B.G. Sidharth noncommutativity physics: two dimension holographic Universe=gravitational mass photon

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Jean Bricmont Fri, May 26, 4:06 AM to me
I don’t know much about virtual photons, but it is true that books on QFT or relativistic QM never mention the collapse, which is presented as an axiom in ordinary QM books, because that collapse is nonlocal and thus not easy to treat relativistically. In fact QFT predicts accurately the results of scattering experiments but ignores what happens between t=-infinity and t=+infinity and never discusses AFAIK EPR type situations.
Best regards,
"Returning to the mass of the photon, it can be argued that this is a result of the non commutativity of spacetime at a micro scale.... a
small external magnetic field that is switched on, this term leads to a spin
orbit coupling. It is the third and last term that is the extra effect due to
the noncommutative character of spacetime." Comments on the Mass of the Photon
B.G. Sidharth, 2006
"Also, we consider the zitterbewegung fluctuations to obtain an interpretation of quantum mechanics. We argue that this gives us a method to extract dark energy.... insinuating forward and backward time flow. ...[it is the interference of these two that gives rise to quantum mechanics]. In general, it is not possible to have both these domains coexisting. However, it has been shown in great detail [17]....This is an example of the real footprint of the ethereal dark energy. From this we should be able to extract energy. It’s a question of technology." [antigravity]
"So a nonzero photon mass was obtained based on a background dark energy or ZPF (cf. Ref. 34) at the Planck scale. On the other hand using the Planck scale as a minimum scale, it is known that spacetime geometry becomes noncommutative.
This leads to a dispersion relation which is a modification of the usual Lorentz symmetry and equations like the Klein–Gordon and Dirac.
We have shown that, this alternative formulation leads to a photon with a mass which is exactly of the same order, thus unifying both the approaches. Finally not only is this photon mass well within the experimental limits, but also leads to observable results in the high energy gamma ray spectrum."
SIDHARTH, B. G. (2010). NONCOMMUTATIVE SPACETIME, MASS GENERATION, AND OTHER EFFECTS. International Journal of Modern Physics E, 19(01), 79–90. doi:10.1142/s0218301310014649
"It may be mentioned here that contrary to popular belief, there is no experimental evidence to indicate that the photon mass is zero!"
Light is Heavy by M.B. van der Mark and Nobel Physicist G.W. ’t Hooft
The “photon” can only be weighed if it is contained in one way or another, so that its centre of mass is fixed (on average)....It shows that the term “rest mass” really only means that the centre of mass of the object is at rest in the frame of the observer....The smaller the length scales, the stronger the forces involved and the higher the (binding) energies, and hence the corresponding masses, relative to the rest masses of the constituents.
What is intriguing is that matter’s most basic building blocks, the elementary particles, all have non-zero spin, intrinsic angular momentum, which seems to imply that they all must have some sort of intrinsic dynamics. Hypothetical structures which do not have internal
dynamics, such as point particles and hard spheres, do not exist. So what is matter really made of then? In the Dirac theory, the electron is like electromagnetic energy quivering at light speed, just like a photon in a box [5]. If really so, matter is light"
Рекомендации по теме

From the late 1990s B G Sidharth has been writing about a possible fifth
force, over and above the usual electromagnetic and other forces. His con-
clusions were based on his model of the Kerr-Newman Quantum mechanical
black hole. His papers were summarised in his 2000 book, the Chaotic uni-
verse, [1, 2]. This metric showed terms other than the usual field of a charged
elementary particle. He continued working and lecturing on this topic in Eu-
rope and US. Subsequently these papers which looked at the same problem
from different angles were published in Springer Verlag, [3], The universe of
fluctuations and thereafter in 2007 in the Thermodynamic universe of World
scientific [4]. These books gave further papers in a journal like IJMPA [5]
IJMPE [6], The International Journal of Theoretical Physics [7] and so on. In
all these cases there is a new short range force that is mediated by a massive
Boson. In general all these forces are of the type 1/r3 times some complicated
expressions. More accurately, the force is of the type S′U (2). The prime is
to distinguish this term from the usual term of weak interactions


another great point - I have a Shiitake farm in a swamp forest - so the methane is quite noticeable from the water. Yes Professor Jeremy Walker's book on economics relying on the entropy of steam power - this shows how our classical physics has now destroyed ecology. Sir Roger Penrose points out that gravitational entropy is the opposite of the entropy of matter but also that gravitational entropy originates from quantum frequency as negentropy or negative frequency noncommutativity. Basically as Albert Bartlett repeated in over 1000 lectures as his career - people don't understand the exponential function math is wrong and destroys ecology. All of classical physics is based on the claim of an objective rest frame defined by the irrational magnitude spacetime real number continuum from Platonic philosophy - so democracy is defined by logarithms with the hidden exponential growth of wealth for the elite based on exponential power of technology. Meanwhile the truth of energy is from photons as negative entropy - there is a secret gravitational mass of photons that is actually the gravitational potential as dark energy protoconsciousness (as Penrose calls it from Bernard d' Espagnat). So this is nonlocality in quantum physics and most physicists are brainwashed by classical physics first learned in high school along with the wrong commutative geometry math. The truth of reality is a noncommutative quantum algebra from the Clifford algebra with the matrices - essentially the imaginary number is a cubic time that has a 4th dimension asymmetric time shift. To make an external measurement requires time and so it is inherently asymmetric as noncommutative, going against ALL of classical physics math! Yet growth happens from within as quantum biology has proven - due to noncommutativity. This is why meditation remains the highest technology of all technologies. We face a steep learning curve from Mother Nature on this one. haha.


"As a special case, let us now come to the case of Charmonium, [10].
This quark anti-quark pair has a spectrum that has been neatly worked out
with a potential of the type A/r + Br. Where A and B are constants. Now
we have to introduce in addition a 1/r2 term in the potential, that is the po-
tential is A/r + Br + C/r2 ( from the Kerr-Newman metric). This becomes
a perturbation to the Charmonium energy level, causing shifts in the energy
levels. If we can consider a hypothetical cavity which is free of the known
forces, then the muon wobble would still be seen." B.G. Sidharth


"For instance, if you describe a free particle using the Schrödinger equation, its energy will not be quantized. However, when you consider a particle in a bound state, e.g., an electron bound to an atom, the wave equation will basically cancel itself out except for specific frequencies, corresponding to specific energies. This is a general property of wave equations: the same thing happens in optics. The simplest example is the “harmonic oscillator”, a particle bound by a potential that changes linearly with distance. The result will be quantized energy levels. The importance of the harmonic oscillator lies in the fact that other cases can be reduced to a weighted sum of (possibly infinitely many) harmonic oscillators, so the harmonic oscillator serves as a useful prototype." Viktor Toth - yes but Noncommutativity is also a harmonic oscillator that is infinitely nonlocal! haha.


"In a different context, it is worthwhile to mention that the complex domain where the en-
ergy has been extended may be intricately related to the noncommutative nature of spacetime
[29, 30, 31, 32] (and several references therein). Sidharth and Das have explored a variety of
topics in the field of noncommutative geometry [5, 33, 34, 35, 36], following Snyder’s approach
[37]. Recently, Sidharth and Das have shown that one could extract the rudimentary features of
special relativity from the basic considerations of noncommutativity [38]. It would be interesting
to see whether the noncommutative nature of spacetime plays any significant role in the complex
domain, for the quantum statistical situations discussed in our work."
Complex energies and the Lambert $$W$$ function
Article in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics · June 2022
"Zitterbewegung may exhibit some signs of noncommutativity, as noncommutativity is expected to modify gravity as well as quantum theory at the fundamental energy scale. "
Verma, R., & Bose, A. N. (2017). Effect of noncommutativity of space-time on Zitterbewegung. The European Physical Journal Plus, 132(5).
