Microsecond wavelength secret of antisymmetric 5D black hole of infinity: Gerard 't Hooft Netflix

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Netflix infinity documentary
Quantum clones inside black holes
Nobel Physicist Gerard t Hooft
A systematic procedure is proposed for better understanding the evolution laws of black holes in terms of pure quantum states. We start with the two opposed regions I and II in the Penrose diagram, and study the evolution of matter in these regions, using the algebra derived earlier from the Shapiro effect in quantum particles. Since this spacetime has two distinct asymptotic regions, one must assume that there is a mechanism that reduces the number of states. In earlier work we proposed that region II describes the angular antipodes of region I, the `antipodal identification', but this eventually leads to contradictions. Our much simpler proposal is now that all states defined in region II are exact quantum clones of those in region I. This indicates more precisely how to restore unitarity by making all quantum states observable, and in addition suggests that generalisations towards other black hole structures will be possible. An apparent complication is that the wave function must evolve with a purely antisymmetric, imaginary-valued Hamiltonian, but this complication can be well-understood in a realistic interpretation of quantum mechanics.
"The Hawking particles are dominated by a tenuous cloud of particles with masses and energies far below the Planck value, so that, for the outside world, their direct effects on the total metric are negligible, though they will be important when considered over long stretches of time."
"Figure 1 shows that the regions III and IV play no role in the evolution at all.
The Cauchy surface is indicated there with a grey line. The clones move along with the dashed grey line. This line always pivots around the origin, so that III and IV are avoided. This is why we say that the black hole has no interior; regions III and IV are to be regarded as analytic extensions such as the analytic continuation towards complex coordinates, which are very useful for solving mathematical equations, but do not have
any direct physical interpretation."
"If one wants to talk about the black hole interior, one may consider region II as the interior, but we add to this that the interior contains nothing but clones of the real physical variables."
"An apparent complication is that the wave function must evolve with a
purely antisymmetric, imaginary-valued Hamiltonian, but this complication
can be well-understood in a realistic interpretation of quantum mechanics."
"From a fundamental point of view, demanding a wave function to be real is easy: just ensure that the Hamiltonian is imaginary, and hence antisymmetric."
"As the Hamiltonian must be imaginary and antisymmetric, the wave function in the entire region II is a quantum clone of that in region I ."
"In- and out-particles can punch through a horizon at positive values of u± (region I ), or negative u± (region II )."
"We see that the in-particles punch through the future event horizon either at positive u+ (region I ) or at negative u+ (region II ), see Figure 1. This ?figure is a Penrose diagram, obtained by squeezing the coordinates u± to fit in finite segments, in order to render the entire surrounding universe. The coordinates u± both span the entire line [−∞, ∞]."
"An observer close to the intersection point of the future event horizon and the past event horizon, defines the local energy and momentum density in terms of locally flat coordinates. (S)he then experiences a local vacuum there, which is a unique vacuum state, so that, from her point of view, we are dealing with a single pure state. We now borrow this language to say that, also for the outside observers, this may be regarded as a single pure state. We claim that any observer will not be able to distinguish a thermal state from a pure state in thermal equilibrium (a micro-canonical ensemble), so here comes our first postulate: The state where the local observer sees a local minimum of the energy density, i.e. a local vacuum state, will here be referred to as the Unruh vacuum state [3]; it may be regarded as a pure state. The excited states that we shall use, will in general be time dependent, small deviations from the Unruh state"
"Since the local observer sees no particles at all, Einstein’s equations will require that continuation be carried out by assuming strict absence of matter near the black hole. In particular, local observers will see no matter crossing future and past horizons"
"Eq.(4.1) was first derived in flat space-time [6], but it is easy to generalise it to the space-time (3.4) very close to a black hole horizon [7]"
the in-particles are defined by their momenta as they cross the future event horizon. light cone)momentum p− increases proportionally to eτ , where τ if the time coordinate for the outside observer, normalised as ...Similarly, out-particles have momenta p+ decreasing as e−τ ."
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"The horizon at r = 2G MBH, being a two-dimensional surface, resembles the string
world sheet in a mathematical sense. Section 4 and 5 show that the in-particles enter by
way of Dirac delta peaks on the two-sphere of the horizon " Gerard 't Hooft


Nobel Physicist Gerard 't Hooft:
"I don’t think we’ll get there any way soon, and there are many obstacles in the way. But ultimately, we hope to find more answers, trivial ones, expected ones, but also surprising ones. The one question that’s very, very far away for us now is how did the universe get started? Could it have started with just one single state? What kind of state is that? And how could we ever guess the laws of nature correctly?

The answer to such questions might ultimately be like the one written in an old science fiction story—I forgot who wrote the story. A computer had been working day and night to answer a complicated question, and after many years, finally it came with the answer: 47. The answer was 47, but nobody could understand it, they all had forgotten what the question was. I like that story because it’s a little bit like the way I think about asking questions. A possible answer to the question how the universe got started, and what laws does it obey, could be that the universe is a set of numbers. So, think of numbers one, two, three, and begin with number zero. The number zero describes the Big Bang. What else can it do?

Take the integer numbers, one, number two, number three, and notice that the number six is the product of the numbers two and three. Say that the numbers two and three interact to get to the number six. And on it goes until you get very complicated numbers with special properties, large prime numbers, special numbers, and so on, after which some of them will eventually look like the particles in some universe. Some particles have different properties than others. Some stars have different properties than others. All these are just comprised in one gigantic big basketful of numbers.

So, now, you can say, “I’m religious. Who was the creator of these numbers?” Well, the answer to that would be, “No, you don’t have to be religious because the numbers have always been there. The numbers are just numbers. So, the world of all the numbers is there, and all we have to do is figure out how they behave.” No need for any God. And that could be the universe that we live in. As I said, this is a possible answer to your question. It is a bad question because nobody can check this answer, and it will take quite a while for anybody to answer—to make sense of such an answer. For that reason, my question is a wrong question. But it’s just something to keep in your mind.

It’s a kind of view on reality that could be the ultimate view. There can’t be anything beyond that. Once we realize that the universe is just a set of numbers, we’re there. There’s nothing else you can ask. What you can ask, and indeed you should ask next, is: “how do these numbers generate the world that we know today, and what are the intermediate steps?” Why is the proton 1, 836 times as heavy as an electron? You can still ask such questions in my number-universe. I have no idea what the answer to that question would be, but that eventually would be the new set of questions that people would have to answer. But the whole thing makes sense only if you know how to relate the set of all integer numbers with phenomena that we see in our universe around us, and that will be a tough problem for a long time."


Curious to know what you think of Dan Winters theory of gravity?


(tried to post this on your blog, but the messages don’t seem to show up there)

Hey Drew!

Got to thank you for making me aware of a whole lot of fascinating books that made me journey down the rabbit hole!
I’ve worked my way through Bradford Keeney’s books and Boiling Energy, and have recently become aware of your list that you once posted on unexplainedmysteries.
Now, three books have stuck out for me, but I have been completely unable to track down any of them either on amazon or in any libraries that I know of.
They are:
-The Symphony of Life by Donald Hatch Andrews
-Double Helix of the Mind by Stan Gooch
-The Eternal Return by Donald Eaton Carr

I was wondering if you still have any of them and whether you ever digitalized any of them?
Do you have an e-mail by which I can reach you?


Basil Hiley

Mon, Dec 19, 2022, 6:14 PM

to me
That talk is what I call light entertainment! Lovely bunch of guys interested in what I do but not ‘professionals”.

Sent from my iPad

> Thanks for your feedback Professor Basil Hiley - glad you found that recent Connes talk interesting.
> drew
