Why James White Is Sick of The Calvinist Club

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In this clip, Dr. White pointed out the ungracious behavior that many Calvinists have on the Internet.

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i am not a Calvinist and i am also turned off by their arrogance many times, but i SO SO SO appreciate that other Calvinists like Dr White notices this and is REBUKING his well, praise GOD!!!


There are many who have learned the doctrines of grace, yet have no grace.

There are unregenerate Calvinists. Claiming the label does not make you a true Christian.


What hurts my heart is that I remember my cage stage. It was brutal and praise God that it wasn’t even worse. I truly believe that God held me back in many situations from going even further in ripping people apart because of their ignorance of the sovereignty of God. I praise God that I’ve repented of my cage stage and have reconciled with all those I’ve hurt but imagine those who live in that cage stage for their entire lives. Man! To be a KJVO and a Cage stage calvinist, ppffff! That’s rough. God help them at the Calvinist Club!


When Calvin has become more important than Jesus, it's idolotry!!!


I sometimes think it would be more profitable to just read the Bible and thank the Lord Jesus for saving us than try to figure it all out.


I wholeheartedly agree with brother Dr. James White here. Sadly, I use to be a stage cage Calvinist. I showed no love for those I was speaking to and I use to think and believe that if you were an Arminian then you were a heretic and therefore going to hell. During that time I was causing the enemies of God to blaspheme His holy name. I was a disgrace to our Lord Jesus Christ. I was doing nothing to glorify my Father in heaven and my Lord Jesus Christ and I was not doing anything to advance the kingdom of God. In essence, I was doing more for satan than I was doing for Jesus Christ my King! I am so thankful and thankful for the Holy Spirit and for His conviction of my sins against my Father in heaven. He showed me the errors of my ways. He showed me just how unloving I was and the harm I was causing. He reminded me about who I was before my King Christ Jesus came and rescued me and made me His. I am now a completely different person and now when I speak to people I do so out of agape love for my Lord Jesus Christ first and for those who I am speaking to.I can see and understand why so many who are not Calvinist think that we Calvinists are arrogant and unloving. I can see why there is so much hatred for those who are Calvinist and it is all because of what Dr. James White talks about here in this video. I too am ashamed of being a Calvinist for all the same reasons that Dr. James White talks about here in this video.


I'm a former calvinist and don't believe it at all, yet still love brother James ... and totally appreciate this rebuke.


I've saved your video. It will sit beside a similar video by Paul Washer. Both of which I will watch from time to time when I begin to slide down this arrogant, unloving, slope. Glorify God, preaching to all Christ and Him crucified, and enjoy Him forever. Thank you Dr. White.


Truth be told, there are ungracious, mean-spirited, pharisaical, religious zealots in EVERY camp of Christianity, irrespective of their theological bent. Those of the Calvinistic sort (or more broadly the salvation by sovereign grace sort) are particularly puzzling. Given that their theology insists that they are saved "not by works of righteousness" done by them (Titus 3:5), the attitude of condescending, acerbic superiority they often display toward others is an enormous contradiction that reveals that they have yet to rightly understand the ramifications of grace as they ought.

Simply put, there is a profitable space for correcting an erring brother in Christ (James 5:19-20), but untempered zealots are not known to occupy it.


James White is the pot calling the kettle black. He is one of the nastier people within Christianity, and he has the audacity to correct others.


I am a Wesleyan/Arminian Pastor and I just want to thank you for your message here. Yes, there are many things we disagree on, but we totally agree on the fundamentals of the faith.

I have heard so many bad things regarding you that it sparked my interest. Thank you for this. It meant more to me than you know!


Non-Calvinists use the same arguments and insults atheists use against us. They even say that Calvinist God is Satan and that they would rather go to hell than serve such a God.


So true. We are all sinners saved by Grace and being sanctified and growing. There's to many judgmental Christians without love and grace.


That was a pretty humble and gracious challenge to your tribe. Thanks.


Appreciate your heart on this, sir. And I also appreciate you helping to clarify some of these doctrines for me, and believe you did it as a glory to God and not Calvin.


Dear James, the 5 points if calvinism humbled me to the ground before God. I can’t understand the contradiction of an arrogant Calvinist.
I have recently come to embrace the reformed theology, thanks to Paul Washer and you. Your debates out my world upside down, after years of ministry in the missionary field.
Thank you for the PDF, I’ll start tomorrow. 10 times over? Ni problem! Thanks!


Appreciated White's passion about those that claim to be Calvinists but have an attitude of arrogance that the Bible says believers shouldn't have based on the very grace that saved them.. Now does that mean all that embrace Calvinism act this way? Absolutely not. And to be frank, you can completely agree with the doctrines of grace because it is Biblical, not because it has a label on it. I would never call myself a Calvinist, but many times I am thrown in that camp because I agree with the core doctrines of salvation and God's sovereignty. After all, these doctrines were in the Bible before Calvin was ever born and even Calvin didn't event the acrostic TULIP. But I think it needs to be said that those on the anti-Calvinist side can also be just as mean-spirited and hateful; I've seen YouTube videos of pastors/preachers/teachers railing against their view on Calvinism with a view that it is heretical and demonic to the point where they villainize those that hold to these doctrines. So there are many in the anti-Calvinism club that feel that way as well. I know I've personally posted on this subject with other professed believers that have basically said I believe demonic doctrines, someone actually said I was a moron. The bottom line; if believers on both sides of this issue can't discuss the doctrines of the Bible to edify, encourage, and exhort one another, they need to back off, be prayerful, and examine their own hearts concerning the matter.


I did this the other day and by God's grace he disciplined me.


Thank you brother White for speaking out on a growing problem on Facebook comments in Calvanist groups.I have read such atrocious comments...we are the body of Christ and if we cannot show grace, how will anyone understand grace?


How ironic that when James White said (at 2:30), "I find it grossly inconsistent that those who claim to embrace this theology could at the same time be arrogant, ungracious, unloving, unkind, and constantly drawing their swords and lopping people's Armenian ears off...", he could have been describing the greatest of all Calvinists, John Calvin, who justified not just proverbial murder, but the actual murder of his theological opponents!
