Top 10 Facts The Mormon Church Doesn’t Want Its Members To Know

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An article posted July 20 at the NY Times website sent shock waves throughout The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, otherwise known as the Mormon church. Hans Mattson, a Swedish ?Area Authority? (equivalent to a Cardinal) overseeing the church?s works in Europe, provided an interview expressing doubts about the church after learning of historical facts online that are never taught in Sunday School classes.

Entertaining and educational top 10 lists from TopTenzNet!

Other TopTenz Videos:

Top 10 World War II Holocaust Heroes Who Rival Oskar Schindler

10 Historical Dinner Party Hosts from Hell

Coming up:

10. Joseph Smith Married Girls As Young As 14
9. Past Prophets Preached False Doctrines
8. Joseph Smith Used Peep-Stones To "Translate" The Book Of Mormon
7. Temple Rituals Were Copied From The Freemasonry
6. The Kinderhook Plates Was A Hoax
5. There Are Multiple Accounts Of The "First Vision"
4. Church Leaders Were Deceived By Mark Hoffman
3. The Facts Surrounding The Death Of Joseph Smith
2. The Book Of Abraham Has Been Proven False By Egyptologists
1. Evidence Against The Book of Mormon

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People living on the sun ?? yeah but only during the night


Years ago, I was part of this 'church' and went to my Bishop, explaining the abuse in my marriage by then husband. He merely reminded me that men were head of home and I should obey. I left my husband and was excommunicated for it.


Truth is never offended by examination.


It took reading the biography of Emma Smith, the first wife of Joseph Smith, to make me question what I had believed for many years. The book, titled Mormon Enigma, was written by two women who were still very active in the church, but to their everlasting credit, they did the research and told the truth in their [very thoroughly documented] book, instead of the whitewashed, prettified versions Mormons are taught to believe. I was shattered when I read it; I’d been living a black lie for 39 years, and I cried for weeks before I finally got up the courage to resign from the church. I’ve never regretted that life-altering decision.


Could be worse, they could be practicing scientology


I'd love to see u cover Scientology. But, then again, I'd fear for your life.


Growing up in LDS I was the constant headache of the Sunday school teachers. I would ask too many questions that they either would not have the answers to because I pointed out glaring contradictions OR asked about information they wanted to omit. In my family, we were forced to attend until the age of 18 when we were considered adults and therefore allowed agency over our religious beliefs. I chose to exit the Mormon church immediately. Funnily enough my whole family followed suit a few years later. 🙂 we are all very happy we got out.


I got an ad for the mormon church at the end of this video. 😅😂😂😂


I asked some of my mormon friends about some of these points, and they didn't seem to know much about them. I think mormons are very friendly people that aren't taught to dive deeper into the true, and shocking truths of their religion.


Well that’s interesting.... don’t forget the Mountain Meadows Massacre where in 1857 Mormon militiamen disguised as Native Americans attacked and killed nearly 140 people... ya that happened too!!


As an ex-mormon who was raised in the church, I feel like you could also call this video “top ten reasons people leave the Mormon church”


I grew up in this cult. It’s insane to me how much I was lied to. I was brainwashed. I’m so happy I got out and I feel bad for everyone trapped still.


Please do a piece on the Jehovah's Witnesses


Let's see if you can do the same sort of exposure vid with Scientology. Call your legal counsel first.


I'm a non-Mormon who grew up and still live in the Mormon heartland, Utah.
First as a child then as an adult many of my Mormon friends and co-workers were surprised at how little my own faith dictated everything in my life as Mormonism does in theirs.
I'll never forget that at my workplace about ten years ago an inactive Mormon co-worker had two daughters getting married in the Salt Lake temple which is what all active Mormons aspire to.
However, he could not witness his daughters getting married but had to wait outside because he was not " Temple Worthy "
His crime? not paying his full tithing to the church, 10% of his income plus free labor for church projects on a regular basis.
I did not know about this until I overheard Mormon co-workers talking about it and blaming the poor man for not being to witness his two daughters get married.
When I expressed surprise my Mormon co-workers quickly turned on me saying all faiths did this which I assured them was not true.
I pointed out in my faith I could marry in the cathedral; no church authority would check to see if I gave full tithing and unlike the Mormon faith, I could invite anyone of any or no faith, even atheist to witness the wedding.
By the way to enter a Mormon temple you must have what is known as a " Temple recommend " card officially put out by the church and signed by your Bishop stating you are temple worthy.
If you have no temple recommend card you cannot enter the temple and one criteria, you must always meet to be temple worthy is your paid up full on your tithing.
Bottom line, it's all about money to line the pockets of their church leaders who are all multi-millionaire businessmen.


Current Mormon living in Mexico.served a mission. Married in the temple. Several church positions in my Mormon resume. Agree and approve this video 100%. All its contents are sadly and accurately true.


I was a member for 7 years, a temple worker even. It was there I received revelation I was in the wrong place. I did more researched Freemasonry and realized the plagiarism. The idea that we will eventually be gods ourselves just broke me. I couldn't do it any more and left. It was heart breaking. I was all in but I couldn't ignore the truth.


Does anyone remember South Park's episode about The Mormons?


My in-laws are Mormon. My husband left the church before I met him. He said he had questions and they couldn’t give him answers. I think it’s ridiculous.


When my Stake President told me to stop asking so many questions, I knew something was weird. I started doing my own research online, and within months I was out.
