NORMAL THINGS In Germany But Weird In Russia

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Every country is a different, totally normal thing in one country can be very strange and even weird in another. Today I am talking about very normal German things which are very unusual and weird in Russia.

1. Riding bicycles as a way of transportation
2. Cooking and cleaning aren't only a woman's duties
3. Start the day before 8 am
4. Don't share salary with the family/wife
5. Traveling with a backpack
6. Spending the vacation not on the beach and all-inclusive resort
7. Not cooking most of your meals
8. Drinking coffee and not tea
9. Drinking alcohol at the brunch
10. Going to the party and not dressing up as a woman
11. Splitting the bill in the restaurant
12. Visit the doctor for no reason
13. The shops are closed on Sundays
14. Separating private and work-life
15. Smiling at strangers

About me:
I am Anna – an explorer, traveler, and global citizen who originated in Mother Russia. No, I wasn’t born rich, I worked since the age of 17 because my family couldn’t afford my education even in Russia, where it’s actually free. From the young age, I know how to achieve goals and I am glad to help you to do it too!
The last 5 years I have spent in Germany, Greece, Austria, and India working, studying, or volunteering. Currently, I am pursuing my big goal – a bachelor in International Business in Austria.
On this platform, I am helping people from around the world move to Germany to work, study, or start a business.
Рекомендации по теме

Another one: I feel as though Russians are more eager to ask personal questions about your life, where Germans are more reserved. For example, when you are a student in Russia, it's normal to ask a person about their grades. In Germany it's considered an intrusive question. A lot of times, when talking to Russians, I am fighting the urge to say "Тебя не касается!" E.g. when I had a medical injury, and people I barely knew started asking detailed questions about it...


Bei guten Eheleuten ist es auch in Deutschland von alters her absolut selbstverständlich, das Geld zusammen zu legen und gemeinsam zu wirtschaften, dafür gibt es ja auch das Eherecht, welches besagt, daß beiden Eheleuten normaler Weise alle Güter gemeinsam gehören, außer man vereinbart Gütertrennung!


Viele Unterschiede erklären sich aus dem deutliche härteren und anstrengenderem Leben in Rußland, wo viele Leute ums Überleben kämpfen müssen!


2:45 I'm working from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. in my first job and from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in my second one. On Saturday I work from 5 to 8 a.m.


Hallo Anna! Wieder sehr spannend für mich, vorallem, da ich nicht wirklich was über den russischen Alltag weiß. Stichwort Kaffee: Als Österreicher/Wiener, find ich deutschen Kaffee überwiegend furchtbar. Ich war in meinem Leben unzählige Male in Deutschland und die Deutschen können sehr viel sehr gut, aber guten Kaffee hab ich, mit Ausnahme von München und Hamburg, nie erlebt. Was da als Kaffee verkauft wird, grenzt für einen österreichischen Kaffeefan an Körperverletzung. ;-) Und nochwas. Filterkaffee ist immer nur so gut, wie der Kaffee den du verwendest. Mit dem richtigen Kaffee, kann ein guter, alter Filterkaffee der beste Kaffee überhaupt sein. Ich verstehe allerdings, deine russische Prägung auf Tee, den die Russen ja auch wirklich erstklassig machen.


There are also areas in Germany where People prefer tea


I'd be grateful if you did this video for Austria as well. Or would you say the differences are the same?


😁Absolutely German way in my hometown they wont let the woman to pay for the bills for coffee or any dining etc.


Laughing is a good medicine 💊but if you laughing without any reason you need


Wenn die Arbeitnehmer in Rußland erst um 9 oder 10 mit der Arbeit beginnen, dann fragt es sich, wie lange sie dann am Nachmittag arbeiten und wie viele Stunden wöchentlich?


One point, maybe not so important to you, but Germany has free speech and a real democracy. You can absolutely say or write something against the government and nothing will happen to you .

A Woman from Russia explained to me, giving potato chips to your guest would be considered rude in Russia. I did not understand why. She said -> you could have cooked something.


I can help you write a series about Made in Germany weird situations and people. At least three Seasons would be required to illustrate the situation in Germany. Well, i look in Germany and i see a lot of girlie men so it is natural they share the cleaning and the cooking and not only. Russians are true humans...warm, funny, crazy, hospitable, direct ....clear choice to choose Russians over Germans.


A Lot of Germans Not Just Go early to doctor. Only the old people do. Because they are looking for people to Talk to. Most Germany dont spend whole Life in the House With Parents


Should it be that i am the first??
Hello Anna, 🌹
your more frontal position is very good, now you are better to understand it's really good.
It's nice that you go a little bit deeper into the Russian culture, the culture shocks and differences.
I prefer tea as well.
The thing with paying the bill is different, in our group it changed who pays the bill, sometimes it's me, next time another one. The woman's are independent and like to show it.
They don't like that always the men pays.


A Lot of Points are Just because Russia is still much more conservative. If you ask old conservative Germans, they live the Same way Like the Russians. The Difference is Just, Germany is more modern.


bike in moskow is like suicide-commando..., -)


женщины в Германии действительно сильные и независимые!


For example your make Up in this Video... This is enough to Go out for Party.
Would you do more then this?


If I watch that Worst drivers of the World Videos and they seem to come mostly out of Russia it seems clever not to use bicycles in russia.


German coffee is just colored dish washing water, that's why we prefer italian espresso, cappuccino or latte macchiato.
