When Can a Catholic and a Non-Catholic Marry? w/ Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P.

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Fr Pine answers the question: can a Catholic marry a non-Catholic? Under what circumstances is the marriage valid. Let's discuss...



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My dad was Catholic and mom a Methodist. They were married for 61 years. When they married, they were not allowed to marry inside of the church but had to get married in the rectory. Mom always wanted to covert to Catholicism. My dad did not live to see it, but she became Catholic last year at the age of 91. 🙏


I was in a Mix marriage. My husband was born a Hindu but he wasn't religious and I was a non practicing (stopped going to church after the age of 20) cradle Catholic. My mother wanted us to get married in the church but I refused that my husband should convert just to get married to me. So we had a civil marriage. When I got pregnant we both felt the need to live our life according to the truth and true values so our son will be raised in the truth. We found our way back to the church individually. We ended up baptizing our son when he was 2 and this Easter my husband got baptized, had his first communion and confirmation. We had our marriage convalidated too! Now we're a happy and faithful little Catholic Family. I am so grateful that my husband became a Catholic for his love of Christ. His love for Jesus brought me back to the church and value the true presence of the Eucharist. All glory to Lord Jesus Christ, for His continuous Mercy, Love and Grace. 🙏🏽


I must say and warn those discerning. I married a non believer. It was fine at first. Always went to mass with us when daughters were little. When they became teenagers, he stopped attending. They did too. Now, I not only pray for his conversion, but that if our 2 daughters! It’s so difficult without the support and prayers if a spous. He is committed to me but as my faith has deepened, I feel alone and it’s definitely a cross I bear. So know that only God can help.


I was in a mixed marriage. My wife converted 1 year ago this July. Thank you Jesus, praise be to God. And thank you to Our Lady of Fatima for her prayers.


How to weed out the bad potential mates: Just tell them you are committed to not having sex before marriage. They will soon depart if their intentions are less than honorable


I married a baptized Protestant when I was in a period of time in the Protestant church. However, our marriage was bathed in prayer and I fully believe that God isn’t surprised by anything. Last year when I returned to the Catholic church, we had our children baptized and a marriage con-validation. The mix has actually deepened faith for both of us, and I get emotional thinking about how much our marriage has sanctified us. I’m lucky that he comes to mass and supports raising our kids in the faith. THIS openness is crucial in a mixed faith relationship.


I was a Protestant. My wife cradle Catholic. It took some years but I warn you lol read all the Scott Hahn, Brant Pitre, Steve Ray, Tim Staples and other super star theologians books. They will get you thinking. I wrestled with the truth for a long time. Since entering the church in 2019. Could use all the prayers I could get. God calls the the chosen home. Don’t ever give up :) sending my love and prayers out to those who need some encouragement today! Nunc Coepi
All Glory to Jesus Christ!


As a child of a mixed religion household, no. The child suffers, they can see and feel the divide and get left in limbo and without faith..


I appreciate how Father is so kind but pulls no punches. I converted to Catholicism 18 years ago and married my non-Catholic boyfriend eight months later. A couple of years ago, our oldest daughter came home upset from religious education because the teacher spoke against mixed marriage and she felt that her family was being criticized, but I said no, your teacher is right, a mixed marriage may work well in many respects but it leaves a deep loneliness at the center of your being because the person you love doesn't want to share the most important part of your life. I hang on to both the marriage and the Faith through sheer stubbornness. Well, a good non-Catholic husband beats a bad Catholic one, I suppose.


My grandma married a non catholic this was over 100 years ago. Well growing up they were a happy couple. My grandma had two children, one my mom. Grandma raised the two in the church. Grandpa one Sunday decided to go with Grandma to Holy Mass. He liked the peace he felt there. So he went with my grandma for 15 years to Holy Mass. One Sunday Father who liked both my grandparents went up to my grandpa and said, "Floyd, I noticed you come to Mass every Sunday but you don't receive Holy Communion, why?" Grandpa said, "because I'm not Catholic." The priest was surprised, he asked "why aren't you Catholic?" Grandpa said, "Because no one asked me." The Priest smiled and asked, "Floyd, would you like to be Catholic?" My grandpa said, "Yes."
They were married happily, until my grandpa died.
My grandma then at age 86yr. married and widower he 96yrs. He loved my grandma's kindness, as she was very kind. Turned out they weren't married long. Do to an illness he had to go into a home. Grandma visited him everyday and took care of him. She invited a priest over to visit with him. Found out he was never baptized. So the priest baptized him in his sick bed. The priest said, "Orlo do you know right now your as innocent as a new born baptized at 96yrs old." Orlo was was overwhelmed happy smiling. He passed away 6 months later. Grandma has passed away too. I asked her what she did to get them to do that. She said nothing, I just went to Church and lived my faith. I didn't preach to them. She in her quiet kindness and love brought two to the Church, that we know.


I am Catholic and married a non-catholic, at that time. We are scheduling our marriage into the Church. God answered prayers and brought my wife into the Church.


My condolences. May your mother rest in eternal peace. Beautiful information. Thank you Father.


Fr. Pine,

My heart goes out to you and your family as you grieve the loss of you mom. It will be a year since I lost my dad next month. I think about him all the time. I will continue to pray for the repose of your mothers soul, as well as, your family at this time.

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.


My parents are one is Catholic the other Methodist (but super practicing on both ends) I've seen and felt the division and personally for me and my married into family I want us to both me of Catholic and hopefully tlm mass goers. Pray the rosary as a family, be on the same page on all big issues etc. Deep down I know I've wanted this so much since I was little. I pray I can meet him soon. Having a mixed faith family isn't for me. It's already difficult with one faith let alone two. Thank you Fr. for addressing it!^_^❤


I’m Protestant (reformed) but I still like to watch all of these videos to learn more about Catholicism just because of some catholic friends I have


My wife was not catholic when we got married in the catholic church and now 13 years later and my wife is now catholic.


I look at my parents as an example, my mom was a practicing Catholic, my dad was non-religious at all. My mom went away from the Church before I was born and after going back to the church for a period of time, went away again. Other reasons were an impetus for it, but I can't help having a non-religious spouse helped and what difference a Catholic spouse would have played. Also me and my siblings grew up in a non-religious secular household, I converted in college, and my siblings still have no religious identification. Catholics should marry other Catholics


i’m converting to Catholicism and my boyfriend is a cradle Catholic and i’m grateful for him indirectly bringing me home. there’s no way i could be okay with getting married if we’re not united in faith. i’ve always believed in God, but i was tired of being a lukewarm Christian. now that i’m learning about the Church and all that it teaches, i’m just eternally indebted to him. Thanks be to God🙏🏽


My girlfriend is born and raised Muslim. My discussions with her has grown my faith in Christ exponentially but I still love her deeply. We plan on getting married next year. I do my best to show my girlfriend through my actions what a good follower of Christ is. She has agreed to raise all our children as Catholics and attend Sunday Mass every weekend . Where does a person in my situation stand?


How soo beautiful the words your sister said to your mother..God rest her soul🙏My condolences to you dearest Father, thank you and all Holy priests that are there for us🙏💖
