10 Warning Signs Your Body Needs More Zinc

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Here are ten warning signs your body needs more zinc - an essential trace mineral. In the developing world, dietary zinc deficiency is prevalent, impacting nearly two billion people. And while the body does not require large amounts of this nutrient, it is possible that you’re zinc deficient. Aside from inadequate dietary intake, other zinc deficiency causes include abnormal zinc loss, inadequate absorption, and impaired utilization.

Zinc is necessary for sending messages along biochemical pathways and maintaining the health of your nervous system. It is also crucial for the health of your skin, immune system, musculoskeletal system, and your reproductive system.

The health benefits of zinc cannot be overstated. Likewise, a lack of zinc can cause detrimental effects. So pay attention to your body and don’t ignore these signs and symptoms of zinc deficiency.


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Started taking zinc a week ago for the immune system benefits and didn't realize it would do so much more. I was having pain in my wrist that has now gone away, my digestive system is healthier, my mood is better, my energy levels are better, my sleep is better, my skin is better...I mean, seriously, the list goes on. This video was very informative and if you're not taking zinc, you should be!


Great information.
The thing is that when you are not feeling well and you go to the doctor he doesn't tell you any thing. He will prescribe useless medication and send you home


I was suffering from a cluster of skin conditions.. seborrheic dermatitis, foliculitis, scabbing, blotchy skin, dandruff and acne from my chest upwards.. I thought it was from a lack of water. But I started taking zinc. And it truly has changed my life. Im so so happy..


I am a 66 year old male have all the symptoms you have shown in this video... Have had a number of CAT scans, MRI' S, COLONOSCOPYS, CYSTOSTOMY' S , and who knows how many tests for abdominal distress, muscle pains, vision loss, joint pain in general and you hit them all plus some symptoms I didn't relate as a lack of a mineral but rather just getting older and this is what comes with age nothing helped ...Now I am on a zink regiment trying to find the foods I need ...all thanks to your video I have improved my health dramatically you have helped me get relief for the first time in 13 years.


I would have never guessed that a lack of zinc could be the root problem for so many different things. Thank you for this information in this great video.


I read years ago that low levels of zinc causes prostate problems. When my husband’s PSA increased to the point that his doctor ordered a biopsy, I bought him a bottle of 50mg Tablets of zinc, plus a prostate formula from Costco that also contains zinc. His PSA is back in the normal range.


All my constant muscle aches and pains disappeared when I started consuming these 3 things: Zinic, red beet root powder, and magnesium sulfate. I consume those items religiously every day.


Started taking zinc during the beginning of the covid and have noticed that my hair is super shiny and my skin is looking great. Also, don’t get flu or cold symptoms that last more than a day or two. Your video is wonderful! -Beth Blume


I have been having allergies, angioedema, light headed, stomach discomfort for about 3 months, had several blood work done, started taking a zinc product that also contains vitamin c, D3 and selenium, it’s been about 4 days since I last experience any of these symptoms except for the stomach discomfort that is still lingering. Zinc truly has a lot of benefits. Great video.


I was diagnosed with gastritis and was suffering for almost 3 months. Everything has changed after I took Zinc + L-Carnosine (Ulcetrol is the brand), plus herbal plants like Snakeroot and Oregano, along with Milk brands that are high in Zinc. Was consuming them for like 2 weeks and symptoms (acid reflux, indigestion, backpain) started to get better. Now my digestive system is perfectly healthy again!


For years I constantly got sick due to intense food allergies. In February of 2019 I started taking Zinc and Vitamin C. Since that time I went from being sick every 2-3 months to not having been sick since


I've taken zinc and d1000 and magnisioum for years till this day! God is good! Love him!


I had a stomach ulcer and gastritis. Doctors put me on ppi’s but had terrible side effects. Started using zinc, 3 times a day and after 2 months stomach ulcer was healed and gastritis was gone. It’s amazing stuff. I use it once a day now for maintenance and watch my diet. No more ppi’s, no more terrible side effects.


I use zink now for 3 weeks and omg my skin is so much better i feel much better in my body and feel that my body is getting stronger day by day


very helpful! All the symptoms 100% for years and lots of problems over the years that found an answer in this short video. Thanks!


Zinc in the morning is great for depression in addition magnesium at night!!


I have had white spots pop up on my fingernails since I was a kid...Doctors never told me zinc deficiency...Docs always have told me my WBC count is very low...it takes a long time for me to recover from being sick. I also have oily skin...I started taking Zinc last week and feel much better...no anxiety and oily skin is gone...planning to get my zinc levels tested.


Everyday is indeed a learning process. Thanks so soo much this great info.


Such a great video! As someone who has suffered from eczema, I can tell you that low zinc efficiency is also connected to this skin condition. In Dr. Elizabeth Lipski’s book, “Digestive Wellness”, she goes into depth about why this is and how increasing ones zinc intake can aid in alleviating this. 🥰


"It's the plumber: I've come to fix the Zinc!"
