Regeneration Causes Faith?

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In this session, Leighton and Warren will review the Twitter comments and offer their views and criticism.

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📚 The Potter's Promise: A Biblical Defense of Traditional Soteriology

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#Calvinism #Regeneration #Response


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Idol Killer is committed to spreading the Gospel and making disciples of Christ. We are dedicated to promoting classic orthodox Christian doctrine (pre-Augustinian) and in doing so exposing extra-Biblical corrupt philosophies and presuppositions.

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Them saying nonCalvinists think that their faith is a “work” and earns merit has to be the biggest straw man ever.

God's Word says that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus and not by our own efforts or works (Ephesians 2:8-9)

I think it’s pretty obvious.


MacArthur's conclusion on John 3: --- Jesus was telling Nicodemus that he didn't have control over his salvation. Wow. Talk about straining a text to read your position into it.


No one can hate Flowers for basing his arguments on a stronger, more correct adherence to Calvinism than the people who actually subscribe to the false doctrine.

Unfortunately, some Calvinists don’t actually realize what their doctrine declares.


Regeneration NEVER precedes faith, that is "another gospel"


McArthur literally said that their doctrine of regeneration preceding faith is a logical, rational conclusion. Amen. It is NOT ever stated in Scripture that way, it is an assumption, especially when Scripture clearly says faith precedes regeneration. When I put my complete faith in Jesus, God changed me, ie. regenerated me. There was a notable change in me, a before and after faith change.


I love you two guys.
I have a testimony id like to give. It would demonstrate why guys just like us ate all the more passionate about the gospel and not the anti gospel.


I'm not a huge commenter in general, but I appreciate this episode. I especially appreciated when Dr. Flowers started discussing walking in the Sprirt and sharing the testimony of the young couple. That was a breath of fresh air. I love theology and continue to grow in my love for that, but I have to remember to go on walks and spend time with the Father. I think we often get too caught up in theological discourse and debate to the point where we miss the point; we can get so focused on trying to explain and understand God that we can miss Him entirely. Theology is meant to bring us closer to God not just cognitively but emotionality and relationally as well. And as we all strive after God let us remember to do this as brothers and sisters. God bless!


Oh, man. There are a lot of really good ordo saludis passages here from Leighton!


So basically they believe that the indwelling of the Holy Spirit preceeded faith in Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Now that's another gospel.


Warren and Leighton - Thanks so much. I am currently having conversations with a Reformed friend about this very topic. This will help me very much. Much appreciated!


I hadn't finished listening when I left my first comment. The 1:50:08 to the end conversation more about "heart matters" between Warren and Leighton was so beautiful - as much needed as the first 1:50! Thanks again.


Regeneration is an ongoing process of transforming one’s mind into the mind of Christ; regeneration takes place over the lifetime of the believer as the believer, on a daily basis, recognizes his recuring sin and fallen nature and repents of his weaknesses and transgressions and asks forgiveness and deliverance from evil.


The apostles were predestinated from "before" the foundation. We believe "after we hear" their words or testimony.
I'm not sure why Calvinists disregard the extraordinarily plain language of before and after. And I'm also baffled as to why non-Calvinists don't recognize the same dichotomy between the apostles who were "the first to hope in Christ" and the rest of us who believe through their words. Eph 1 Jn 17


What a BEAUTIFUL attitude and perspective to have Warren! May God bless you! Min 1:53:42


Macarthur takes the analogy of birth waaay past into illogical territory? Well done, he made the same mistake as Nicodemus did.


First question we need to answer, is "What is regeneration" exactly?
To answer that we would need to look at all the relevant texts, in particular 1 Peter 1, the only place this word in Greek occurs:
anagegennemenoi (Strong's G313)

Then we ought to carefully at the Parable of the Seed, since Peter likens the regeneration to seed, or says that divine seed is the way we are generated (or born, the problem is Greek is not gender specific!)

In the parable, Jesus denies salvation only to the path group:
"These are those who the devil steals the word from their heart, lest they believe and are saved."

Note well, God is profligate with his seed, scattering it everywhere. There is no lack of seed.

Furthermore, we need to note that for a long time, infant baptism was considered enough to satisfy the requirement for regeneration and new birth. Luther and Calvin both believed this as well as all Catholics.

It's only with the rise of Baptists do these things become somewhat obsessive, since so much is placed up front. Calvinism provided for this obsession, and to be fair, they were obsessive too, but about election, not regeneration per se. They simply made the case that regeneration had to come first, as a birth or generating of something has to come first logically.

So, today's Baptists are speaking a somewhat different language. This is not say they're not right, only to caution everyone to be fair to our history and not talk past each other in hubris.

Comments welcome.


I listened to the same people when i was coming out of new age when i was 26, i am 48 now.

And i was going to several different churches, and felt lonely and confused. I knew Christianity was the only option left, but i had no idea the state of most churches.

And i think many taught calvinism or was influenced in their thinking by calvinism. And i had no idea what calvinism was or that it had this much influence.

I eventually started to rarely go to church because sometimes the way people preached, it made God sound unloving and light a gaslighting entity.

But i could not figure out why those people preached like that until recently and started understanding calvinism and connecting the dots.

Im doing a open mic today at 5pm eastern standard, for calvinists to come on and answer questions.
Not sure if any will, i basically want to cover why they think its ok to not be able to tell a person "God loves you."

I asked calvinists i know if they could say this sincerely to any person, all people, and was a little surprised at their long essay answers which basically resulted in "not really".

So how can a person preach the gospel if the person can't tell another person that God loves them?

To me, this was central in persuading anyone to faith.


29:25 -- Not only is God to be blamed for Dereks unbelief, but God is MORE PLEASED to withhold faith from Derek and desires and wants him to remain in his dead condition.

While faith is pleasing to God, in Calvinism, withholding faith is even MORE pleasing to God, since nothing happens other than what God decrees.


Calvinism goes to the extreme. It also often gets the conditions for why God does what He does wrong.


Hebrews 11:5&6 Faith is vital!! It is impossible to please GOD WITHOUT IT!!
