How to cook mushrooms properly

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This is a basic video that will show you the proper technique of how to properly fry mushrooms. Although you can cook mushrooms in many different ways, this is a good basic skill to have.

You can clean mushrooms by gently wiping them with a damp paper towel before cooking them. If you soak or wash mushrooms directly in or under running water, they will absorb the water and take longer to cook. Both methods are acceptable, but if you want to cut down cooking time, wipe them, don't soak them.

0:00 Introduction
0:25 How to cook mushrooms theory
1:22 Cutting mushrooms
1:36 Step 1 Getting water out
2:42 Step 2 Evaporating the water
4:18 Step 3 Frying the mushrooms
6:10 Seasoning the mushrooms
6:32 Finished product fried mushrooms

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First, thank you very much for watching this video and supporting my channel! Here are some answers to your frequently asked questions about this video:

Q: Can I just drain the water to make it cook faster?
A: Yes, you can. But why are you in such a hurry? If you concentrate the mushroom juices in the pan, you are left with more flavor in the end.

Q: Did you clean the mushrooms?
A: Yes, they were wiped with a damp paper towel before filming. I don't recommend that you wash them or soak them in water, as they will absorb water and will take longer to cook.

Q: Why did you add olive oil at the beginning?
A: Oil conducts heat, which heats up the mushrooms faster, and gets them to let go of their water faster.

Q: Why didn't you use butter?
A: Because butter has milk solids that can burn. So you would only add butter at the very end.

Q: Will adding salt at the beginning help the water come out faster?
A: Not really. What will get the water out of the mushrooms quickly is heat, not salt.

Q: Should I peel the mushrooms first?
A: These are baby Portobello mushrooms, you do not need to peel them.

Q: Is it OK to eat the stem?
A: Yes. You would only remove the stem if it's too tough or has too much tough fiber, which these did not.

Q: What kind of pan is that?
A: It's a non-stick Korean wok that I bought at a local Asian grocery store.


I have learnt so much watching YouTube videos, I’m 70 and still learning


2 am: I should really go to sleep now
2:07 am: I finally know how to fry mushrooms


I love the simplicity of using the video with background audio to demonstrate how to cook them properly


So I had to get up at 1 o’clock in the morning and fry mushrooms that I had in the refrigerator and make my wife eat them with me. Thanks a lot mushroom man! 🍄 😂


I'm 71 and I just learned how to properly fry mushrooms ! Thanks so much.


On my way to discover foods as an adult by cooking them properly... I love mushrooms after following this video ❤


I love mushrooms and cook them exactly like this but my tip is... buy at least twice as many as you think you need!


At 60yrs old I have never cooked good mushroom until tonight!!!
I watched a couple of other videos on the subject but settled on this one.
Real glad I did!
So simple but so effective and brilliantly explained with many points covered including the Q & A in the notes which I only saw after.
I have always peeled my mushrooms but the regular ones I bought today didn't even have any dirt on them so I didn't even need to wipe them!
Started them off in a bit of olive oil and they soaked that up so after a few mins I added a bit more.
Didn't get much water out of them but fried them for about 10 mins then added a pinch of salt, a knob of butter and one mashed clove of garlic and continued on medium heat for another few mins.
I thought I'd cooked enough for four but wish I'd done 3 times the amount.. they were delicious!!!
Now I know to clean or peel or cut the stems depending on how they are and will be cooking them like this now for hopefully the next 30+yrs.
Many thanks for making this great video!


At 52 years of age I have recently discovered that I love mushrooms. I ordered an appetizer of steak bites and did not read it came with banana peppers and mushrooms. At first I was disappointed but did not want to waste it so I dug in. Ever since i have ordered mushrooms and eaten them at every chance. Last week a restaurant locally served me mushrooms that seemed to be steamed and the dish was full of fluid. It left me disappointed and So I searched and found your video. Today I made my first plate full of white mushrooms (8oz next time making double). I added some spicy banana peppers and some tiny pearl onions I also threw in a teaspoon of garlic and some dried parsley. Thank you your video it helped me make an awesome dish. PS I also seared it with some habanero ketchup at the end gonna try a little more of that added a nice kick and added some nice color.


Good tip: Add a little bit of lemon juice when the water has evaporated. It'll intensify the mushroom flavor even more.
Also works with beef.


Stage 3 is where 2 cloves of finely minced garlic are thrown in and sauteed till fragrant, then deglazed with cognac, reducing cognac by half, then adding butter to sauce. Serve with sniped chives.


Great video! My dear old Dad would bring home wild field mushrooms from the farm he collected after milking the cows. He would get to your stage two, then use cornflour to thicken the mushroom water, creating a black sauce that blanketed the mushrooms. this was then served on buttered toast for breakfast. I guess he never got to stage 3, but at least I will now! Thanks!


I have never outgrown my desire to know the "why" about everything. Thank you for teaching me something new.


I was always inconsistent when cooking mushrooms and I didn't know why. Your video helped a lot! Thanks


Videos like this are why I LOVE YouTube!! I've always thought I cooked mine too long but turns out I was doing it right but now I know why :) Great video!


All these years I have fried mushrooms like this and now I know my mom taught me the right way


Nice video, can't wait to try this out. However, I can't help but correct that mushrooms (at least 99% of mushrooms) don't contain cellulose. Rather their bodies are made of a polymer called chitin, which is what insect exoskeletons are made of. This difference is one of the defining features that separate mushrooms from the plant kingdom.


Just happened to have a large bag of shrooms straight from the farm w/ dirt on 'em. Thanks for the demonstration. They came out excellent.

Well Done!

LOVE you in Philadelphia.

Harrowgate, Philadelphia, PA ---- USA ----


Skip the oil to start, mushrooms are a sponge and just soaks it up, so dry saute till brown and water has evaporated and then finish with a little oil or butter if you like or just add directly to whatever dish you're making.
