Can I Attend a Non-Catholic Wedding? | Karlo Broussard

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Catholic Answers apologist, Karlo Broussard, explains to a catholic caller why it would not be a good idea to attend the wedding of a family member, who is not marrying in the catholic church.
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My daughter converted to Mormonism which ripped my heart in two. She’s dating a Catholic. Now they’re talking about one day getting married. My daughter and I already have a very strained relationship. If they do decide to get married I know I cannot go and I know she will not understand why I can’t go. This will deepen the strain between us even more. It hasn’t happened yet. I pray every day that she comes home to the Catholic Faith among other things as a Faith Believing Catholic should do and as a parent. I ask for prayers for my daughter, Karlie. God Bless✝️🙏📿♥️


Why can the Church recognize a baptism from another denomination but they can't recognize a marriage? What happens if the husband and wife join the Catholic church five years after they're married? Have they been living in sin all that time? Will they have to have a new marriage ceremony? What if they've had children in that time?


My wife and I were married before becoming catholic and the church gave us no trouble for that. In fact, they said that they recognized it and that it wasn't necessary to get "remarried" in the church.

Long story short, I really don't like his answer.


Thank you for that answer you articulated it perfectly 😊


What if we don't presume that mere attendance and respect implies full approval in the same way as being friendly doesn't? That might be the unnecessary assumption that creates a conflict between this advice and the conscience of many. Paul said he did not forbid associating with sinners in the world because then we would have to come out of the world. He also allowed eating meat sacrificed to idols unless it offended weaker Christians.


Protestant marriages are invalid? Maybe to the Catholic Church, but not to God. Marriages can be validated in the Church like mine was when I became Catholic after 35 years of marriage. Go to the wedding and be a positive influence so that one day they might come to the church. Not coming to the wedding creates negativity and may drive the couple further from the church.


And also, why are we not praying for our loved ones, why are we taking chances on their souls, even though we know the truth of the afterlife?


My sister is planning to get married sometime before the end of this year and we’re very close so I’m certain I would’ve been asked to be the maid of honor. However, she’s a lapsed Catholic and her fiancé is nominally Protestant and they don’t believe much of anything that God revealed about marriage. They’re planning a non-Catholic wedding and I had the very difficult conversation with her as to why I couldn’t in good conscience attend. It didn’t go well at all and I’m heartbroken. Please pray firstly for them and if you would, please pray for me too that we would all follow God’s will.


Great text book answer. I would still attend my granddaughters wedding though. Unless there was some other circumstance I couldn't get past.


Should Protestants be attending or further, be part of the wedding party like a groomsman or bridesmaid, in a Catholic wedding?


This all really depends on if she is a confirmed Catholic. If she is not you being Catholic has no bearing.


I agree with Carlos ... 100%. I did such a thing, but many did not understand & still distant themselves from me. That tells me they don't believe what their Catholic faith teaches about marriage, or they misunderstand what genuine love really is.


Is he saying that marriages outside of the Catholic Church are not valid?


Jesus had no problem going to a Jewish wedding at Cana. Since the Church does not prohibit going to a non-Catholic wedding, let the man go and enjoy it.


Interesting. I just watched last night a Catholic interview where it was explained that ALL marriages are considered valid and as long as you don’t participates in activities against Catholic believes (Like praying to a pagan God during the ceremony for example) being a guest is just fine. Let me try to find the source of this.


This is where the underlying Protestantism that is at Catholic Answers shows. Catholics do not shun family members because they might do something we disagree with. You go to the wedding and be supportive. If the ultimate goal is to bring them into full communion with the Church, this kind of condescending behavior will not be fruitful. You will push them further away from the Church and you will look like a fool.


Unless St. Peter is standing at the gates with a clipboard, saying that "you went to a Lutheran wedding on 6/4/1997, to the depths of hell you go", it shouldn't be such a huge, relationship-ending scenario.


Been married 25 years next week! Hitched in the basement of marriage court (Cook County illinois) ... big reason is that i knew i'd have to deal with the mindset in this video (I was forced into Catholicism as a child). Weddings are stupid. No catholic had to embrace sin by attending my wedding ... you're welcome!


If the Catholic Church would recognize defection, as they did from 1983 to 2009, it could clear up or prevent many of these situations.


Carlos needs to speak to Tim Staples and Jimmy Akin. Jimmy was actually an officiant at a non-Catholic wedding.
