Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Signs & Symptoms (ex. Bad Teeth) | & Why They Occur

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Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Signs & Symptoms | & Why They Occur

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition involving acid reflux (heartburn) due to relaxation or weakness of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) allowing acidic gastric contents to enter into the esophagus and cause “burning”. A variety of signs and symptoms can occur due to this acid reflux. In this lesson, we discuss a large list of signs and symptoms that can occur with GERD and why they happen.

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I have beaten my GERD and finally free from it after 2 months.
These are the things I've done:
1. PRAY Everyday to GOD
2. Drink multivitamins
3. Exercise or yoga every morning
4. Eat fruits and vegetables every day (BANANA)
5. Eat lean meat, like chicken or fish
6. Avoid sour, spicy and fatty foods
7. Eat slowly and eat little
8. Walk 20-30 mins after each meal
9. Sleep atleast 6-8 hours everyday
10. Take deep breathes, when im feeling stressed
11. Take a break when im feeling tired
12. Practice deep breathing exercises
13. Meditate
14. Write on my notebook to express my feelings when im being anxious
15. Talk to your family, friends love ones if you need help.
16. Drink probiotics
17. Eat a lot of cucumbers
18. Eat oatmeal for breakfast


I got this because I had alot of stress and anxiety can cause


I want to be able to enjoy eating again


Thank you for this video. It confirmed that it looks like this has been life long for me. I thought a lot of these were regular sensations people had to work through. I can only hope the damage hasn't done its worst 😬


I've been suffering for 2 yrs now and gerd still here. Sometimes i am ok sometimes not..depends on what i eat..dizziness shortbess of it! huh....😭 life is hard


Another invaluable channel, will definitely explore more videos from you, sir. thank you!


it brings terrible tension headaches, sharp chest pain, dizziness, nausea, always feel hungry, and it’s been going on for 6 months. gotten multiple ekgs all fine, has to be GERD


at first i was getting sharp chest pains everytime i lied down . then i started to excessively burp and my stomach would growl all the time . never experienced regurgitation or bitter taste . my symptoms are not bad but they are really annoying . i went to the emergency room one night and i was given pepcid by my doctor . i took it for 5 days, one in the morning and one in the night . i feel like it worked a little bit but i’m still experiencing the same symptoms except for heartburn, which i rarely get now . i’m eating healthier, eating fish, rice, and i’m hoping that in a month from now, my reflux will go away .

edit: after a month, my reflux is so much better and i am able to eat bacon, chocolate, and other things that i could not eat before without getting heartburn. my solution was eating salmon, broccoli, and potato for dinner everyday. 100% works and your reflux will get so much better.


I have the awful bloating and nausea accompanied with excessive belching, but what made me go to the dr is my horrendous post nasal drip. I have so much mucus in my throat that when I try to eat I essentially choke, even after I’m done eating and it’s lolol horrendous to say the least. Found out I’m only allergic to one thing (egg whites but I don’t eat eggs anyways) and I got started on Pepcid. Hopefully after my throat isn’t being chronically burnt anymore my nose will stop producing mucus. :) hope everyone here gets the help they need and wish me good luck


It’s my first time feeling this today!


I had these symptoms for a month and saw a doctor 2 weeks ago and told me I have GERD. He gave me medication but I don't see it working. I've been trying to eat really healthy but there are days when I get naseous for hours after I eat something even if its healthy. I've also been drinking natural supplements. I have good and bad days. I'm just hoping and praying it goes away because I can't stand feeling like this. It has given me a lot of anxiety.


Nervous + acid is normal .. Dont panic cuz everything will be okay ", ) just avoid citric food ..


Has anyone been getting blurry vision?


Your videos really helped with my nursing study! Thank you SO MUCH!!


I've had this throughout my life and its still in here.


I only get heartburn during the nighttime but during the day I get regurgitation and chronic belching which gives me chest pain and also have both Silent and Acid Reflux


Can gerd cause ocular migraine? As I started getting these symptoms, my vision has been weird.


Thank you for your videos.revising for my exams is easier now.


A very informative video indeed. ThanQ for sharing your knowledge.


Constant dryness, lump in throat feeling, hard time breathing, I'm lucky one day a week it's minimal. Year n half later still suffering. All tests come back fine, x-rays, cat scans, you name it I've done it. Pantoprazole cures my heartburn but the reflux/gerd remain. It feels like slowly dying. I do a Chanel to keep me busy but life is getting harder
