The Best Arch Based Linux Distros (Gaming Included)

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Arch Linux. Some people love it, others despise it. But in this video, I'm going to be showing you some of the Arch based linux distros I have personally used at one time or another and tell you some of the advantages of using one over the other. That doesn't mean one is *better* than the other though. As they are all based upon the same thing. Arch. So you could technically turn one of these distros into the other. But this is just a little bit more fun, no?

I hope you enjoy this video, comment if you did? Comment even if you didn't! Have a good day everyone, stay safe.
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I'm using Garuda and never had any problems with it. Not sure how gaming works, I only tried modded Rimworld and it worked without any issues.


Using manjaro for 4 years the kde version ofc and i suffered only one issue in my last 4 years that my pamac was broken due to some updates.. chroot fixed everything .. but thinking of switching to gnome edition soon cause of some lags in kde. Btw can anyone knows how to keep 2 desktop environment in one installation like switching between kde and gnome freely..


archlabs is the best to install the base system without any programmes (if you have a post script to run )


Garuda as it might seem as gaming oriented in many games ive tried it has issues with some libraries while Manjaro was literally flawless but Manjaro KDE suffers from memory leak, baloo bugging, and sometimes high cpu usage because the processes decided to just spawn but XFCE manjaro with some tweaks doesnt seem to have memory leak by my extensive tests but still they have to improve them a lot so they can be called "simply werks out of the box"


EndeavourOS should have been mentioned and talked about more


Arch feels like the distro that was designed to be forked.


Garuda thus far is my favorite and has selections that ALMOST imitates Windows I would definitely check them out gamer or not it's a pretty good distro I've tried for about a month and nearly kept me from switching back to Windows.


I started with Manjaro (Or really Pop!_OS, I started my arch journey with manjaro after i saw ALVR was a BREEZE compared to pop os.) and it has always been good. The main reason I moved away? I wanted better but I realized there is no better. Well there is, but nothing like manjaro


ArcoLinux with i3 has been my daily driver for a few years. No intention to switch, and hardly any interest in checking others out. Arco cures distro hopping.


If you want a distro you can install in less than 30 minutes alone and not knowing a lot about Linux, that is rock solid while adaptable the way Ubuntu once was, that doesn't limit you in what you can do but doesn't put a lower limit on that either by being too demanding, a system that, in terms of maintenance, doesn't require more than now and then answering the question, "The following packages can be updated -do you want to do so now?" in the affirmative while enabling you to do literally anything else... Well, Manjaro might be worth a look.


EndeavourOS is my goto for beginners over manjaro.
