Why Is My Ex Acting So Indifferent Towards Me?

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Why Is My Ex Acting So Indifferent Towards Me?

Today we’re going to be talking about why your ex is so indifferent towards you, and what you can do about it.

The first thing to do is define what Indifference is, ultimately it is a lack of sympathy or concern about you or your situation. In other words, your ex doesn’t care about you at all. I believe the only way you are going to be able to find that your ex is indifferent to you is from having a conversation, and this is from the type of response you get from your ex. Now there are four types of conversations you can have;
- Positive response
- Neutral response
- Negative response
- No response

Now the big misconception I see people having is that if you get three of these responses, the neutral, negative or no response, that it means your ex is indifferent towards you. But that is actually false. Now if you were to get a negative response from your ex then it does mean that they care on some level, they cared enough to get angry and snap at you.

On the other hand, if you are just getting neutral responses each and every time you reach out to your ex, or your ex is flat out ignoring you. It might be a sign that your ex is being very indifferent towards you.

Why they are acting so indifferent towards you?
Why aren’t they responding to your text messages?
Why are they sort of half-hearted in their responses?
Why are they acting so indifferent towards you?

Following research, we have found that there is three main reason why an ex would act indifferent towards you;
#1 – They think they are above you,
What does it look like when an ex thinks they are above you?
Ultimately, I talk to my clients about putting their ex on a pedestal, and why that is such a bad idea to do that. Often when exes feel they have the high ground over you, they feel in a weird way that they are better than you. Another way of looking at this is that they think they won the break up. We see a lot of this where they move on to someone else and have what we call the grass is greener syndrome, they think that they can get better than you.

#2 – They think talking to you is boring
What are the tell tales signs is when you get into the conversation but quickly whittle down and stop talking to you. There are two reasons they are going to think that talking to you is boring. One being that whatever you are reaching out to them with is boring to them, the second is that there is a consistent history of talking to you where things kind of get dull. They don't really want to spend their time doing that.

#3 – They think talking to you is too much drama
The best way to describe this is using the acronym, GNAT, a lot of people have different reactions from a break up. But if your ex was a way to beg them cry and text them to get them back. If you do something that is crazy, or drama filled it would turn off to your ex, it's a high maintenance situation.

What are some of the ways that we can get an ex to pay attention towards you?
The first thing is understanding where the indifference set in, in the relationship. In my experience that the indifference happens in the relationship before the breakup occurs, where they stop replying to your texts straight away. When and why this started happening is going to help you understand the indifference.

The second thing, if you have watched these videos before, it's about the stability and mystery spectrum. Indifference comes hand in hand with boredom. When things become the same and dull you become indifferent towards it. So, this is where the mystery and stability spectrum, where we need both in the relationship to make it work. And when you get into a relationship you have both of these going on, but as the relationship develops you stop being both and become more of one or the other. The issue with his is every ex has a different level of what they want in a person, there they would be more attracted to someone who is more spontaneous, or someone more stable.

Whatever you are lacking is where you want to reshape your ex's perception of you, this is your chance to re shape your perception of you. 90% of the people I work with fall into the stable category, who forgot to keep up with the mystery in your relationship.

To do this, the one question you need to answer;
What is the one thing that your ex would never expect you to do?

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3. That’s how sees me. Toxic, drama because I call him out on his behavior. He was watching my profile, but after seeing me at work and smiling and I greeted and walked away, he got upset and lost interest


What if the “drama” stemmed from his infidelity and you’re just hurt inside and he didn’t do anything to make it right or to try and earn your trust back so you just keep getting more upset?


Were divorced! I just noticed she's indifferent. Im done putting in effort at this point. When someone shits on you, you get tired of putting in effort, especially if they have the nerve to file divorce! Thats the line crosser of my efforts.


When we started talking again it was so good. But now it's like he couldn't care. No replies to messages until he feels like it, I get emoji replies or left for hours. No longer get goodnight messages either now. I just don't know what to do. It's like he's flipped 😭 things were going so amazing. There was no drama no begging etc. We just used to talk really well and it was so happy and fun.


I since my ex thinks she is above me! Its a dehumanizing feeling to marry a woman and for her to think another man is above her husband is obsurb! When i provided for her and her daughter, then our child together. I provided the best my pay check could. I felt very unappreciated by her. Then she had the nerve to divorce me! Instead of listening to what was bothering me. So we could fix our issues. We went to counseling and both of us would still come home and argue.


Chris I’m struggling on a daily basis. My husband left me 5 months ago. It’s been dreadful very angry emails. He’s blocked me on everything. He seems to have moved on talking to other women on Facebook. A few weeks ago we met for a walk but it all went downhill again. I’ve tried no contact many times and failed. A few nights ago he said some very hurtful things in an email so I’m trying again to not contact. We were only married for two years tigger seven and went through so much together. He says he doesn’t want to be with me anymore and has lost all feelings. I am falling apart I wish there was some hope




I've been told that once an ex is indifferent you have no chance to get them back


So right now things are... well so-so.

I did a 21 day period of no contact during April after she stopped responding beginning of April for a few days and got a new boyfriend on the 1st of April (who in hindsight is opposite of me and is EXACTLY like the ex before me. Country boy.) After No contact, giving her space, I reached out but generally got neutral responses. "Thanks" "Yup" "Yes" etc. Tho unlike beginning of April where she straight up didnt reply she replies now but usually 24 hours later and neutrally.

Im reaching out casually as possible since she does have this new boyfriend and I want to stay in her life but Im not really sure where to go from here.

I still cant tell if this guy is a rebound since she hasnt posted squat about him on social media and they dont appear to see each other at all, I cant tell if Im making progress since she does respond its just delayed and neutral, and Im not really sure what to do to spark more imaginative conversations then apply all the tips ive learned to rebuild trust between us.

I care about her. Im prepared to lose her at this point but Id still be ready if things got to a better place between us in the coming months and half year.


I been acting indefinitely to my ex girlfriend but I care but I just don't want to talk about bs. my ex girlfriend broken up with me though


Awesome, what good first question 🙌✨✨


My Ex Still Talks to my cousin about me and still has ties to my friends and family. She needs space from me right now and i am on a no contact with her. Even she unfollowed me on insta becoz as she told i was all ober her insta feed as i posted regular stories. How to get her back ??


I can realy relate to this now. Nice video👌


Hi chris me and my ex broke 3 months already ive done NC but doesnt work, he block me all social media apps, then dis month i send him msg thru email i ask something about i need.. He reply me and last msg is 'pls stop msg me coz im sick of it.. Do i need to move on?


My girlfriend broke up with me on the 31st of march. 3 years relationship. And No matter how I try to do the NC, she keeps on reaching out . asking me if im okay . so I still reply .. but she doesnt mention of we getting back together . What do you think she's up to? Hope you'll notice this.thankyou


Hi I started to act cold and ignore my ex after the break up, now she start to initiate contact and one night she suddenly went to Facebook and unblock me what does this mean?


Why does ex over use emojis... He laughs a lot makes jokes even when we are arguing, his replies are not too short either, but he doesn't want me back he says


I want to try no contact rule but can't since we both work in the same company and I'm his like superior at work, is it okay to contact just for work purposes?


If she’s reached that place you really have broken this girls heart, don’t bother her if you haven’t changed. You will suffer 😊
