He Got A HERNIA! 🥲

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Got an inguinal hernia (in the groin area) in highschool and didn't tell anyone for a long time because it was in an embarrassing place. Over time it got worse and started causing pain, discomfort and really affected my mental health. After a few years it caused a blockage resulting in extreme pain that thankfully didn't put me in the hospital. It finally got me to make an appointment and get it repaired. Paid for everything out of pocket and my only regret was not getting it fixed immediately. Everyone, especially if you are young, please do not be silent and do not wait! Your health is worth any moment of embarrassment you think you might have.


I like how he reacts as if somebody just told him the store closed five minutes ago


A Hypertonic Pelvic Floor is literal hell. You should do a video on it because even gynecologists & doctors don’t know about even though many women & men suffer from this issue.


Had 2 inguinal hernias one repaired in 2022 and one repaired in 2023, had them for 4 years total throughout college ignored the pain and discomfort, finally fully recovered from my second surgery and my life has been a million times better. I wouldn’t wish an inguinal hernia on my worst enemy, shit really fucks with your mental and confidence overall as a man


Bruh your saving my life by exposing what problems I have thank u


Everytime i come on fitness YouTube i unlock a new fear and that has made me tone down my workouts and the intensity. Where im from, insurance doesn't exist for most of us and i definitely aint rich enough to treat anything i might pick up in the course of working out😅


Umbilical hernia. I got one doing a sit up for the Army PT test. Bulged out my belly button. Shoved it back in due to panic. Waited 6 months to see a doctor. Because I'm stupid.


It seems like the longer i live, the more i wish the human body would just evolve to get rid of these issues


I have a Epigastric hernia. I'm 31 and have had it since I was 2 weeks old. Doctors told me for years it was scar tissue due to intestinal surgery as an infant. It really hurt a couple months ago for the first time in my life. Went to the doctor and they gave me the news. Waiting on surgery now. I have never known any other feeling. It's always been quite large and prevents a lot of abdominal movements. Can't wait to see how it heals!


Back in early 2020 I have absolutely no memory of anything whatsoever, but fast forward a few months and I have a huge bulge in the left side of my groin. I don't say anything nor worry about for a reason I seriously can't remember either. Super shortly after, there are now 2 smaller bulges above, reaching my stomach, and it starts to hurt actively, so I tell my parents thinking it's a hernia. I go to a family doctor, then a small health center, then get an ultrasound, then go to a small hospital, then get a surgery, and they all tell me the exact same thing: it's a fat cyst. Fast forward to October of 2022 and after 12 chemo and 15 radio I'm finally done, it was Hodgkin's lymphoma.


I get a small one sometimes if I squat too heavy on my lower right side of my abs. Thats why I prefer hack squats.


That's Bulgarian Split Squats eliminated from my routine. Good.


The best workout motivation section is surely not in this comments box. 😢


This is why I go slow and controlled on those types of movement. He was flying through those Bulgarian split squats.


I definitely had a sports hernia. I slowed down 1 shot(90 ft) of anchor chain that we were raising from 2 decks below from the flight deck. I had some sailors on the bottom guiding the chain into position laying it down. I had 6 female sailors and me with one other male lifting and raising the anchor chain. When it slipped about a foot, all females let go and ran away. Only me and the other male held on so the anchor chain would not kill the sailors below decks. I kept yelling at the females to get back on the chain before somebody dies. It was about 15 feet i slowed it down before they all came back and helped me raise it off the deck and check for casualties and damage below decks.

My thigh muscles with hip and lower was shot. I had to lay down on the deck for 30 minutes because it was hurting so much. Felt like my lower back to my grown area muscles was pulled all the way down to the deck flooring. Everything was tight and felt heavy.

Unfortunately, because we were preparing for a towing exercise with another warship. I was refused to seek medical care outside of advanced first aid. I ended up taking a few days of leave and went to my hometown to get my back looked at by a chiropractor and paid for it out of pocket. The Doctor said my back looked like somebody in their senior years after years of hard labor and a major car accident. I was only 28 years old at the time. After years of denied requests, i was finally able to get it examined, physical therapist, xrays, cat scan, documentation all within my last 2 years of service before retirement. I ended up on LIMDU(Limited Duty) because i accumulated so many injuries over my career that i had to be taken off of sea duty. Medical doctors gave me a hard time because it was "now i'm having it looked at"... good thing i have documentation of pain and complaints with repeated requests denied for my mentioned injuries.

Sorry for the long story. Aside from just the back injury. I have more injuries added up enough to be 100% disabled and forced to retire after 22 years in the Navy.

I am not asking for sympathy and not trying to brag about Disability. I am just cautioning the delay of treatment may prevent you from ever fully recovering and forced to change life activities. I don't wish that on anyone. Get the Doctor to look at it. I didn't have that option, you do. Again i apologize for the long story and explanation. Its one.of.my chief complaints about military health care.


Loook at how heavy he’s lifting. And he lifted so quickly and carelessly. Take your time my friend


Damn. He's in shape and still got one


my dad has had 3 hernias, most were when i was really really young but the most recent i was around 12 (8ish years ago). he would talk about the pain like if it was one of the worst he had ever felt.


I've had a sports hernia years ago. Absolutely horrible and such a pita to deal with.

You would feel alright and healed, and yet, anything can flare it back again.

It took me 6 months to fix it. I ended up going to a sports doctor - the treatment itself took another few months.


Heavy weights, check
Fast reps, check
Bouncy reps, check
Improper breathing, also check
