Do You Want to Release Years of Pent-up Stress & Stored Trauma Out of Your Body? 👇🏼 #shorts

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free yourself from living in a state of constant stress & hypervigilance 👇🏼

when you experience stress, your body releases hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which trigger your “fight or flight” response 😮‍💨

this response is a natural and necessary mechanism that helps you deal with immediate threats and danger…but, when you’re exposed to stress over a prolonged period of time, your body becomes overwhelmed 😮‍💨

you can stay stressed long after the threat has past, keeping you in a state of hypervigilance

hypervigilance feels like constantly scan your surroundings, paying close attention to even minor stimuli and interpreting them as potential threats, and having an exaggerated startle response

and the constant release of stress hormones can cause long-term damage to your health 🥹

living chronic stress & hypervigilance leads to:
✨difficulty losing or gaining weight
✨challenges with relationships
✨low mood / low energy
✨brain fog / difficulty concentrating
✨chest pain / heart problems
✨chronic muscle tension
✨weakened immune system / frequently sick
✨stomaches / gut issues
✨high blood pressure
✨anxiety & depression
✨insomnia / sleep issues

because stress is so normalized in our culture, it can easily build up over time and go unnoticed 🥹

the good news is that you can release the built up stress hormones out of your body in 30 days with somatic exercises 💖

somatic exercises cause a huge emotional release that clears out the pent up stress & survival energy out of your body ✌🏼

after you release you’ll feel much lighter & more relaxed both physically & emotionally 🙌🏼

you’ll suddenly be out of emergency mode, instead feeling grounded & calm from the inside out ✌🏼

after you release, you’ll notice that your health conditions (headaches, sleep issues, inflammation, weight issues) will start to go away ✌🏼

do you want to heal from chronic stress & feel peaceful & relaxed again?

get guided through the step by step 👇🏼

#somatichealing #somatic #somatics #chronicstress #stressed #stressedout #hiprelease #hipopener
Рекомендации по теме

Before I ever saw one of your videos I found myself finding the greatest release for my body was the hang man position of a tarot card. I found your videos and am astounded at the number of body positions/exercises I have subconsciously been doing for quite some time to release stress in my body.


I'm a kid I have anxiety and stress and constant stomach aches so I think I just found like your thank you


I’m doing the exercise work. It’s helping a lot. Thank you for the inspiration.


Just found you and so glad I did 🤍 amazing
