Karen Read Case: Cold Blooded Murderer or Cover-Up? The VERY Controversial Case & A Deep Dive

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On January 28th, 2022, Karen Read and her boyfriend, Boston Police Officer John O’Keefe, spent the night bar hopping and later that night, they were invited to a fellow police officer’s house for an afterparty in Canton Massachusetts. When Karen and John arrived at the house, Karen didn’t get out of the car, but John did. What happened next is up for debate.

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*Sources used to collect this information include various public news sites, interviews, court documents, FB groups dedicated to the case, and various news channel segments. When quoting statements made by others, they are strictly alleged until confirmed otherwise. Please remember my videos are my independent opinion and to always do your own research.

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Karen Read: Cold Blooded Murderer or Cover-Up? The VERY Controversial Case & A Deep Dive of Everything We Know

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As a reminder for the complete and uncensored case, to hear this case 5 days earlier, and for even more exclusive cases not on YT, follow the podcast 'SERIALously' on all podcast platforms.


You absolutely never have to apologize for something you can't help. Like the way your body looks and behaves after you've had surgery. To be honest, I'm incredibly impressed that you're trekking through your work!


I’ve been following this case religiously. This may seem like a small, insignificant detail, but when you look at this case as a whole - you realize it means something. When they found John the next morning and Jenn called 9-1-1, she never identified John as an officer. In my true crime experience, anytime a LEO is injured, let alone not breathing, when someone calls for help, they make sure to tell the dispatcher the victim is a police officer. I also need to point out, when police arrived, they didn’t secure the crime scene. It was left wide open and not roped off for about 12 hours. Annie is correct, the home owner of 34 Fairview, Brian Albert is a police officer. However, the morning of 1/29/22 when John O’Keefe was found, neither of Brian, or his wife, went outside to see what was going on. Not only did they not step foot outside, no one ever went and knocked on their door, never asked to check out the house and in fact, the Albert’s didn’t speak to police until a handful of days later, and it was at the McCabe’s house, not their own, why??? My husband is a LEO, as are 3 of my in-laws. There is no way any of them would remain inside if there was a crime scene in their neighborhood, let alone on their own front lawn!! First responders are the people who are running towards dangerous situations while everyone else runs away, it’s in their nature to try and render aid. Yet a police officer who had some people over the night before, wakes up with a crime scene on his front lawn, the victim is someone who was on his home 6 hours prior, and he stays inside?!?!?! I also can’t understand why detectives never asked or got a warrant to go inside the Albert’s home. Why?! Because they said there’s nothing to see?? Make it make sense.


Annie Elise great job with this story. A retired DEA agent from Canton/Boston has a channel "Going through the Motions". He interviewed a longtime friend of John's and the whole O'Keefe family. Her name was Joan and she spoke very highly of the family. When the children's father died in the home, Mr. O'Keefe brought the kids to Joan's house at 8am that morning as Paramedics were called to the home. They trusted Joan and as I stated, she was a good friend of John's sister before she died and lived next to John when he moved in to care for the kids. Unfortunately, she cannot go along with the narrative that Karen did this. In fact, she stated she knew that Karen and John had multiple vacations planned and they were fixing up Karen's house to sell it in order to buy a vacation home for them. She stated, Karen was John's person. They had a bump in the road but everyone has bumps and they worked through it.
They were not breaking up. They were solid and again she called Karen "John's person".


After hearing about dog, flooring in the basement being removed and the house being sold...I truly believe it was a cover-up. And, you know how the police stick together when they are in trouble.
Great case! 👍


I know O’Keefes old partner (retired a few years ago) and he believes it was a cover up. Says a lot that someone who not only worked with O’Keefe but also the other officers in question believes something fishy is going on 👀 makes me think something fishy is going on.
He thinks O’Keefe saw or knew something they didn’t want him to see/know. He says O’Keefe was a man of very strong morality and he had issues with the involved officers previously.

There’s protests at the police station and people on bridges. It’s wild


Ridiculous how all these LEOs, drunker than shit, were even driving in such dangerous conditions.


Im stil at odds, but I can tell you that she has one hell of a defense attorney, they have a really good case and he really does his homework..


So the Feds had a highly educated accident investigator reconstruct the commonwealth’s theory. They concluded there was no way John’s injuries came from getting struck by Karen’s SUV sand Karen’s tail light could not have been damaged by hitting John. The man was 6’2”, somebody PLEASE explain to me how he could have gotten hit by a vehicle yet had no broken bones and no injuries whatsoever below his chest??? Again, make it make sense!! What’s also fascinating is the fact that they allegedly found the red pieces of her tail light ON TOP of the snow. If she hit him and that’s what caused her lens to break, those pieces would have been on John, not on top of the snow. Remember, it had only snowed a little bit when she dropped him off. He had 4-6 inches of snow on top of his body. Plus, it continued to snow. So how the hell would the broken lens pieces end up on top of all the


At the beginning i was so confused how this could be a cover up.... at the end im like, how could it not be


The Albert's sold their house at a $50, 000.00 loss at a time when houses are selling at outrageously high prices .


This is 10, 000% a cover up. My father is a lieutenant in Revere and he believes this is a disaster of a cover up Boston and its surrounding are unfortunately known for covering stuff up. It’s just not as common as it used to be. Karen Reed was grieving her loss while also being pinned as the perpetrator. Disgusting and sad as hell.


I didn't know what to think until I heard the dog evidence. The dog evidence is damning for those cops and him selling the house getting rid of the flooring in the house getting rid of the dog. I mean come on man. It's something happened there. Something is not right


I breed Rottweilers, those are DOG attack marks, PERIOD. I've had many of those same marks in the same place. All they need to hire is an animal trainer or breeder to testify.

I would bet the dog attacked him, he probably got in an argument with the owner, and they threw him outside not even necessarily wanting to kill him, just get him out because they were all drunk and pissed.


Annie, you look and sound amazing. Get it girl! You are pushing through and it’s appreciated. Do what you can and we’ll still be here. 💗


DA Morriseys office DOES NOT care about evidence. I had over 200 pages of evidence, a lot of police reports and reports from neighbors I didn’t even know, and every restraining order violation was wiped away. He needs to be HEAVILY investigated. As soon as I saw him, the whole cover up made a ton of sense.


The family got rid of the dog, sold their home & left. In the video both tail lights are there. Supposedly tail light pieces show up???? Fed investigation says it all.


I HATE that you feel insecure about your appearance instead of freaking PROUD of yourself!! You just had multiple jaw procedures and you’re talking/filming for 45+!!! What?!?! Girl, you’re a total rockstar!! Be proud!! You are just as beautiful as ever!


Never have I ever watched a trial where the witness (Alberts and McCabes) appeared to be more guilty than the defendant....


She absolutely hit that other car backing up and that must be how the tail light was broken. It’s amazing.. every government everywhere in our country is crooked to the core now.
