5 Things I learned at my first Catholic Church Service

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The Catholic Mass is very simple, we stand to pray, we sit to hear the word and we kneel in the presence of a miracle. Amen


My brother, you made me cry in joyful laughter! I am a Catholic priest. You are a beautiful brother in Christ! Jesus at each mass is REALLY there- body, blood, soul and divinity. I prayed that one day you will discover what that little read light / candle means next to the tabernacle. It means He, your Lord and Savior and mine is TRUELY there. There for you, my beautiful brother in Christ! God bless you abundantly! Fr. Philip


I’m a Catholic convert! If you had asked me 14 years ago if I would ever considered being Catholic, I would have fallen off my chair laughing. Now, here I am, wearing a mantilla, driving around a giant van full of kids, praying for the souls in purgatory and clinging to my beads!


As a Catholic, I just appreciate you not turning this into a bashing session.


Being a Catholic is a beautiful thing. I am a Black Catholic convert. I’ve never been so blessed and close to Jesus. Thank you for your appreciation. I hope you find more beautiful things at Mass.


Black Catholic here and I'm Brother go to an on fire Black Catholic church and you'll get all of that-full Jesus in the sacrament and the Word-as well as Spirit filled singing, praise and an inviting community. The Catholic Church is the original and is deep in our African heritage from the earliest Church Fathers and Mothers of Ancient North and East and Central Africa.


I’m an ex non-denominational Protestant, now soon to be confirmed Catholic. It is really refreshing to see a fellow Christian brother speak so respectfully and in awe about the Mass and the faith. All my family are pretty much in disagreement with my conversion and have nothing but assumptions in their head, so it’s hard to find common ground. I pray they open up their mind as you have, God bless you brother ❤️🙏🏽 I don’t know if anyone else sees it but I think there’s an awakening amongst the young adults of this generation and there are a lot of young men coming to the Catholic faith because they seek the truth. May God guide them back and may these men guide their wives, girlfriends, & families too 🙏🏽 Amen


I'm Catholic and I was out of town and went to Mass at the Catholic Church nearest to where I was staying. When I went into the church I realized everyone there was Asian, don't know if they were Korean or Vietnamese. Anyway, the church was packed front to back and there was complete silence in the ten or so minutes before Mass began. An usher had the people in a pew make room for me and I noticed some people were praying the rosary and I could hear the quiet rhythm of the Hail Mary and some of the beads tapping against the pews.
As Mass began a chime rang and we all stood and the choir was singing as the altar servers, lector and the priest processed up to the altar. The priest referenced the altar and gave the people a blessing 🙏 and we all said the Penitential Act.
Of course, it wasn't in English, but I knew exactly what the priest was saying and doing, except at the readings and the homily! Everything went smoothly with the standing, reponding, sitting and kneeling. It was like soldiers marching in cadance! Perfect rhythm! 😊
That Mass was one of the most beautiful and reverent Masses I have ever attended, I felt the holiness.
At the end of Mass the people remained reverently silent as they exited the church and some stayed and prayed a little longer.
Outside the church the people greeted each other and me! They made me feel welcome, as we should all feel at any Catholic church.
Peace and blessings, my brothers and sisters in Christ 💒


Cradle Catholic here. LOVED this!
Not only will you be active during the Mass, but we actually have FOUR separate readings from the Bible every Sunday, three on weekdays.
So for those who say we don’t know the Bible, come and experience it!


I was raised Baptist. Came into the Catholic Church at Easter vigil 1993. It was what I had always searched for as a Baptist. Now everything makes sense.


The beauty of the catholic church is that a catholic can go to a catholic mass anywhere in the world for the first time and they will be perfectly "in sync" and at home, hence the meaning "universal" church. Amen.🥰


I have attended Catholic mass in a language that I don’t speak and I am still able to follow and respond, in my language of course. It is the same mass everywhere.


I’m a 71 year old male cradle Catholic who left the church in his early 20s, tried to be an atheist but that took more faith than I could muster. Returned as a believer and explored various Protestant churches, all of which offered something I genuinely liked. But, ultimately, I was drawn back to the Eucharist. Now I understand what I grew up hearing but not understanding until now that, “All roads lead to Rome.”


After reading the Bible through 65 times, Jesus called me to the true Catholic Church. Baptist preacher’s daughter. I LOVE DAILY MASS!!! I receive the Body and Blood of Jesus every single day. Who wouldn’t be thrilled with
“ If you eat my Body and drink my Blood, you have LIFE in you.”


I am a Catholic and this was hilarious. I think our service is the shortest of all other Christian services. My brother in Christ, keep up making people laugh.


I am a Maronite Catholic and you brought it dude! Hysterical look at our faith. I was expecting disrespect and didn't get any! Thank you!


I am 80 year old catholic you made me laugh! Blessings and prayers!


And here's another surprise. For all those who say Catholics don't read the Bible ? The ENTIRE Bible is read in church within a 2 year span. Thats just one of the things I learned as a convert from the Baptist Church to being a full-blown, happier than ever CATHOLIC !..❤ 😊 ❤


This had me and my wife rolling as we are Catholics. The standing, sitting, kneeling is what i lovingly refer to as Catholic Calisthenics. It is beautiful when you find a Church that is that in sync. Ive certainly been to some that werent. But the fact we can walk into any Mass around the world and follow along is one of the beauties of the Church.

The most important thing is thaf Christ is truly there with us in the Eucharist.


God bless you, our brother in Christ. I'm Catholic and you made me smile.
