Is It Okay For A Protestant To Marry A Catholic?

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Wouldn’t it be nice if there was just ONE church like Jesus it was in the beginning? He even prayed in John 17 that his followers would remain ONE.


Initially my dad was Catholic and my mom (former Catholic who went astray, then returned to Christianity to a Protestant church) was Protestant. Eventually, my dad decided to quit Catholicism. Today, I have a greater admiration for Catholicism than either of them. I’m Protestant, and I was educated alongside Catholics. I’ve looked into the Catechism regarding marriage, and it seems solid. There is a marital clause about raising your kids up in the faith, but I think you’re fine so long as you’re both Christian and have a certain degree of tolerance for little disagreements, so long as both of you are firmly devoted to God. I wouldn’t let disagreements on Transsubstantiation block me from loving the woman God has in store for me, whether she’s Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant. God bless you all, and may a mutual love of God make your marriage holy.


Correction: It's "unequally yoked to an UNBELIEVER"
Catholics & Christians are believers. That should answer the question.


Many people are suffering today and some have let go of the one they loved to marry because Parents didn't approve their denomination. God help us to see that we are all ONE.


Mathew 26 : 26-28 “And whilst they were at supper, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke: and gave to his disciples, and said: Take ye, and eat. THIS MY BODY. And taking the chalice, he gave thanks, and gave to them, saying: Drink ye all of this. FOR THIS IS MY BLOOD of the new testament, which shall be shed for many unto remission of sins.”

1 Corinthians 10:16 " The chalice of benediction,  which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? And the bread, which we break, is it not the partaking of the body of the Lord? "
1 Corinthians 11:27 "Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord."


I pray that God will help His church understand that He sees them as ONE. You won't carry your denomination to heaven.
Our focus should be on Jesus and making heaven on the last day. Catholic and Protestants all believe in Jesus and that's what matters. The Bible is our standard and nothing more!


I pray for my Protestant brothers and sisters daily, but it is disheartening to see Catholicism inaccurately presented. Doesn’t seem fair to me


God bless you .The message has been very helpful to me.


I'm a Roman Catholic. I like this show; I find it interesting and compassionate. I agree with most of the points in this episode, but yet again, Catholic "Dogma" as it is put is not accurately represented. The Church absolutely does not teach that Mary intercedes for us to the Father. Jesus is the only intercessor for us to the Father Jn 4:16. We do believe in intercessory prayer to Jesus, just as our protestant brothers and sisters believe. Mary prays for/with us just as my Baptist neighbor Bill prays for me. I want both sets of prayers, especially Mary's--afterall she now looks on the face of her Son and has achieved through HIS power ultimate union with Him in heaven. Peace to all and Jn 17:21!


When a Protestant says the Catholic Church teaches the Eucharist is "transformed" and that Mary "didn't need a savior, " I immediately know the Protestant doesn't have a clue what they're talking about. If you want to know what the Catholic Church ACTUALLY teaches, go to the Church herself, not to what Luther, Calvin, and their predecessors SAY the Church teaches.


I came from a Protestant tradition and am now Catholic. If you marry a Protestant Christian who was baptized and has a record of that, then it seems to me it would be fine to be married to them. But I agree that the Catholic Church is misrepresented at times. I still believe that we are saved through Christ alone, BUT, that works are important only when we have faith in Jesus Christ and his finished work on the cross. And it's important what you said, MARY NEEDED A SAVIOR AS WELL. She knew it also. I agree with the Eucharist and what it is. After all Jesus said this IS my body, this IS my blood. It doesn't have to look like literal blood and a body of a cadaver. Christ says it is what it is.


Very well said, agree to your explanation


If this is a real concern and you are truly interested in learning what the Catholic Church ACTUALLY believes, I suggest going to sources that are not bias, as this so clearly is. Catholic Answers is a good source, as is the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
I've dated a protestant before, a real good guy, but our ignorance of eachothers faiths, as well as our own faiths tore us apart, God showed me I needed to stop hating on my seperated brothers and sisters in Christ, many which only dislike Catholics because of what others have told them and because of what they misunderstand and think we believe. Many years have passed and now I'm a catechist as well as a missionary who works with BOTH protestants and Catholics evangelizing along side eachother encourging the bride of Christ, His church.
I strongly believe we can bridge the gap! Both can learn SO much from eachother if we only remove our preconceived notions of what we THINK the other believes and do our OWN research and pray God enlighten us and guid us. Bridges CAN be built and ARE bieng built. Blessings to you on your path with Our Lord!


do understand that beautiful greeting of gebrial especially this phrase FULL OF GRACE.


Hey I respect your views, but atleats try to understand the Catholic view atleast on Mother Mary n the body of Christ.


I was married a catholic man and we were together still now about 20 years


So much ignorance about catholic theology. Better to get really informed before talking


My ancestors are Catholics but we become more Protestant in present day.
Protestant don't have that problem with to marry any other Christians, only Catholics that have issue.


In Protestantism, their Gospel has for 500 years, taught that Baptism and the Eucharist are mere symbols that do not confer Grace. Marriage is not a Sacrament of Grace in many and the doctrine of Once Saved Always Saved has replaced the Sacramental Grace of Reconciliation.
How can a Catholic and a Protestant become one and teach the faith to their children under those conditions?


Respectfully, I have a lot to say about this video, but I only say that if should be retitled to “Is it okay for a Catholic to marry someone who’s non denominational or Baptist” because that’s where you’re leaning. Martin Luther, Methodist, and many Episcopalians and such believe many things that he said Protestants do not believe.
