50 Problems With The Mormon Church

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Special thanks to Zelph on the Shelf for summarizing the CES Letter.

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Be kind and don’t make jokes at the expense of Mormons, ya’ll. You have no idea how traumatic it is to go through losing your faith and discovering the truth. It is literally like being told you’ve been plugged into the matrix this entire time. Try to imagine that for a second, like really imagine it. That’s the closest thing you could imagine to what this is like. Some of us become suicidal, and all of us take years to process the trauma. Be kind.


If a religion is true, the truth shouldn't be what destroys it.


I understand being born into a religion and not questioning dogma, but I never understood how Smith convinced so many people to leave their already established faith into something radically different.


I can’t imagine how hard it is to leave especially when you have family and friends that are Mormon


The worse part is that Mormons are loving and kind. We were all raised to to do good and all we want is to be good but it’s so cruel to find you’re completely wrong. The leaders abuse our good nature and kindness. When everything you know, your family, friends, ideas, time, and money is all centered around the church, it is so hard to question anything. When you’ve invested your whole life to lie, sometimes it’s easier to pretend it’s the truth


I talked to an ex-Mormon one time and she talked about how hard it was to leave the church. And how hard the emotional trauma is. Something she said that really stuck out to me was that she’s happier as an ex-morning then she ever could’ve been in LDS. I doubt anyone will even read this comment but if you do by chance and you are questioning LDS, you aren’t alone and I send you love, and strength❤️


I was born into the church and I was ready to devote my life to it. I’ve really been questioning a lot about it lately, however. A lot of things didn’t make sense to me. Church leaders always encourage us to study the church to answer our questions, but they specifically teach that we should only look for answers through the church. Now I see why they don’t want us looking outside of the church mediums. Watching this video was a rude awakening. I’m definitely sad that everything I’ve been taught and had believed completely is false and it’s gonna take a while to let that really sink in, but I’m done with the church. Once I leave my parent’s place (hopefully when I turn 18) I’m leaving for good.


As a non religious person, I'm stunned at how many Mormons watch this video and are blown away. Good on you guys, you can do it


I'm a Mormom and after seeing this i have alot of questions to ask and dont know how to feel about being a Mormom .wow all i can say


Goes to show: People will believe virtually anything. If Smith were alive today he'd be either a televangelist or a politician.


I was raised Mormon. I remember being 10 or 11 years old and asking honest, genuine questions and getting harsh reactions from adults. Pretty quickly, I began to realize many answers were insincere and superficially convenient. My doubts steadily grew until I was 19 and said "No way I'm serving a mission. I don't believe this stuff. How can I tell somebody to convert?". Never been back.


The fact that Dallin Oaks is quoted saying “It's wrong to criticize leaders of the church, even if the criticism is true” shows that if all these points are true and the religion is indeed based on falsehoods it’s true members won’t care because the fear of being wrong your whole life is greater than the quest for the truth. It’s called weakness. That’s why members that figure out the truth and leave the faith are so angry.


I'm only 17, but once I'm 18 I definitely plan on leaving the church and even possibly removing my records from the church if I have any trouble for leaving...


Too bad all the Mormon channels blocked comments


Do you know the penalty for having TWO wives? Two mother-in-laws!  (bada-bing!)


I left the church a few months ago. I’m 13, I’m very grateful I left as early as I did. There’s so much emotional damage that has happened to me and I haven’t even been in it for very long. I’m very lucky that my mom is leaving the church too so I can talk to her and she is supportive. My dad isn’t supportive but I understand why. When I was in the church my mom said she left, and I cried for a long time. I’m so happy that I left


I’m Mormon and I always like challenging myself. I have to do some thinking after watching. Always good to test faith! god will lead me down the correct path. Be it Mormon or not


I left the church 5.5 years ago and I’m definitely more happier, when I went as a kid it got to the point where I hated going to church and everything


Mormons: Seriously ask yourself, if the church wasn't true, would you want to know? If the answer is no, leave this video, deposit your tithing slip, and resume business as usual.

If the answer is yes, then you have nothing to fear. After all, if it _is_ true, what harm could investigation do? In debate class it's encouraged to study your opponents most compelling arguments. You want to be prepared right?


I’m a Mormon currently and I don’t think my parents will accept me for who I am. My friend group is LDS and very open minded (except for a few) I love the way this church has accepted me, but they won’t if they know the real me. They have been my comfort but I can’t see myself staying in the church because there is just so much wrong with it. Right now I go to seminary daily and go to church every week, but when I move out I think I’m going to leave. I’ve tried to ask for help when my faith in god was low, but they just told me to “pray about it” how am I supposed to do that when I don’t think anyones listening? Thank you for making this video. I hope that I’ll get past this time In my life.
