Calvinism = Synergism

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For all the fuss Calvinists make about so-called "monergism," it turns out that Calvinism is synergism after all.

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Thanks bro. Kevin. I am a "recovering" former Calvinist. I was saved of Roman Catholicism. went to conservative Baptist seminary that was "moderate Calvinist". I then became full blown 5 pointer, then 7 pointer. Now I am a "0" pointer. I came to the Lord through Baptist people mostly who told me I must personally accept Christ as my Lord and Savior. I strayed from the Gospel simplicity due to prideful thinking and intellectual, philosophical, and Pharisaical arrogance. You are providing such a wonderful service ministry to get out the Biblical Truth and expose the errors of Calvinism. Thank you so much.


seems every calvinist i have seen is soooo proud..what's up with that? God hates pride.


"Synergism is their demon, not your doctrine." That is a fantastic caption to end a debate, in the presence of an audience, with a Calvinist. Thank you so much for impacting my theological journey. I am always enriched after viewing your work.


"Satan comes as a minister of light."

Thank you Kevin Thompson!


Don't know how you make enough time for these as well as Pastoring and Fathering a family, but really appreciate the hard work that must go into it Brother. Thanks!


Kevin You are So needed. Speaking the truth. I love it man. I pray for you, your family and church.


You are a very entertaining, thorough, organized teacher. I am learning so much by your vids, I sometimes have to stop and rewind cause it can be challenging also, which is good! Thank you for the effort that goes into this. God bless you. 🙂


Calvinists don't realise they are following man rather than Christ. The name "Calvinist" never clues them in😩


Kevin, you totally knocked that one out of the park! Great job!


I never thought Calvins were that big of a deal until I actually got to meet one....its a cancer of a cult


Have you ever noticed that certain types of people are attracted to certain doctrines? You said that Calvinists can be nice people, and that's true of course, but at the same time my most unpleasant experiences have been with Calvinists and the history of their sect is among the most brutal by far. I don't see any of this as a coincidence. There is something about their doctrines that attracts some rather unloving people.

I've also noticed that a great many of these complex theologies are basically designed to plausibly twist what scripture actually says, and nothing is more of an annoyance to mainstream Christianity than Jesus and his teachings.


A close family member went through years of seminary indoctrination in the early '80s and came out of it a Reformed Baptist preacher. He claims the "Doctrines of Grace" = the Gospel. We went round and round about it -- once. There was simply no getting through either way, so we agreed to drop it.

What you said about Calvinists who have invested all that money and time in seminary indoctrination and then all those years -- or decades -- believing lies could be said about ANY cult member. It takes incredible bravery and humility to repudiate something you have invested that much of your life in. (This gives a fresh and totally applicable slant on losing one's life in order to save it. Some people are simply not willing to do so.)

Sadly, the bottom line is that those who practice the Calvinist religion cannot truly know God in a personal way. There's simply no possibility of it. Calvin's doctrines malign God's personality and divert the practitioner to a different Jesus. The implications, according to Matthew 7:23, are especially dire.


You are preaching with power, may God richly bless you as you bless us under attack by this heresy of Calvinism.


Absolutely right, Kevin. I know a Tuliper who is a very able bible writer and expositor in many areas of the Faith. He takes great care to point out the inconsistencies of bad teachers, and he is very thorough in so doing. However, when it comes to his calvinistic apologetics he does not hesitate to tweak scriptures to defend his dogmas. For example, he blatantly changes the 'secret things of God' in Deut. 29, to the 'secret will of God'. Like all Calvinist, he responds to scriptural references with theological theories, and his writings and preaching are more than fifty percent in the form of Analogies.

Calvinists don't even try to deny their contradictions; they try to ignore them or classify them as 'paradoxes'. I'm afraid they are not very bright, nor very honest.


Yes, Kevin yes, yes, yes! Finally sombody stands up for that twisted heresy.


This is one of the best vids on Calvinism I've seen. tremendous


All I know is that I'm glad that thanks to JESUS I won't burn in hell forever!


These videos are so logically consistent and extremely clear! Great job!


One of the best things I've heard on this issue! Keep up the great work. ... We had to leave a church because they wanted the fathers of every household, in front of the church on a Sunday, to sign the Westminster Confession of Faith. 😒


Amen. I’m a recovering former Calvinistic apologist. Drop religion and find Christ. Christ transcends religion. Grace and peace Kevin!
