10 Things Mormons WON'T Tell You (Truth about Mormon Beliefs)

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10 things that Mormons WON'T tell you until you become Mormon. While Mormons are very nice people, here are just 10 reasons you should not to be a Mormon. SEE QUOTES BELOW.

- Instagram: Catholic_Truth_Official


NEW AGE BOOK: Counterfeit Spirituality (Yoga, Reiki, Astrology, Law of Attraction, etc.)


MANY GODS: In that august council of the angels and the Gods, the Being who later was born in flesh as Mary’s Son, Jesus, took prominent part, and there was He ordained of the Father to be the Savior of mankind. As to time, the term being used in the sense of all duration past, this is our earliest record of the Firstborn among the sons of God; to us who read, it marks the beginning of the written history of Jesus the Christ. ... It is consistent to believe that at this Council in the heavens the plan that should be adopted in relation to the sons of God who were then spirits, and had not yet obtained tabernacles, was duly considered. For, in view of the creation of the world and the placing of men upon it, whereby it would be possible for them to obtain tabernacles, and in those tabernacles obey laws of life, and with them again be exalted among the Gods, we are told that at that time, ‘the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy.

GOD WAS ONCE A MAN: "God Himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens! That is the great secret. If the veil were rent today, and the great God who holds this world in its orbit, and who upholds all worlds and all things by His power, was to make Himself visible,—I say, if you were to see Him today, you would see Him like a man in form—like yourselves in all the person, image, and very form as a man; for Adam was created in the very fashion, image and likeness of God, and received instruction from, and walked, talked and conversed with Him, as one man talks and communes with another..."

ON BECOMING GODS AND POPULATING YOUR OWN PLANET - “You will see the time when you will have millions of children around you. If you are faithful to your covenants, you will be mothers of nations. You will become Eves to earths like this; and when you have assisted in peopling one earth, there are millions of earths still in the course of creation.”—Brigham Young (LDS Prophet), Journal of Discourses, vol. 8, p. 208

DARK SKINNED PEOPLE cursed -- “Not only was Cain called upon to suffer, but because of his wickedness he became the father of an inferior race. A curse was placed upon him and that curse has been continued through his lineage and must do so while time endures. Millions of souls have come into this world cursed with a black skin and have been denied the privilege of Priesthood and the fulness of the blessings of the Gospel. These are the descendants of Cain. -Joseph Fielding Smith, The Way Of Perfection.

POLYGAMY - Now if any of you will deny the plurality of wives, and continue to do so, I promise that you will be damned; and I will go still further and say, take this revelation, or any other revelation that the Lord has given, and deny it in your feelings, and I promise that you will be damned.” (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 3 on the “Plurality of Wives.”)

CAFFEINE: President Gordon B. Hinckley told 60 Minutes that Mormons avoid caffeine and the apostle Bruce R. McConkie wrote that it violated the spirit of the Word of Wisdom, and even BYU campuses didn't sell it." (LDS Living) One Mormon stated the Mormon church has recently clarified their position.

Related topics: mormon beliefs; what mormons believe; mormon teachings, catholic mormon, mormons catholic
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If you're interested, check out our other videos on Mormons:
1. Why Mormons don't
2. Why Mormons don't


Scientology, making Mormons look Sane since 1953 ....


My neighbors are Mormon Have been here twenty five years. They are so awesome and kind, also I have spent hours studying with the missionaries. I knew all this weird stuff. I was raised Catholic, n as soon as I told them no way am I converting they lost interest. Yes I found them weird just not my cup of tea.


First off, I’m not Catholic. As someone who was born and raised in the Mormon world for 56 years, I’ve never heard it all stated more perfectly and more hysterically! All true! I left the church after a lifetime in it for a lot of other reasons 14 years ago. As this young man is stating, he could go on and on, and he indeed could. And it’s not to be mean. The Mormon people are basically fabulous people but that’s the problem. Their deeds and their kindnesses, and with some, their wealth is all quite impressive but that’s the problem! All the far out things you must do, unfortunately, are not going to save them, but it “feels” like it especially if you’re living all those rules. You develop a sense of entitlement and feel special because you do all those right things. Understanding the word of God, venerating him and giving him your heart, and simply loving others as he would is Christian and way too “simple” but is what it takes, yet it’s very difficult for them to see since they are so busy “working.” A confusing, exhausting, religion that will take everything you have from you, along with our Savior, Christ himself, which is the saddest thing of all.


As a former Mormon, I can attest that this is all true! I asked my dad (practicing Mormon) about the "we will become a god of our own planet" belief when I was still Mormon because I had learned of it from someone else, thinking surely this is just crazy talk, and he told me it's actually true!! Unbelievable!!!


Next video: 10 Things Catholics WON'T Tell You


Me watching this as I drink my coffee:


May God's presence, wisdom and love be with you and your family now and forever more, Selah.


They told my husband who had long hair at the time was going against God because only women should have long hair because it's a veil.What I found amusing was that one of them was a woman with short hair lol. My husband is Catholic and he let me continue to point out every contradiction they continued to speak to us.I had recently converted to Catholicism and I loved that I had so much fun explaining things to them and they never stopped at our house again lol


If I were Mormon, I would want a small planet. Easier to keep clean.


I'm on a personal journey to learn more about Jesus. I'm talking to Mormons weekly now. They are super kind and very caring about me and my family. Atleast appear to be. They want me to attend their church and be baptized. I'm not sure about it, as I attend a Baptist church already & was baptized there. I have no intention on converting or anything like that. I just enjoy talking to them about God and they make me feel better about myself. I've been in recovery for about 7 years now and trying to strengthen my relationship with God and teach my kids about Him also. But anyways, yes, i find them a little strange but I feel as I'm helping them feel like their mission isn't for nothing. I'm sure they get turned away and shunned on a regular. So I talk to them and allow them to visit and pray with me and for me. I text them throughout the week and let them know someone cares about them. I have seen videos on how they are treated and sometimes looked down upon if they aren't doing enough of this or that. I feel extremely sad that this happens to such good young people. I figure they don't realize what's going on in their church at such a young age (as they are about 19 or so).. but anyways, I'd consider them a friend. As they grow, they'll become more aware and probably leave anyways..as many already have. They aren't pushy about anything in my experience with them.. they just seem genuinely good-hearted & loving. I wish the best for them and hope they have a good future. I pray for all that are lost. Much love - from a stranger in WV. 🙏✝️❤


I'm a home health aide. one of my clients was LDS. I kept my beliefs to myself (raised Catholic) and politely listened when he was trying to convert me. I know it was nonsense, everytime he started in on LDS beliefs, I would feel ill.


I was raised Mormon but broke away in ‘07. By 12 I knew I wanted out. Several of the points you make were taught in the church before my time. Theories and stories have been swept under the rug throughout the past century and a half. Nobody believes that they get their own planet anymore for example. But the whole “skin of darkness” thing. Yeah that’s true. It’s still in the book. Messed up! I get a kick out of uncovering more and more about this “church” my parents and friends are still in


Yea I was born into a Mormon family... dark haired dark eyed and dark skinned... never got lighter...


Wow I didn't realize all this about the mormon church thank you for sharing. I m catholic and very proud of it


My dad is not Mormon but he had heard of the missionaries and stories about them talk about Good Works so he reached out and ask if they'd help clean his house and yard that he wouldn't mind a few lessons. After cleaning he lost some of his old smoking pipes that were given to him by his Grandfather from the Apache tribe. When he asked the missionaries if they had seen them they said "oh yeah we threw them away." These were almost 100 year old smoking pipes and my dad never smoked out of them, but kept them because of memories. That in my opinion was fucked up


I’ve been an active member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints since 2013. I even served a mission for 2 years for the church in my mid 20’s. I’m extremely familiar the doctrine the church teaches. Everything that was said in this video has been falsely said about the church and it’s belief for years, this guy just read a bunch of Anti Mormon books and is regurgitating them. He has not actually studied what members of the church believe.

As an actual member who knows what’s taught and believed in the church, almost everything that was said is either completely misrepresented or is false.

As a member of the church I have a very personal relationship with my savior Jesus Christ, I am often influenced by the Holy Ghost which influences me to want to do good and serve others like Christ served. I believe it is only through faith in Jesus Christ that I am saved. I have felt the guilt and shame of sin washed from me because of my faith in the Lord which faith has lead me to repentance. All the blessings I enjoy in this life have come from my Heavenly Father and my Faith in my Savior has come to me because of the doctrine that’s taught in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.


I have a friend thats mormon. But when i ask about their religion and faith. They cant answer it because its not yet revealed to them as a whole. 😔 and she said that not all mormons can enter their church/temple anytime they want....


Ephesians 4:29 
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.


When I was a kid two young Mormon missionaries came to our house, my parents were JW'S they both tried converting each other I'm sure both my parents and the Mormons thought they were right..at the end of the day all the extreme versions of Christianity are pretty blinkered and toxic also extremely hypocritical just in different ways.
