Did Professor Slam Lexus SUV into Police Officer Boyfriend? | Karen Read Case Analysis

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This video answers the question: Can I analyze case of Karen Read?

Dr. Grande’s book Harm Reduction:


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“Cellphone data shows he was moving after his death, which seems unlikely since dead people don’t move.” Wouldn’t the more logical explanation be that someone else was moving his cellphone? My phone can detect what side of the room I’m on in my house. 80 steps and 3 flights doesn’t seem like a mistake.


She was my finance professor in college - by far the best professor I had, always staying late (class ended at 9:10 PM) to provide her students extra help. Not saying this exonerates her but the accusations leveled against her do not match the person I knew. One of the nicest professors out there who always went above and beyond.


Too many things don't add up.
1. Everyone says John and Karen were getting along great that night
2. The Judge was actually a defense attorney for Albert family but refused to recuse herself
3. Evidence was collected in solo cups borrowed from a neighbour. Contaminated everything, and has no seal while they were kept near Karen's car. Could have easily transferred blood with how sloppy the investigation was
4. Tail light wasn't found until days later?
5. Alberts got rid of their perfectly good 5 year old family dog (German Shephard) shortly after the murder
6. Investigators knew the Alberts and never even tried to enter where John supposedly last was before being found dead on the front lawn. The detectives said there were no exigent circumstances (John was found dead in front of the house he was supposed to have spent the night drinking in) they didn't ask a judge for a warrant, or even bother to ask the Alberts for consent to search the house
7. The search for "how long does it take to die in the cold" search made at 2am
8. No one at the Albert house that night heard any screaming and didn't see John's body when arriving or leaving the house?
9. Karen was intoxicated, how was she able to reverse in the snow fast enough to hit John and kill him? And know he would die?

Too much reasonable doubt to say Karen is guilty because she asked "did i hit him?" in some kind of 'my cousin vinny' type confession


Any time I’m overwhelmed with work, College, family, my health, etc., I come to your channel. You combine two of my favorite subjects- true crime & psychology. Thank you for your endless research & hard work. You never need clickbait titles or flashy images, you do fantastic when you simply bring your researched information & personality. Thank you!!


Sir, do you know how hard it is for a non English speaking person like myself who loves crime stories to find a voice extremely soothing, very clear to listen to while not watching?! It is almost impossible, you sir, the best clear narration voice i ever listened to and very informative, very unbiased. I love your channel. I just found it. Lucky me. Thankfully subscribed, too. 🎉🎉


I hope his Niece, and Nephew are with loving Family Members. To lose both Parents, in a short time, then lose John, is Heart Shattering.💔💔💔💔🙏🙏🙏🙏


I would like for you to revisit this case now that so many police related people involved are under federal investigation. The claims of “I hit him” didn’t make it into any police or emt reports until much later, and even then some police at the scene claim to have never heard this. Statements have changes a whole lot from the first ones given for almost everyone involved… it’s just odd.


She would have had to strike him with a lot of speed in reverse to throw him 12 feet into the yard. She couldn’t be sure if he would die from this. Unless she had other people beat him up badly and be with her in the car with him and they bodily threw him into the snow, and they all drove off together, hoping he would be discovered by other party goers on the lawn. But her friend said she saw her car backing away and her not going into the party after seeing the car for a while out front and long enough for the friend to tell her to pull into the driveway.


The bodily injuries don't make sense - Apple Health data shows him moving around after Karen dropped him off at the party - guy snowplowing didn't see him when he came by - they have tail light pieces at the scene - do the tail light pieces have hair and blood on them - nope - I don't think she did this


Oh joy! Was hunting through Dr Grande’s back catalogue in hopes of finding a video I’ve missed WHEN DR GRANDE POSTS! As if that’s not perfect enough I got the first like in. Today is a good day. God bless you & your family, Dr Grande👏🙏👍


Jennifer’s phone search and it being deleted is enough reasonable doubt for me if it was this night
Them giving the dog away another weird situation


Can you imagine if Karen Read had googled "hos long to die in cold"?
Also, there was a witness who arrived at 34 Fairview at the same time Karen & John did... Ryan Nagel. He was there to pick up his sister, Julie Nagel who was in the home that night. Julie Nagel came out to the car where her brother had pulled up behind Karen... closer to the driveway & apparently came out of the home to tell him she no longer needed a ride & she planned to stay overnight.
Ryan Negel told police as he left, he saw Karen's SUV was parked, the light inside her car was on & her hands were at 10 & 2. He said he didn't see anyone else in the vehicle. 🤷‍♀️


Karen didn’t call and text with Jen. Officer Okeefe was the one calling and texting with Jen.


Why did Jen McCabe google "How long to die in cold" at 2 AM????


Nothing good ever comes from drinking alcohol all night


Unless all the evidence on Karen's side is thrown out as inadmissible, I don't see her being convicted. The main witness against her is the sister-in-law of the police officer who lived in the house that John "never entered". And the jury pool is in an area where people are sick and tired of police officers who never seem to be able to interview witnesses and solve cases where cops are involved. If Karen was framed, she wouldn't be the first one that happened to. The initial "could I have hit him?" didn't turn into "I hit him. I hit him" until much later. Almost like she was coached by her sister and brother-in-law cop who lived in the house that John's phone entered without him. I can't wait to hear them explain the Google searches that were done from the inside of that house... This seems to be one of those cases where the investigation and witnesses is more suspicious than the suspect...


This case makes no sense. The Commonwealth are alleging that Karen intentionally hit John in the front yard of the Albert house and left him to die, only to get back up at 5am and start calling around looking for him only to find him at 6am and say something to the extent of "did i hit him?" "i must have hit him". What about the dog scratches all over his arms? How did no one arriving or leaving see this happen or not see John's body in the yard until Karen found him? Why did the police never get a search warrant for the house the murder victim was supposed to be in? The detective just testified on the stand that the Albert house wasn't of interest so he never bothered to ask consent to search, or ask a judge for a warrant.. Something happened in that house


why is a defense being labeled as a 'conspiracy theory'? it is the prosecution's obligation to prove their allegations beyond a reasonable doubt. the defense is allowed to cross-examine and rebut the prosecution's case. if there is doubt in what the prosecution says, why isn't their case called a 'conspiracy theory' then too?


Ahhh, my favorite dry sense of awesome humor Doc... 🤗❤️
Thank you for helping me write my last paper for my PhD in Forensic Psychology and Applied Behavior!!! You have helped me so very much in many ways, such as to think in different ways and not just my own, "differential" of course.. I really appreciate your channel and insight... 🎉🎉🎉I'll let you know my grade next week!!!


5:49 this was to proven to be a lie from Jen McCabe. Jen said Karen showed them the taillight after they parked at John’s house, but the ring camera showed they parked didn’t say a word, and walked inside. Jen lied on the stand.
