Is it OK for a Catholic to attend Protestant church services?

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Jimmy Akin answers a caller who asks if it is OK for Catholics to attend Protestant church services.

Jimmy Akin was born in Texas and grew up nominally Protestant. At age 20 he experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant pastor or seminary professor, Jimmy started an intensive study of the Bible, but the more he immersed himself in Scripture, the more he found it to support the Catholic faith. He entered the Church in 1992. His conversion story, “A Triumph and a Tragedy,” is published in the book Surprised By Truth.

Akin is Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a member on the Catholic Answers Speakers Bureau, a weekly guest on the global radio program, Catholic Answers LIVE, a contributing editor for Catholic Answers Magazine, and the author of numerous publications, including the books Mass Confusion, The Salvation Controversy, The Fathers Know Best, and Mass Revision.

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I attended if someone invite me, but I often heared  not good comments because they criticize Catholics. In Catholic Mass we never heared a priest criticizing any religion.


I'm a raised by catholic background and remain catholic, I'm used to attend catholic mass, protestant service, and independent church as well...
For me, I just want to worship God the Father, the Son and feel the Holy Ghost..


I'm a catholic and I've so many protestents friend.One thing that I've commanly noticed in them that these people always criticise all priests, nuns, bishops till pope, as if they are born to criticise I think criticism is in their blood so can't help.
On the other side priests and bishops they never utter a word about any dinominations that's the beauty of catholic church.


Good answer.   I have been known to stop by a local protestant and listen to a good sermon.  But I am also very solid in my love for the Catholic church.


"So, Venerable Brethren, it is clear why this Apostolic See has never allowed its subjects to take part in the assemblies of non-Catholics: for the union of Christians can only be promoted by promoting the return to the one true Church of Christ of those who are separated from it, for in the past they have unhappily left it."
- Pope Pius XI,  Mortalium Animos


I am Catholic, and at my university I go to both Catholic and non-denominational Christian services by the school. I appreciate the services at the non-denominational church, but some of the things they preach are obviously not right based on an understanding of what the Catholic Church teaches and why they teach it. But at the same time it has given me to opportunity to strongly examine what we as Catholics believe so I can see for myself the fullness of God's Church. One thing to note, though, and I wished you all would have said it, but we are not allowed to take Protestant communion.


I was born in a Roman Catholic family, and I was taught all about the rules of being a "good" person. If I don't follow these rules, I was told I would go to hell. Which is why I had no relationship with God, it was a contract relationship with God, and not a personal one. Through a Protestant family member, i was able to develop a personal relationship with Christ, I never understood why he died on the cross.

I personally feel that Christians that are Protestants focus more on the bible, than Catholics. Right now, I am attending catholic mass, and a nondenominational Christian educational experience. The most exciting part about Catholic match is the gospel readings, the songs and the homily to me. Although I do attend Catholic mass every week, I consider myself a Christian only. Not sure if I belong to any denomination, but I strive for a personal relationship with Christ.


One thing I'd like to add is that it's still wrong to miss Mass, even if you do go to a Protestant service. CCC 2180: "The precept of participating in the Mass is satisfied by assistance at a Mass which is celebrated anywhere in a Catholic rite...".


I have two very close friends who are Protestants, and they really wanted me to go to their church with them which I reluctantly agreed to do one night. It remains one of the oddest pseudo-religious experiences of my life. The whole place was full of young, happy, attractive people; they were walking around the building like it was a stadium; and there was some guy with a sophisticated audio-visual setup in the theatre that substituted for the nave of the "church." While this guy was droning on about something, there were tables in the back where grown adults (university students) were literally doing arts and crafts (i.e., finger-painting, etc.). When they started upon their mock Eucharist, I suddenly felt the overwhelming compulsion wash over me that this was evil, and that I immediately needed to flee the building. Whether this was the Holy Spirit, or a sudden rush of Catholic indignation, I politely excused myself from my friends and walked straight outside past these young women handing out juice and bread. I did rejoin my friends later, but I will never step foot into that wacky place again out of fear for my immortal soul.


I'm not Protestant but yes I've attended their churches for so many times.. i did enjoy sometimes, but not every time..
there are a lot of differences between us.. but in the end we believe in our Lord Jesus Christ


No its not OK... why would I go to a Church that Jesus Christ didn't build.
??? NOP


First, I just want to preface this with saying I am Eastern Orthodox. It is just the start of a slippery slope. The real question is why would someone feel the need or even attend a Protestant service.  There also is at least 4000 or 5000 Protestant Sects, not to mention a Polygamy Cult like Mormonism masquerading as Christian. Probably Anglican (High Church) or Lutheran is okay but they are falling into the Priestess trap further and further. Also, many other sects, like the fundamentalists have become King James Version idolaters.


Protestant communion isn't consecrated they have no priesthood,  they don't believe it is the real presence of Jesus. I know I was att one time a Baptist. They look at it as a symbol.  I would stick with the one Holy Catholic faith Jesus instituted read in your Catholic Bible Matthew 16 18 John 20 1923 confession Jesus instituted Eucharist John 6 51 55 Mary is in Old  Gen Isaiah Rev Luke  so much more.   W e obey protestants don't follow what Jesus taught or they  would be in Jesus Church the Catholic Church they have lies they spread around. Why go to them?


im Protestant and go to a united church and I am very proud who i am but we all believe in the good Lord


James explain if you are strong in your faith theres nothing wrong with attending protestant churches because when you go there you wont get misguided into there church thats why he say only if your strong in your faith if you go and your not strong in your faith you might listen to them and turn protestant so it wont be good for you if you don't have a strong understanding in the catholic faith I sometimes go to a protestant church because my sister asks me if I want to come I go and see if there is a catholic I could bring back to the catholic faith or that is considering joining her church and I share our faith with them because Protestant church don't understand or been taught wrongly about what we do as catholics


I believe coming from the Baptist faith no Catholic should go to a protestant faith unless they can show in the scriptures about Mary prophecies Eucharist confession  being of church Matthew 16 18 otherwise these people don't have the whole scripture folks 7 books are missing in Old Testament of protestant scripture they interpret verses wrong not  as a whole. Why bother. They will kick you out if you stand up most I know and in my family close ears listen to what Jesus says after fI ask them if they love Jesus but they don't obey his commands.  I read right from Matthew 16 18 where Jesus says not the Pope I will build my Church upon you. They said I don't believe in a Hierarchy no stopping  to investigate .  Jesus says if you love me you will obey my commands. What the 10 given to Moses the  ones he left to apostles confession Eucharist  Jesus gave them his authority. Protestants only go so far then they stop.


I and my children were all raised Catholic.. Two of my children married divorced spouses and married in civil ceremonies and I did not attend, not wishing to witness these non-Christian ceremonies.This has caused a lot of heartache in the family. Was I wrong to not attend their marriages?


You can't generalize Protestants as criticizing popes and bisops, that would be the world.




"Think critically about what you're hearing". I'd say that about any religion even Catholicism. There are thousands of religions out there, not all of them are correct. At the end of the day what really matters is whether you are truly a good person who spreads goodness to the world.
