Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD)

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Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) occurs when the acid-containing contents of the stomach travel back up into the esophagus and cause the burning sensation more commonly known as heartburn.
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Who's here because of GERD Just pray to God and do the steps that can cure. God bless to you all


The past days I've been eating greasy foods, spicy foods, and drinking soda with my meals . All of a sudden I've been coughing and throwing up my meals after I eat . It's time for a diet change


I started to have GERD when I gained weight. I was at 240 lbs. I’m now at 227lbs and it has stopped. I recommend everyone to change their diets and start doing some cardio. It helped me, maybe it will help you too.


May yall get well soon yall are stronger than u think u r and deserve the world, much loveee


Anyone feel like they have an air bubble stuck in the esophagus and cant get it out so u keep tryna force a burp and it wont go away? Whats going on ?! 💀💀


this taught me more about gerd than my doctors have. sad.


This disease is killing me from inside, I can't study properly, can't sleep properly, can't adjust with friends, as I can't eat what normal people can eat. 1 am 19 and YO, hope no body gets this sickness. 😔😭😭. Its 12: 37 and m still not asleep, because of heart burn 😭😔


1:08 that is the worst looking meal I have ever seen


Starting to experience this. There’s a couple times where I feel like vomiting the acid. I can feel it creep up. I randomly get heartburn when I lay down to sleep and the burning sensation.


I feel hurt that I found some symptoms just by googling or watching YouTube about symptoms/diseases. When I got symptoms (not only GERD) and told my mom to see Dr., she just said it's nothing serious.
And what's more hurt is that people around me thought I'm weird of hating nausea & vomit because of Gerd. GERD is sucks and hurt. I'm relieved that it became decrease when I grown up.


I ate big meal and I’m facing this right now for the first time I thought I had corona 😭


Be careful with cakes and pastries. The next day you’ll struggle to breathe. This is an irritating condition with much discomfort.


don't eat oily spicy outside food don't eat chips popcorn etc

Gargle with salt water 3 times a day atleast

Don't eat citric fruits like orange lemon grapes

Don't eat tomatto and never eat raw onion

Don't eat masala product like maggy pasta etc

Elevate your head side 6 inches atlease so create a slop so acid don't come up

Observe if diary milk curd lassi creates problem or not if do than leave them also

Never sleep or lay down after meal always lay down after 2-3 ours of sleep

Take dinner early and don't sleep before 2-3 hours after that

Take small meals 4-5 times a day don't take large meals only eat 60% of your capacity

Eat soft spiceless fruits

Take 1/3 little baking soda and drink when you feel irritation and drink every 3 days if possible only little soda not more
It will kill acid in your throat

I am suffering from LPR from one year so I have tried and observe every thing

Also consult ent doctor

Take 20 minute walk after dinner

Don't do hard exercise gym or weight lifting it will create more acid reflux

Don't clear your throat distract your self in some work

Drink small sips of water when throat stuck feel because clearing throat will irritate it further if you don't clear throat and sip water than your throat will heal in 1-2 day

Also don't drink too much water at a single time it will create more acid reflux

Remember this tips will greatly help but going to ent doctor is also required

Because many illness have same symptoms and all parts are deeply connected so you may never know your disease without doctor


After u eat a meal do not lay down. The food will go up your esophagus and u will burp food.


i feel like a dying bug. The acid reflux makes me nauseous at times. It's not really that bad but my anxious self is convincing me that I'm dying. I don't have the mental strength for this!


I have this 😭😭😭😭😭 I don't feel like eating anything I'm dying 💔


Great Advice/ please teach it to all doctors, thanks


I searched for "dgxbgwrdftgyhu" and this was the first video that popped up.


I also have Gerd the severe one and I experienced all the symptoms and i hate the worst is the choking and breathing problems. They scare me a lot and can’t sleep every night that i might die.

I’ve tried all the medicine and doesn’t seem to work but i have changed my diet and it helped me a lot eat on time and never skipped a meal for breakfast i eat oatmeal and banana for lunch egg whites only and for dinner sautéed vegetables and every after meal drink luke warm water with apple cider vinegar 2tbs and add 1tbs honey. It changed me a lot i still have Gerd tho but the breathing problems went away in just 2 weeks.


I had some major acid reflux today like a few seconds after I took a bite of my barbecued ribs and it was a pretty big bite that I swallowed so I just washed it down with a Dr Pepper. At this point my esophagus felt like it had closed up, I was burping and gasping for air involuntary. And at that point I thought I was choking only to find out later, Acid reflux is something I inherited from my dad which is most common when I eat barbecue. The involuntary gasping and burping was the main thing that made me think I was choking cause I’ve never had acid reflux as bad as I had just felt, it was some next level shit today. It might have actually caused me to actually be choking cause I did actually feel like I was choking.
