morals influence their interpretation of facts.

Ditto started in health #psychology but soon found an even richer trove of human biases: American politics, where liberals and conservatives seem to operate on completely different sets of facts.

Ditto's research finds that liberals and conservatives are easy to characterize based on their moral beliefs, but where do libertarians fit in?

Learn more about Peter Ditto's work on morals and politics:


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George washington warned against all of this. He said that one day, the name of your political party would outweigh the fact that we are all american.


Both sides can have good points! Why do you gotta be far left or right? I wouldnt mind talking to a conservative n learning their views


I like how every side just constantly accuses every other side of brainwashing. I wonder what would happen if people started actually listening to what others had to say instead of just shouting at each other. It's just an idea


Conservatives care about morality
Liberals care about feelings


Me: Clicks a 3 minute 15 second video about "liberals and conservatives"
Me: Sees a 3 minute attack on libertarians.


i feel as though liberals are more manipulative.


Libertarianism is a political philosophy, not a moral philosophy. Libertarians are concerned with the use of government force. As such, their personal moral philosophy can vary. As an example, a libertarian may feel that prostitution is morally wrong, but they are unwilling to endorse the government's use of force to stamp it out.


Wish this video went further into detail. It's interesting and I want to know more 😥


Man I'm just burned out by the polarization of ideas/morals. Don't have the energy anymore to argue. And I'm not even married yet.


Ouch, Libertarians lacking in empathy? I'd argue it's precisely because of my strong sense of empathy that I want to see everybody have access to the same open playing field (instead of the government arbitrarily picking losers and winners). It's also why as someone who has made plenty of mistakes and has had some truly unlucky and awful crap happen; I realize it's nobody's responsibility but your own to make the most out of your life no matter what gets in your way. Government is supposed to protect each indivigual's right to liberty (like stopping my neighbor from robbing me), is supposed to address any market failures (like stopping a business from dumping their sewage in the local water supply), and is supposed to help us organize as a collective to do the things we can't on our own or even in groups (like stopping a foreign nation from invading our country). Maybe even provide the occasional safety net as well (like not just let some guy die on the street because he loses his limbs and is unable to work anymore). A small efficient government leads to a truly "fair" and "prosperous" society; and that's just a fact.


I used to think I was Libertarian but I've found myself agreeing more with Core Conservatives in today's America


Very interesting video, but this topic needs alot more thought and a video much longer than 3:15.


That's complete bullshit. Most libertarians oppose harmful behaviour on principle, that's the thing they care the most - not making aggressive acts (the non-aggression principle). Furthermore, they are very critical of utilitarianism. And this clown said the opposite. He either doesn't know what libertarianism is or he deliberately misrepresented it to push his political views.


Libratarians and conservatives think that natural consequences to choices are necessary to teach people which decisions are good and which are bad. If I'm teaching my child to do his homework but I do it for him every day when he comes home from school and think he's going to have good habits for highschool and college we'd agree that's not a good idea. If he teaches his kids the same thing then it's carried to another generation. I don't understand why we think it's a good idea to give more money to people having kids outside of marriage or a committed relationship and expect them to stop having kids. Interfering with natural consequences is the biggest contribution to the degradation of our society. If kids are looking at how they want to live their life and they see someone with 5 kids, no partner, and they're getting by just fine, we've successfully created another generation of government dependance. Libratarians don't lack empathy, they just don't think the government should be picking up the tab for other people's poor life decisions.


Unaffiliated, because I despise everybody.


as someone who agrees with the right side more, here’s what i think. we should all have equal rights basically i respect what other ppl think, feel, or say. i think we should all respect each other’s rights for example, someone being lgbtq+ i respect how u feel however u also should respect how i feel like it’s not right. hurting ppl based on their beliefs isn’t right. treating someone just bc their class ain’t right. just like how if i wanted to own a gun. i respect that u think its not right to own a gun but in return my right should be respected as well. i think everyone should be treated fairly, no matter what race, sexuality, standard of living, and everything else is.we all deserve equal rights no matter any of that. this is just mostly abt rights but 😂 i’ve seen some conservatives beat up bc fo their beliefs i heard- some ppl been beat up bc of their sexuality neither of that is right and their options and rights should be respected.


Refreshingly balanced

Extremism in any form (i.e. left OR right) is harmful, divisive, and typically only benefits a few.

Can’t we all just be Americans with slightly differing opinions and world-views tolerant enough to hear each other out and focus on the actual issues??

(Answer: No. The mainstream media can not tolerate that, they know best and must tell us what and how to think - or, really, not to think..)

*sigh* 😔


I don't really agree with this. I have conservative values, I just don't think that the government should inforce my values upon others


Since when does individual freedom translate into being a scumbag uncapable of empathy?


"I just want to be left alone. I'm minding my own business and not hurting anyone, so just leave me alone." -That's a summary of my political position.
